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Grade 12 Sample Essays (Sample LS and SE Essays)


animated-butterfly-image-0289Theme: Technology (LS/SE)


Essay 1: Evidence-Based Writing

Gullible Youth: Young and Impressionable

Technology hampers self-expression and development by exposing users to popular images and people on the Internet, leading to imitation and loss of originality. The youth are particularly affected, blindly trying to imitate these figures. One of the deadly results this has caused is a significant increase in suicides among young people, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) concludes, “The number of suicides in females aged 15-24 increased 87 percent over the past 20 years. And among males aged 15-24, the number of suicides rose by 30 percent over that same time period.” Studies have linked suicidal thoughts to platforms like Instagram. The University of Utah Health states, “...among teenagers who reported suicidal thoughts, 6 percent in the U.S. traced them back to Instagram.” Ultimately, technology and the digital world promote conformity and hinder individuality, endangering the next generation through turning individuals into copies of one another and through limiting exposure to diverse perspectives.

One scrolls on the Internet and finds little to no distinction between one person and another. The popular images that appear are often of the wealthy flaunting their extravagant items and lavish lifestyle. This portrayal sets an unrealistic standard that society strives to achieve at any cost. As a result, people are constantly driven to pursue materialistic goals and measure their worth based on their ability or inability to attain such luxuries and extravagance. By nature, people always aim to present themselves in a way that is deemed acceptable or popular. A large deal of this originates in trends. They set the bar momentarily; they decide how high or low it is. People follow lead, often heedlessly, and lose their personal authenticity. The issue with trends, however, is their impermanence. They come and go. One finds post after post, and it is a trend after trend. These posts reach a young and impressionable audience, which should not be exposed to such ineffectual influence. Ineffectual is the influence as the CDC and University of Utah Health conclude. Most influencers do not intend for such unfortunate events to occur, but they do not realize their actions set the bar that the young look up to and aim to follow.

Technology also impedes individuality through personalized recommendations and targeted advertising, creating filter bubbles and limiting exposure to diverse perspectives. Algorithms track and observe one’s activity across their accounts and adapt to their likings and dislikings accordingly. The result is more exposure to content the user is already familiar with, and distance from new recommendations they may, or may not, find controversial. Such are filter bubbles; an internet user encounters information and opinions that conform to and reinforce their already-existing beliefs. Additionally, constant connectivity and reliance on digital communication erodes face-to-face interactions, individual expression, and genuine human connections. Persons themselves have opened up about their struggle with fundamental skills, such as placing an order face-to-face or asking an employee the whereabouts of a certain item. Technology has allowed for online-order placement and online-grocery shopping. Thus, technology promotes conformity, limits exposure to diverse perspectives, and changes communication methods; all are elements that partake in leading to the diminishing of personal authenticity and individuality.

In conclusion, technology and the digital world are allies of conformity that inhibit self-expression and self-development. They undermine authenticity and pose a great threat to the coming generations. It is paramount that individuals be aware of these outcomes and actively seek methods to balance technology usage with the preservation of their own unique identities. Where there is a will, there is a way. Outshine the rest, and be yourself!

Done by: Al-Hanoof Ali

           11A, 2023-2024

           AlHekma International School

Essay 2 : Classification Essay

Prompt: Write a well-organized classification essay in which you develop the disadvantages of technology.
                                     Beware: It Bites
      “We can’t jump off bridges anymore because our iPhones will get ruined. We can’t take skinny dips in the ocean because there’s no service on the beach and adventures aren’t real unless they’re on Instagram. Technology has doomed the spontaneity of adventure and we’re helping destroy it every time we Google, check-in, and hashtag.” This quote depicts how technology has changed humans’ lives and mutated social norms and habits altering the quality of a human being turning him into a machine controlled instead of being the one in control. This indeed specifies how technology has made a huge atrocious impact on humans and their lives. And the negative impacts of technology here are specified into the three fields of social life, economy, and the field of health and medicine.
       To begin with, technology has negatively affected one’s social life and norms on a wide scale. Technology has had a great role in disrupting and destroying family bonds and ties minimizing one’s social interaction with the outside world by the act of excessively using video games and technological gadgets which in turn causes social isolation which may lead to some psychological problems. Nevertheless, technology has resulted in the increase of the cases of crime and violence due to displaying violent and notorious scenes on the T.V and the internet. Moreover, technology has also resulted in the deterioration of scholastic outcomes and records due to wasting time on social media, playing video games, and watching TV.
     Technology has also tremendously changed the world’s economy. To begin with, advanced technology has caused the loss of jobs due to machines replacing human beings making employees expendable and useless. Furthermore, factories and businesses are extremely relying on technology, for the production is greatly affected by the flaws and malfunctions of a machine. In addition to that, lots of machines at factories require internet connection to function, thus the production is reduced and killed when the internet connection is lost. Moreover, technology has caused a drastic increase in the rates of immigration, for technology has released workers from their jobs causing poverty and unemployment, so one has to search for an alternative way to earn his living. As such, people are forced to seek immigration to foreign countries as an alternative means of earning money.
         Furthermore, technology has a huge impact on the field of health and medicine, for besides its enormous advantages in this field which are mainly easier diagnosis of diseases and the creation of better pills and medicines, technology has awful drawback in this field. To begin with, it has caused the loss of sight due to the great amount of time spent using technological gadgets. The improvement of medical gadgets and development of better pills and medicines lead to the uprise and upsurge of the medical costs. The dependence on medical machines and instruments may lead to a fault and inaccurate diagnosis thus false treatment which in turn may lead to death or long-term sickness.
        This is life in modern times where man is being blinded by the instruments which he created, instruments that are supposed to help and facilitate human lifestyle. But man isn’t aware of the hazardous calamities and problems awaiting him. Man should open his eyes and wake up before technology bites him hard, a bite which he won’t be able to recover from.
Hadi Koubeissy 


                                                  The Dark Side

    "Amanda Todd" was an untroubled and unruffled paragon of virtue in the heavenly cyber kingdom until she was misled to the abode of the damned by an incognito ogre who asked her to flash her topless body to him and sadly did… A year later, the anonymous sent the "boo-boo" to everyone, and it went viral leaving Amanda a languorous victim of his ailment, for the only option for her was leaving this unfair world due to the burdens technology has created which let ignorant people end the lives of the innocent by changing ethics of humanity. It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity, for technology sure has created global controversy about the direction of its moral compass. That being said, disadvantages of technology are dominating myriad domains including the social, economic and medical ones. 
   To begin with, one of the substantial domains technology has an impact on is the social domain. The excessive use of technology has destroyed family bonds where families only meet during religious celebrations and funerals. Face-to-face interaction is lost due to being isolated for hours spending time on video games and surfing the net rather than having a normal conversation with another pupil. Also, the absence of parents' control leads to ruining the manners of kids due to notorious scenes they are seeing on TV and the net that cause the increase in cases of crime and violence such as children applying the WWE tricks on their siblings. Such situations have created a sense of reliability on technology diminishing the intelligence of upcoming generations. 
     Another category technology has an impact on is economical. Technology is used excessively in industries. Industries and industrial companies use technological gadgets such as machines and robots in an unbelievable manner which increases unemployment enormously since those machines are taking the place of human employees. As such, statistics show a drastic increase in the rates of immigration and illegal immigration. Besides, companies which use technology a lot in their work are paying, unintentionally, more money in fixing those machines which leads to the increase of money paid on them and thus to the deterioration of the economic cycle which will affect the whole country. In addition, as technological devices become more advanced and complicated, only specialized professionals such as mechanics and programmers have the ability to fix a problem which would stop the work of the company waiting for the gadget to get fixed. 
   Technology has also had an enormous amount of medical/health effects on humanity. Suffering from severe health issues including backache and sight issues is due to the great amount of time spent while watching TV, chatting, typing essays, and playing video games. For instance, a student would be forced to cope with a backache after typing lengthy essays just to satisfy his astounding, flabbergasting, ravishing, and incredibly demanding English language teacher. Moreover, lethal and fatal effects are caused due to technical errors and malfunction in medical machines and robots, for it is not uncommon for a computer system to face technical errors which would cause the death of people under surgery. 
    Beyond the shadow of doubt, technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. One must beware its lethal and detrimental drawbacks and disadvantages and be aware of its numerous advantages to know how to exploit and utilize it properly, for one should enslave technology rather than be enslaved by it. One must be extremely precautious because, “Whenever science makes a discovery, the devil grabs it while angels are debating the best way to use it.” 

                                                                                                      Mohammad Ayash
Sample 3:

The Aftermaths of Technology

         “This is perhaps the most beautiful time of human history; it is really pregnant with all the creative possibilities it makes possible by science and technology which now constitute the slave of man if man isn’t and enslaved by it.” This quote depicts how technology has made a huge impact on humans, for it has the potential to change their lives with the creative possibilities it makes possible. However, technology is a double-edged sword that also embodies hazardous and cataclysmic effects, for it has mutated social norms and habits altering the quality of a human being and turning him into the tool of his own tool. Technology which was supposed to assist people in their daily chores and facilitate their lives seems to have lost its basic role and trespassed it to much more than that. The excessive use of technology may result in many catastrophic effects. Those impacts can be classified into social and physical ones.

         To begin with, some of the detrimental effects of technology are classified into a social category. The excessive use of technology causes social isolation, for nowadays people, especially teenagers, spend their time surfing the net and playing video games instead of having normal conversations with their families. Lack of face to face interaction is another cataclysmic and treacherous impact of technology where families only meet in occasions like funerals or on holidays like Thanks giving and Christmas. Unfortunately, cases of adultery are escalating on a regular basis among couples with the excessive spread of social media. Accompanied by the doubts of a skeptic and doubtful spouse, this would lead to an upsurge in the rate of divorce and family disintegration even if the partner is innocent of all the accusations that he/she might be on the receiving end of. Moreover, with the easy access to notorious scenes and movies, people and mainly teenagers and kids are being exposed to things they are too young to be exposed to. Add to that the escalation in cases of cyber bullying taking place and causing an increase in suicide.

  Yet another category of impacts imposed by the excessive use of technology is in the physical and health field. Spending a lot of time on social media results in dreadful physical and health issues such as obesity and sight issues. After all, not leaving one’s couch while playing video games and surfing the net or playing games on the smartphones would definitely turn one into a couch potato and ultimately increase his weight. No wonder then that the rate of obesity is in an ongoing rise. In addition to that, one might suffer from backaches and headaches due to the great amount of time spent working on laptops or computers and watching television. Some studies also claim that being subjected to a lot of video games and movies would lead to a decrease in one’s focus and concentration. 

       As a conclusion, technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master that embodies brutish social and health effects. One must beware the ways in which he uses and cultivates technology and to what extent that is done, for one should enslave technology rather than be enslaved by it because “Whenever science makes a discovery, the devil grabs it while angels are debating the best way to use it.” 

                                                                                                                            Lynn Ayyash

Point by Point Compare Contrast Essay

Old Vs. Modern Times
      “The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.”  This quote by Karl Marx refers to the lethargy, languor, and element of dependence that escalate in people upon depending on technology and gadgets to do the job. Technology which was supposed to be a means to an end and to assist people in doing their daily chores in great efficiency seems to have lost its basic role and trespassed it to much more than that. As such, life in modern times has changed a lot from the old one. This difference is highly displayed in daily chores and work field.
      To begin with, daily chores have been highly influenced by the emergence and dominance of technology. It goes without saying that one’s lifestyle has changed a lot due to the use of technology, for by the time old house wives used to do all their house chores like mopping, dusting, dishwashing, and laundry by their bare hands, today’s housewives have become more dependent. Vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, laundry and dry cleaning machines, and microwaves are there now to assist, if not replace, housewives in their daily errands. And women still wonder why men no longer rush to get married or why they keep on gaining weight.
       Yet another difference caused by the advent and supremacy of technology is that in the work field. Technological development has led to the creation of robots and other mechanical devices that were supposed to assist people in their work and help get things done at a faster pace. Earlier, it used to take hours to get a pipe done; however, a hydraulics machine can get it done in less than 30 minutes these days and with greater efficiency. This, along with the fact that having an accurate machine get the job done instead of a working hand would mean lifting off the burden of wages, has led to the replacement of human beings, the creators, by their creation at their workplace.
      As a conclusion, Nick Joaquin’s saying, “The point is not how we use a tool, but how it uses us.”  is unquestionably true. People should beware the ways in which they cultivate technology and to what extent that is done, for technology has the potential and power to reshape and restructure the life as we know it into a whole new version. As such, people should use it wisely.
                                                                      Done by: Miss Batoul Ali Saad     2013-2014

Essay 3: Cause-Effect Essay

Multi-Causes Essay about Developing Technology

Causes behind Developing Technology

      “The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.” The excellence the human race hopes to obtain will be achieved by the sweat of they who dedicated their time into the development of technology and the discoveries in the fields of science. With the access to billions of information by a couple of clicks, the ability to communicate with someone on the other side of the world, and the increased production in all industries, one can’t but agree that technology will propel us into the flourishing future even though some argue that a connected world is a vulnerable world where one will witness privacy breaches. This adamant attempt at developing technology is the inevitable outcome of myriad causes. These causes vary between social and economic.

    Nations worldwide work arduously on developing their technology for a slew of social purposes, including social betterment and addressing a social problem. Designers of technology in some cases may have to invent or redesign a product for social betterment. This includes inventing a game for people who cannot see or hear, redesigning a toy so that it is fire safe, inventing an environment friendly motor vehicle, and designing communication technologies, GPS mobile phone coverage, Internet, prosthetic limbs, and cars with specifications for disabled people. Yet another reason why technology is in an ongoing progress is that it is often developed in response to a social problem. For example, in order to fortify border security, technologies like luggage and body scanners have been developed. 

    Moreover, technological development is often pursued for a plethora of economic purposes, such as boosting sales and competing with other technologies in the market. To begin with, one major reason behind developing technology is to exploit its benefits in the economic field, helping the producer reach the biggest number of customers possible, even if it meant invading their personal space at home. With the development of Internet and other types of social media, producers have been provided with a platform for marketing their products and reaching customers worldwide online. Yet another cause behind further developing technological innovations is to compete with other existing technologies. For instance, electrical appliance companies wanting to be the first on the market with a new and better DVD that allows consumers to record movies as well as view movies, would strive to get it done in order to outshine their competitors, and gaming consoles are continually being developed and improved to replace their predecessors.

     In conclusion, as mentioned earlier, technology has forged a whole new world, a connected world in the most sophisticated and complex manner, but also simple enough for people of all ages to benefit from; only a blind man would be unaware of its gains. The master of a game is the one who knows how to play all his cards playfully, so when will people come to their senses, accept the technological advances, cultivate them, employ them, and wage war against their downsides rather than against them? 


Technology: Embrace or Shun?

      We live in the era of information and knowledge powered by the continuous advancements in technology that is continuously powered by the advancements in science and that couldn't be described better than Edward Teller’s famous quote, “The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.” The excellence the human race hopes to obtain will be achieved by the sweat of they who dedicated their time into the development of technology and the discoveries in the fields of science. With the access to billions of information by a couple of clicks, the ability to communicate with someone on the other side of the world, and the increased production in all industries, one can’t but agree that technology will propel us into the flourishing future even though some argue that a connected world is a vulnerable world where one will witness privacy breaches.
    To begin with, technology offers the ability to attain knowledge in a way never imagined before. All humans are born curious; they feel the urge to know why and how, and with technology that urge can be satisfied easily. Also, students can find millions of scholar papers that will surely help them acing an exam or getting that doctorate of philosophy. Sites on the net and search engines like Google and others have facilitated this process, giving anyone and everyone easy access to all kinds of info. For instance, a site like Sparks Notes is first go-to place when doing a piece on Literature.
      Moreover, technology heals a heartbroken family who is pained by the fact that their son needs to work abroad, for technology has forged a way out, a source of salvation. You can communicate with anyone anywhere at any time as long as they are exploiting what technology has to offer, and technology has a lot to offer since all means of communication have become within one’s fingertips. Phones, Internet, and a slew of Social Media Apps like WhatsApp, Viber, Tango, Line, Facebook, Messenger, and many others have transformed the world into one small village where one can easily know what it happening across the globe as it happens and can reach anyone at any time he feels like it at a very cheap price if not for free. That aided in solving one’s social problems; long-distance relationships now have a higher chance to actually work out. Family members can stay in touch, and businesses are thriving worldwide due to the free online marketing platform the Internet provides.
   Speaking of businesses, production rates are skyrocketing in all corporations thanks to technology. A bakery that produced 10 pieces of bread in an hour now mass-produces 1000 pieces of bread in an hour thanks to machines, mark “mass-produces.” With the introduction of machinery, mass-production has been achieved allowing businesses to thrive and ensuring the largest number of people is supplied with their essential needs. In addition to that, social media and the internet have become the number one marketing platforms that helps producers invade their customers’ households and reach a wider scale of patrons and clients which would back their attempts at edifying their businesses and make them flourish.
     Critics of this notion argue that technology marks all people vulnerable for preying criminals to attack. It even endangers the safety one yearns for at his own home, and that “safe like home” is no longer a valid saying. Such a development in technology entails and brings about atrocious monstrosities such as con artists that might easily dupe one into buying a product that doesn’t match the actual descriptions, hackers that would snoop into one’s privacy, catfishers who would exploit one’s desperate need for companionship even if through a screen, and cyber bullies who want a new sphere to sharpen their fangs and sink them deep into an innocent’s social life.   But these critics tend to disregard that the pros outweigh the cons, and that cyber security has and will continue to patch up more vulnerabilities. They tend to forget that nothing comes without a price. So, instead of deeming something deadly, why not cultivate it while hunting down its downsides and smothering them?
     As mentioned earlier, technology has forged a whole new world, a connected world in the most sophisticated and complex manner, but also simple enough for people of all ages to benefit from; only a blind man would be unaware of its gains. The master of a game is the one who knows how to play all his cards playfully, so when will people come to their senses, accept the technological advances, cultivate them, employ them, and wage war against their downsides rather than against them?
                                                            Done by: Moussa Haidous

                                                              Edited by: Batoul Ali Saad


Topic: AED

Automatic External Defibrillator: A Ticket out of Death
    Life is lived once; everyone wants to fulfill his or her dreams and goals before he or she dies, but sometimes unlucky people lose a chance to live calling forth the death of their dreams and hopes. According to the latest statistics, 63% of the unexpected deaths are caused by heart attacks which were hardly noticed earlier. Yet, science and technology were able to invent a machine called “Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)” which, according to real studies, saves life increasing the rate of cardiac arrest survival and doesn’t require experts.
    To begin with, cardiac survival was considered earlier as a case of chance, but nowadays, AED has posed a contradiction to that concept since lifesaving has increased by 45% after 7 years of using it, for it requires less than 1 minute to save the patient and it can be kept at home, in the car, or in any other place. Time is considered the main factor that can affect lifesaving, for each 1 minute passes decreases the chance of survival by 10%. This complicates things in crowded cities since the ambulance can barely reach the patient before losing the rate of survival. Add to that, AED costs 3000$ which can be owned by most people in developed countries and it can be given to people and equip cars with them by governments and United Nations bodies such as the WHO. As an example, Steve Parinisi, 30 years old, once faced a cardiac arrest on Monday afternoon on December 30 on 1996 in Bolson’s Logan Airport but he was able to survive because of the AED before the medics arrived and his lifesaving took 1 minute. After this incident, Parisini says “I was within a minute of death but AED gave me back my life.”
    The most important benefit of AED is that it doesn’t require experts, for it is programmed to work alone and give instructions for the person who is saving. AED is unlike any other device or any other survival technique that needs training courses, for by pressing a button, it delivers the shock. Also, it gives record voices for the one administering it in order to act properly; thus, it doesn’t need experience, and it is available to be used by all people.
    As a conclusion, thousands of lives can be saved easily; all what is needed to rescue heart arrest victims is to spread the AED everywhere making it available to be used by all people. This must be accompanied by awareness campaigns to display its importance in order to introduce this machine and encourage people to use it. Also, its use should be supported by the United Nations specially WHO. Thus, technology has reached a point where it has dominated the world, so let it be a tool to live and not only to survive.

                                                         Done by: Sara Khalil



     “You just can’t differentiate between a robot and the best of humans.” Throughout history, it has been assumed that robots will one day be able to mimic and simulate human behavior and manage tasks in a human-like fashion. Today, Robotics is a rapidly growing field, as technological advances of gadgets, innovations, and inventions are soaring and rocketing invading every aspect and nook and cranny in one’s life and leaving a gargantuan impact that only a blind man would be oblivious about. The impacts and effects of robots on myriad fields are innumerable, especially on the medical field, social field, and environmental field.
     To begin with, technological gadgets simulated by robots in the medical field have benefited people in many ways. Through the use of such robots, people can live healthier and more productive lives. Many individuals who have previously been chronically ill, disabled, or suffering from chronic pain can now look forward to leading normal or close-to-normal lives. For example, minimally invasive surgical techniques which are now used to treat “aneurysms” can mean a recovery time of around four weeks, compared with over a year for older procedures. Robots are being used to undergo critical and accurate surgeries because robot arms are more accurate than human arms, and the possibility of an error is much less which increases the rate of success of many surgeries. Issuing and launching new medical techniques used by robots have developed significantly by 13% from the year 2014. Such techniques and procedures paved the way for modernism and modernization in this field, and traditional techniques have been blanked out knowing that they involved higher risk for hemorrhage, infections, and long hospital stay. Moreover, scientists are testing “NANO DNA robots” on animals; those robots are used to detect the cancer cells in the human body and use an anticancer antidote to kill them. 
      Another field affected by the noticeable progress of robots is the social field. To people, robots have come of age. These machines have increased tremendously in ability over the last decade, reaching further than simple applications after they were initially used for simple tasks. The elderly are a perfect example for the robotic need in life, for they can't always have a sense of awareness about themselves, for as everyone knows, the human memory span and concentration become fragile and weak after a certain age, so a 1000 Gigabyte memory would sure come in handy in the application of a certain daily routine. Robots would also fulfill accurate and tidy home chores allowing women to get even more involved in the fields of work, and decrease stress-caused physical and mental disorders. Nowadays, robots are also used to help autistic children in learning and playing; those robots such as NAO robots are expected to be spread worldwide because they facilitate the work of the autistic child’s teachers and even parents.
     The environmental field is one of the most vital and important fields affected by robots. Robotic innovations are helping scientists understand and combat environmental threats such as pollution and global warming. From gathering data, to conserving resources, and eliminating hazardous materials, robots are on the move to save the planet. For instance, Robotic subs have been used to gauge global warming, monitor water pollution and fishing problems. When oil spills occur, robots will be used to clean and monitor water pollution. Furthermore, Robotic bugs may be the future of air pollution control. These tiny patrollers purify airborne materials like formaldehyde and cigarette smoke. In addition to that, one of the most helping characteristic of robots is that they are metallic which means they are not susceptible to germs or wastes. This point enables communities to use robots as cleaners for toxic, polluted, and dangerous areas instead of putting workers’ health and life in danger. The strong elements exploited in the construction of robots fortify them enough to be used in times of crisis and rescue missions during earthquakes, fires, tsunamis, or volcanoes’ eruption.
     As a conclusion, the future of robotics has never looked brighter. But one can say that the dazzling, baffling, and the stunning progress is yet to be portrayed and revealed in the future, where the human race seems to be living in a world that lies under the authenticity of technological robots. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. That being said, humans mustn't mistake robots for souls. Utilize a tool, and it will serve you; glorify a tool, and it will lead you. 

                                                          Done by: Sara Hammoud

Topic: Disadvantages of the Internet

Drawbacks of Internet

      The point is not how one uses a tool but how it uses him/her. Technology is a hazardous and widely spread malady that is abolishing every single house and obliging everyone to be its slave. Internet is one of the destructive branches of technology that has proved to be one of the deadliest and most fatal of all technological advances, innovations, and gadgets due to the plethora and slew of calamitous impacts that it embodies. Some of these effects entail a variety of social and psychosocial bearings which would leave a lingering cataclysmic imprint on one’s life.
      To begin with, technology has countless menacing social effects, ones that could devastate one beyond repair. Amanda Todd, a sixteen-year-old American teen, is one of the most notable life examples of the perilous downsides of technology and who has suffered from its myriad social drawbacks. Unfortunately, Amanda has been on the receiving end of one of the Internet’s monstrosities, cyberbullying. As a teenager, she committed the forbidden and lowered her guard by chatting with one of the screen monsters and cyberspace villains who eventually lured her and convinced her to flash him and send him photos doing so; before she knew it, she had become a fresh victim of cyberbullying with her photos published as profile pictures on fake Facebook accounts. Amanda was being mocked by her schoolmates and bullied by them. No one approved of her after she was repulsively scandalized on social media. As such, she isolated herself after being called a surplus of mocking names and being sneered at; hence, she suffered the biting effect of being socially isolated.

       Moreover, the psychosocial downsides of technology and social media cannot go unnoticed, for they can leave scorching scars. To illustrate, Amanda was psychosocially harmed after the scandal on social media. She bore a gloomy mood and severe depression after being mocked and called names. Furthermore, Amanda lost her self-esteem and self-confidence due to the ongoing assault on Facebook and at school which made her timid, shy, and emotionally broken and devastated. Out of fear of any further humiliations, she became socially isolated avoiding any additional verbal abuse and disparaging and hateful looks from her classmates. Her depression soon made her commit suicide after posting a video making a desperate call for help, one that never came. The irony is that the same video went viral after her death. The very same people who played the lead role in her agony and torment feigned outrage and indignation and boisterously shammed all the infamous and harassing assaults done against her.

      As a conclusion, the story of Amanda Todd and the bullying that she had encountered should be well known by everyone to watch out while deploying the internet and social media. Governments, parents, and schools shouldn’t turn a blind eye on their kids who are encountering such hindrances. Governments should find ways to follow cyber bullies wherever they are and penalize them.
                     DONE BY: Jihan baydoun-Ilham diab-Diana Zahra-       

                               Diana hammoud-Amal Mansour-Rayan Mrad

Essay 8: Argumentative Essay
Topic: Space Exploration

                                                                  Is there More?
       “When people stop trying to reach new goals, the movement forward stops”. This quote highlights and asserts that people must keep on trying to discover new goals in order to develop space and unveil the mysteries found behind other planets which made our world smaller and the universe much larger. Various opinions have flourished concerning reconnoitering space, some of which are with and others against. Although some claim that space exploration is a perilous dilemma since it is expensive and leads to hazards, I support the idea of space exploration because it provides us with a wider source of advancements in science and technology and with geographical information.
         The most significant advantage of space exploration is providing us with a wider source of advancements in science and technology. There is no doubt that space exploration has been people’s crucial aim especially in nations’ technologies since it has the potential to allow us to understand more about space, the universe and its system. Many satellites have assisted the development of countless technologies including networks as internet, radios and TV’s which triggered most scientists to try new things. Moreover, that exploration facilitated communication, bestowed upon us a wide range of information, and granted us an easier life. Thus, one small step for a man made one giant leap for mankind.
          Another pro of space exploration is providing us with geographical information. It helped in presenting and showing geographical sectors we live in which gave us plenty of information about temperature and weather too. Moreover, any outgoing message could be pointed to which country, neighborhood, and even building it came out from as a result of one of space exploration’s achievements which is, the famous GPS navigating system. Add to that, most space exploration journeys and tours had changed the means of geography in our mother planet. Hence, there is a lot that people can do to turn their crude and simple life into an easier and adventurous one.
          A lot of people say that space exploration should be abolished and dwindled because it is a waste of good money. Today, plentiful questions are being asked concerning the waste of money resulting in space discovering. Millions of dollars are being spent on it which made most citizens think that instead of wasting numerous amounts of money on this activity, governments should use it for practical purposes on earth. However, people seem to forget that money is already being wasted on wars and artificial or unnecessary technological gadgets, so why not spend it on useful things instead??
         As a conclusion, space exploration is considered a huge aid to people in every sector of the globe. It is also known as an essential and substantial study to learn and discover more about planets which also helped in creating new technologies for us and in learning how to guard our earth. Despite the fact that space exploration projects need a lot of money and work, they can’t be cancelled since they present the future and dream of human kind. People should bear in mind that, “The earth is just too small and fragile a basket for the human race to keep all eggs in it.”

Done by: Hanin Abbas, Razan Kashmar, Samer Siblani, Fatima Saad, Husein Atwe, and Serena Nasser

Sample 2

         Exploration of the Unknown

    Ever since the beginning of humanity, people have asked about what surrounds their world and what is beyond that blue sky? Researches have found that the earth is a part of a space. Every time scientists try to study space, it surprises them with new unexpected things. This topic has proved to be rather controversial triggering two opposing points of view, with and against. Although some argue that space exploration is problematic since it is very expensive to do, one can't help but disagree and argue that it is quite beneficial because it gives people information about their universe and prepares humans for any unnatural phenomenon.

     One major reason why space exploration is crucial is that space discovery gives human beings more information about their solar system, galaxy, and universe. Via space exploration, man can discover new truths about earth, such as that earth is actually round, spins around the sun, and is part of a solar system, besides discovering that the color of the moon is black not white. That's how they've discovered the truth about the stars, how they are formed, and other miscellaneous information humans got due to space exploration.

      Moreover, space exploration is beneficial since it abets people in preparing for innumerable serious hazards. Due to space exploration, scientists were able to picture the problem of ozone depletion in the atmosphere in a notorious way. They have also been able to prepare humans for any unnatural phenomena that will happen like eclipses, and any falling star that will hit the earth. So, space exploration enables people to know any event or incident before it happens and its impact on the world.

       Critics of this notion argue that space discovery is problematic since it is very expensive. To launch a program to explore space and to make trips to beyond our planet costs tons of money to be done. For example, in U.S., launching such a program costs 500 million dollars. To those, it is not right to spend all that money on exploring the space when there are hundreds of people around the world dying because of poverty and hunger. However, these tend to forget that space exploration has many positive impacts. It helps in economic life by getting more than 20,000 jobs for people per agency that will decrease the percentage of unemployment and will increase people's living standards. In other words, the advantages of space exploration exceed all of its disadvantages. 

      In conclusion, even  though some argue that the exploration of space is dangerous and a cause of serious concern, one can't help but disagree. Space exploration has many advantages because it gives information about our solar system and prepares scientists for any unnatural phenomenon. Aren't such benefits worthy enough of our investments? 

 Rana Wehbi 
GS 2019/2020
Ghobeiry 2nd  Public High School for Girls

Essay 9: Case Study Essay
Topic: Effects of Addiction to Technology 

Addiction to Technology

    "People who smile while they are alone  used to be called insane, until we invented smartphones and social media," says Mokokoma Mokhonana. Technology addiction is defined as the uncontrollable overuse of technological devices, including smartphones, computers, and gaming systems. Technology addiction appears to be more prevalent among teenager than among the broader population. Technology addiction is a recently identified addiction that has not yet been medically classified but has been linked to the widespread and rapid evolvement and use of technological devices. However, technology addiction affects human life, and its effects can be classified as social, physical, and mental.
     Technology addiction comes with a colossal and painful cost, for it could leave innumerable social effects. Helen Winston, a seventeen-year-old American teenager, is a real life example of the drastic social effects that technology addiction leaves on its addicts. Internet addiction can be a significant threat to one's health and social well-being in that it enforces anti-social behaviour. The addiction can lead to the inability to communicate in the real world by depriving the addicts of the practice involved with interpersonal communication. The act of using facial expressions or certain gestures to relay intended emotion or emphasize meaning declines as the addicts substitute key strokes resembling smiley faces or avatars. In Helen's case, she found herself incapable of interacting with others; joking with friends was an arduous task. Socially, subjects become more inclined to develop personality disorders in which they identify more with the internet representation rather than their real-life personality. Ultimately, an addiction to the Internet can cripple one's ability to maintain a healthy social life. This is evident in Winston's case, for she spends her hours locked up in her room chatting, Skyping and playing video games to the extent that she can no longer hold a conversation and often feels intimidated and timid among groups. 
   Technology addiction can also trigger countless physical effects. Winston has also fallen as a prey for the physical pains of being a technology addict. Nowadays, living in a technology centric world where a majority of jobs and homework are virtual, people tend to get glued to their screens and depend on them to get their work done as well as to communicate with others, and it leaves serious physical effects including backaches, strain, and problems in vision. Helen had spinal problems due to spending hours scrolling through social media and sending text messages which strained her back, and sitting in front of the computer all day in the same position affected her stature. Staring at the screen too long exhausted Helen's  eyesight which made her vision blurry, and this gave her tension headaches. 
    Moreover, the mental effects and downsides of being a technology addict are too many to go unnoticed. Helen Winston is also a real-life example of the mental effects that technology addiction  leaves behind, for she has her fair share of insecurities. Sometimes, Helen speaks openly to others about things she should keep to herself. Moreover, comparing herself to others on social media by stalking them or staying up-to-date with her relationship status could do little to assuage feelings of  self-doubt. In addition, the excessive use of technology has had a measurable negative impact on the development and adaptation of Helen's brain, resulting in significant changes in sleep, mood concentration, memory and learning.
    In conclusion, people addicted to technology may be reacting to feelings of  helplessness, but instead of dealing with these feelings in the correct way, they immerse themselves in their gadgets. It  is a distraction from their real life and so provides temporary reprieve from the feeling of helplessness. 

Done by: Lara Saflo, Sarah Nader, Layal Hazimeh, and Nour Yehya

Ghobeiry Second Public High School for Girls


Tune in
            BREAKING NEWS: Legendary and sensational Pop-star Prince was found dead in Minneapolis… Plane crashes in Russia killing roughly 62 people… Turkey detains 15 suspects over Bursa’s suicide bombing… Belfast welcomes 57 Syrian refugees on Thursday morning… Prince George meets President Obama in a robe… 3 killer whales rescued after getting trapped by ice… Be it good or bad, authentic or false, grave or minor, news flashes and alerts enjoy a prominent role in people’s lives wherever they are. With its evolution, mass media, in all its manifestations, is simply the home of direct connections; how else are people going to know when Beyonce releases a new album, what’s happening in the political medium, where the refugees are heading, what’s altering in the environment and planet, or when’s the new season of The Vampire Diaries airing? Without media, people are likely to be isolated from the outer world unaware of the events taking place. Such a topic has posed itself as a place for argument and controversy instigating various opinions, some are with and others against. Although many claim that mass media is vain and unfortunate because it can be biased, it should be supported and motivated since it keeps people informed and connected and provides good source of entertainment. 
       One of the most notable pros of mass media that requires no double-check is keeping people informed and connected to the outer world. Media consists of several factors of different forms of technology, and each one of these factors provides the information needed in its own way. For example, television – through channels, be it academic and scientific like National Geography, or informative and analytic like BBC and CNN- keeps viewers up-to-date with news around the globe and provides them with a visual interpretation of the data, locally and internationally. Another example is the radio which sends in news in a matter of seconds to tuners anytime and anywhere; while one is driving his car, he can turn on the radio, flip through stations, and listen to the news. One cannot talk about media without mentioning the principal source of information, the internet. Social apps such as Facebook and Twitter help subscribers not to only stay in touch, but also connect and interact with the events like sending in prayers to those affected in an explosion or natural disaster. 
      Providing a source of entertainment and education is another significant pro of mass media. When talking about entertainment through technology, it is not necessarily the use of the phone; it can also be media. Do you have a much anticipated movie coming out soon? Is the new episode of your favorite sitcom out? Is the brand new album of your favorite singer or band being released soon? Media solves it all. Through TV, radio, music, Internet, and books, media manages to keep one entertained away from boredom when he is by himself and has nothing to do. Moreover, media is also a good source of education, and not the type of education one would encounter at school, but education about life and the planet. 
    Many people believe that mass media is everything but beneficial since it can be biased and false. There is no lie that there are biased websites and channels, for at the end of the day, they are human providing sources. However, how many cases of biased and false info have been indicted, and would they overlook the number of cases where authentic and unbiased news were delivered? Instead of looking at the negative side of something, one should look at its positives especially when the pros overlook the cons, and that is the case in mass media. Mass media is highly beneficial if people knew how to make use of it.
  “NEWS FLASH: Starting off today, media announces its termination. Good luck with keeping in touch…” Imagine that happening. It is impossible, right? Now that media has occurred, there is no way back; there is only evolution. A world with no medium of providing information like TV, newspapers, radios, etc. is a world with no action and no life. This life is a TV series where people are the leading roles and media is its director and producer.  
                                                                    Done by: Dania Mahmoud 


Essay 11: Argumentative Essay 
Topic: Surveillance

Surveillance: Keep or Shun?

                 As William O. Douglas once said, “We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government.” Such a statement accentuates how surveillance is taking over and how privacy is being eradicated gradually and simultaneously with the spread of surveillance, and how everything is windswept under the monitoring of the government. However, this topic has proved to be rather controversial while instigating two opposing arguments that are either with or against. Although some claim that surveillance should be garnered because they believe that public video surveillance improves public safety, one cannot help but agree with the above statement mentioned by Douglas against surveillance systems and cannot help but demand the relegation of such a system since these systems’ camera effectiveness is quite doubted and they are markedly expensive to install. 
       One major reason as to why surveillance systems should be relegated is the doubt in the effectiveness of the security camera systems. Logically, a camera will not be such a threat to those trying to act out and create riots. For example, a suicidal bomber is not going to be deterred by the fact that   there is a camera in the place. Moreover, a surveillance camera can easily be abused and damaged, leading to the loss of signal in the monitoring center, and by the time it takes to repair it, an act of rebelliousness and terrorist acts might take place without the government being fast enough to take action.
         Yet another reason as to why surveillance should be spurned is that the installation of surveillance cameras is excessively expensive. The high cost that would be paid over installing these cameras all over the country would be too overrated, as one smart camera might cost about 4,000 $ a piece, if not more. Such a fee that’s paid over a doubted productive machine can be paid in development projects around the country or used to provide aid for families in need instead of being paid over a piece of machinery that is made to crash all sources of privacy and comfortableness in public places.
         Critics of the notion argue that imposing surveillance is a must, persisting on the matter that public video surveillance improves public safety. PTZ security cameras installed in public spaces, like crossroads, stores, or parking lots do an excellent job in providing 360° seamless surveillance solutions, and this makes crime hard to take place in the presence of those cameras. They help unveil 24-hour stalkers and record all sorts of misdemeanors or felonies committed in public under the stewardship of governmental institutions that punish the wrongdoers, and crimes can be deterred before they even begin in some cases. However, what those individuals that are brainwashed by this so-called public safety provider did not consider is that, even if the rates of crimes diminish, they will still take place. In America, crime rates exceed expectations, as more than 45 infringements take place daily, and even with the surveillance being available, 56% of the criminals get arrested, but what happens to the other 44%? They escape before the government makes time to pursue, to apprehend, and to punish them. In addition to what is mentioned, privacy in public places is nowhere to be found, and although people think they are safe, they are in reality under the watch of authoritative figures just like criminals. 
         In conclusion, the presence of surveillance has indeed proved to be a controversial issue on several dimensions. However, it should always be taken into consideration that surveillance can somehow protect but cannot protect in uncountable situations where these cameras would simply get damaged and the little percentages of crimes that were put under control would be unleashed all over again, so why don’t governments simply shun surveillance?

Done by: Nour Hourani
Ghobeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

Essay 12: (Sample A and B) Argumentative about Further Developing Technology 

Should or Shouldn't

       "Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master." This quote by Christian Lous Lange asserts that technology has two faces, a constructive and a destructive one. It facilitates people's life, but it also poses a threat. The notion of further developing technology has proved to be rather controversial, triggering two opposing points of view, with and against. Although some argue that further development of technology is problematic since it might excriciate already existing idleness and isolation, one can't help but disagree and argue that it is quite beneficial because it provides people with better health services and facilitates  communication and transportation. 

     One major reason why communities should endeavor to further develop technology is that it provides people with better health services. Technological progress plays a vital role in providing urgent health and medical assistance tasks like the defibrillator which is one technological gadget that has proved to be fundamental in saving lives that could be lost because of strokes. Technology has already proved its worth in facilitating medical services and missions, including medical imaging which helps identify internal damage and ailments. Technology is unquestionably paramount for good health services. For example, development in technology has provided access to very accurate blood glucose monitoring technologies for patients who suffer from diabetes. As technology advances and explores multiple machines , it also helps save lives like machines that filter blood quickly and easily reduce the time and effort which accelerates the rescue of the patient who needs blood in surgery. 

       Yet another reason why communities should further study possible developments in technology is that it helps in facilitating  communication and transportation. To begin with, further development in technology can be translated in the form of new means of transportation. This has proved to be worth it through the time saved  due to having easier and faster means of transportation, avoiding being lost, and finding kidnapped or lost members using one major technological develoment, which is (GPS). Communication is another essential element of our daily lives and technology has proved to be critical and of great importance in this sector, for countries have evolved into open global communication via internet, social media, and technological gadgets that have changed the world into one global village. As such, one can't help but wonder what greater wonders can be attained through further developing technology. 

     Critics of this notion argue that further development of  technology is problematic since it paves way to additional idleness and isolation. With the machines and its high quality development , the unemployment rate has become very high, causing disruption in the economic cycle. Also, social isolation due to being occupied with video games, chatting with cyber friends instead of real ones , and not being used to socializing face-to-face with other people are all clear displays of the idleness brought about with the development of technology. However, these tend to forget that technology is here to facilitate things. It could connect the world transferring it into small village and could be used to create new jobs and vacancies that could replace the ones that are lost. It would be used to perfect current jobs should people use it correctly. Most importantly, the benefits it promises in the medical field and discovering the universe makes it too important to waste. 

In brief, although some argue that development of technology is causing unemployment and lack of communication, the development of technology has advantages that make investing in further discoveries and developments in this field a must.

Zahraa Mahdi
GS Ghoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

Accept or Reject? 
      "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." This quote by Albert Einstein asserts and illustrates how technology has been extended and ingrained in our society and our daily lives where we got hooked, we got a whole life inside little screens and we forget to look around us. This topic has proved to be rather controversial, arousing two opposing points of view, with and against. Although some argue that technology is considered beneficial and unleashing our humanity since it improves communication and social networking, one can't help but disagree and argue that it is quite problematic because it weakens people's mental abilities and increases cases of unemployment.

    One major reason why development of technology is considered problematic is that it weakens people's mental abilities and prowess. Even if the calculator is a good invention, people no longer make mental calculation and use their memory less. Many scientists believe that technology is the worst problem that leads to the decrease in number of intelligent people. Especially students are being endangered here since their tutor marked assignments are turned into professional attempts of online theft, for plagiarism would be evident in each and every paper they hand in. They sometimes don't even bother to paraphrase the work they have taken off the net. 

      Yet another reason why technology is problematic is that it causes an upsurge in joblessness and unemployment. Modern technology has replaced many employees by robots. Robots are doing the jobs which used to be done by humans. And here it affects on society and living situations of workers where the percentage of unemployment will increase to reach its maximum. Then, workers will have to migrate in order to search for job opportunuties.

     Critics of this notion argue that the development of technology is beneficial since it improves communication and social networking. Modern technology has blessed us with advanced communication technology tools like: email, smartphones, computers, and internet. All these modern communication technology tools have simplified the way humans and businesses communicate. Also, technology has made it simple to discover our old friends and new people to network with. This is a benefit to both individuals and businesses. However, the possibility of being overtly dependent on technology and losing our mental capacities is a major concern now, for it means that those masterminds that have created such a technology will be destroyed with the help of their very own creation.

      In conclusion, even though some argue that the development of technology is beneficial and should be supported worldwide, one can't help but disagree, for it is highly problematic, perilous, and worrying, for it leads to joblessness and weakening mental abilities and skills. Technology is indeed quite advantageous because it improves communication and social networking by encouraging innovation and creativity, but the future seems to be a bit morbid with the disadvantages that have already started to make themselves known. 

Layla Al Ghoul

Essay 13: Argumentative Essay about Space Exploration 

Sky's the Limit?

     "No matter the form of the problem, it surely has a definite solution in time or space." This quote highlights that no matter what the problem is or how impossible it is, it can definitely be cracked by space and unveil the mysteries behind other problems. Various opinions have flourished concerning further study of space, those that are with and others that are against. Although some argue that space exploration is expensive and a waste of money, one can't help but disagree since it provides communication with wider advancements of technology and helps in searching for new alternative places to live.

One major reason why space exploration is considered beneficial is that it helps in  communication between countries. To begin, businesses and organizations are being expanded geographically. They need a communication channel to run these businesses in an effective manner. This has become possible after launching satellites in the orbit. For instance, NASA, which is a reputed space organization has launched many satellites in the orbit, which are being used to broadcast the signals in the form of audio and video across the globe. Moreover, the satellite television has only become possible due the space programs, and people are able to watch the global events instantly from anywhere. Thus, it can be said that through space exploration, world communication has utterly been changed, and for this reason, it should be financially aided. 

     Yet another reason why space exploration is beneficial is that it may provide us an alternative world to live in. As global warming has become a serious concern for the whole world, scientists have started inspecting and preparing to explore and to find an alternate planet to live on. Moreover, not many people remember that owing to astronomy and space exploration, we have learned that there is water on moon, meaning that there is a possibility of existence of life. This indicates that the efforts in this case were applied for the overall benefit of mankind.

    Critics of this notion argue that space exploration is problematic and unnecessary since it is too expensive and it should be spent on other more important things. Millions of dollars are being spent on it which made most citizens think that instead of wasting gargantuan and colossal amounts of money on this activity, governments should use it for practical purposes on earth and other more significant things. However, one must not forget or downplay the direct technological and scientific impact of the space race. We should take into consideration that space exploration comes together with major technology improvements. Heavy reliance on technology triggers extensive research that develops technical knowledge, highlighting that under-funding of space exploration programs leads to poor results as  space evolution involves investigation of physical conditions, conditions in space and on stars, planets, and the moon using artificial satellites. Looking down the road, space exploration and the benefits it yields - in medicine - should not be overlooked. As much more important than a human’s life, having a healthy mind in a healthy body. To break the ice, NASA’s role in medical breakthroughs helped humans to prevent their visit to the angel of death. For example, engineers at the Johnson space center worked with Dr. Michael Debakey to develop this artificial heart pump based on the space shuttle's fuel pumps. It helps keep people healthy as they wait for heart transplants and sometimes makes a transplant unnecessary. In other words, space exploration is expensive, but it paves the way for a bigger and  brighter future for the next generations.

     In conclusion, even though humans have been looking up at space for thousands of years, the physical exploration of this frontier has been only going on for the past few decades. Our current understanding of space is unparalleled to any time before in our history, but we still only know a small fraction of what there is to learn.

Alhawraa Zainab Abdallah
GS 2019-2020
Ghoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

Essay 14: Argumentative Essay
Topic: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI: A Blessing or a Curse?

             “By far, the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.” This quote by Eliezer Yudkowsky asserts and alludes that people rush to conclusions regarding Artificial Intelligence, the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages, which is more dangerous than any possible dangers it might pose. This topic has proved to be rather controversial, triggering two opposing points of view, with and against. Although some argue that the development of AI is problematic since it would ultimately lead to the replacement of human beings by machines, one can’t help but disagree and argue that it is quite beneficial because it facilitates work and helps in risky situations.
        One major reason why the development of Artificial Intelligence is considered beneficial is that it facilitates work, saving time and leaving less room for errors. To begin with, artificial intelligence helps organize work and save time by getting things done at record time. For example, these days, advanced business establishments and organizations use digital assistants to interact with users, which helps them save time, for they can send automatic replies to inquiries and resolve issues that do not require personal attention. This helps businesses fulfil user demands without keeping them waiting. They are programmed to give the best possible assistance to a user. Moreover, since decisions taken by a machine are based on records of data and the set of algorithms, the chances of errors are reduced. This is an achievement, as solving complex problems that require difficult calculation, can be done without any scope of error.
         Yet another reason why Artificial Intelligence is beneficial is that it helps in risky situations such as helping in rescue missions and delivering humanitarian aid to inaccessible areas. First of all, AI has proved to be valuable in dangerous and precarious situations where human safety is vulnerable. In such cases, machines that are fitted with predefined algorithms can be used. For instance, nowadays, scientists are deploying complex machines to study the ocean floor where human survival becomes difficult. Unmanned robots are being used in every aspect of disaster response. They can more accurately gather data about natural disasters, like hurricanes, without putting human pilots at risk by getting close to such areas. These unmanned robots  can enter dangerous areas following a disaster to assess damage and look for survivors; and they can assist in rescue efforts. Using robots as cleaners for toxic, polluted, and dangerous areas prevents putting workers’ health and life in danger. The strong elements exploited in the construction of robots fortify them enough to be used in times of crisis and rescue missions during earthquakes, fires, tsunamis, or volcanoes’ eruption. AI could also be used to scrape information from social media posts and clue rescue workers in to the hardest hit areas and people in danger. AI could also help victims of disasters through using unmanned aerial vehicles to find survivors, using robots to communicate with trapped victims--for example, under the rubble of a building, generating the most accurate data on emerging damaged areas and computer models and simulations to predict the best ways and tools to help in different disaster situations.
         Critics of this notion argue that the development of Artificial Intelligence is problematic since it would ultimately lead to the replacement of human beings, hence increasing unemployment and poverty. Unemployment is a primary concern, for it is quite possible that AI will displace many low skilled jobs. Since, in the automated world communities are heading to, machines can work 24/7 with no break, industries favor investing in machines rather than humans, resulting in a large-scale unemployment. A real-time example of this is the concept of driverless cars, for if this kicks in, millions of drivers will be left unemployed in the future. However, these tend to forget that technology is here to facilitate things and doesn’t have to be the enemy. It could be used to help better a job rather than take it away. For example, data entry clerks can learn new skills to be able to oversee the machines doing the data entry, turning a disappearing job into a more highly paid promotion. Rather than replacing journalists, bots , autonomous programs on a network which can interact with systems or users, could be the hired researcher with the ability to pull up statistics and unearth interesting patterns in data, leading to entirely new ways of telling and presenting stories. In other words, the advance in AI would replace low skilled jobs, but it paves the way for better ones and saves millions of lives which is more important than a low paid post.  
          In conclusion, even though some argue that the development of AI is worrying and a cause of serious concern since it would eventually lead to unemployment through replacing human beings by machines, one can’t help but disagree. AI is indeed quite advantageous because it facilitates work and helps in risky situations. After all, when combined, autonomous machines and AI algorithms, are a significant force multiplier in countries’ ability to protect people and property in the face of disaster.
                                                                             Done by: Batoul Ali Saad

animated-butterfly-image-0289Theme: Environment and Natural Disasters         (LS/SE)


Argumentative Essay: Are natural disasters the outcome of human activities?
A Progeny of Self Destruction

         “There is a way that nature speaks. Most of the time, we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story.” This quote alludes that Mother Nature has its own way of communicating its state with humanity, yet people are often unaware of the signals being sent forth. They fail to decipher the subtle messages being sent their way and to sound the alarms regarding the atrocious deeds of violence they are encountering every now and then in the form of natural disasters, Unfortunately, doom and gloom go hand in hand these days due to the drastic escalation in environmental problems and the upsurge in the rate of natural disasters that are attacking worldwide. However, this has become a rather controversial and juicy topic since various opinions have flourished concerning the role of human activities in natural disasters, for some believe that such disasters are purely natural while others argue that human activities are behind several disasters such as cyclones, storms, and floods. Although some claim that natural disasters are the outcome of natural purposes, it is undeniable that human activities like industrialization and lack of responsibility accompanied by ongoing greed are key factors behind the presence of natural disasters.

        The human industrialization is one of the most notable human activities to cause natural disasters. To begin with, the industrial sector is highly responsible for the great amount of CO2 and CFC gases’ release into the atmosphere, for the greenhouse gases released during the production process are extremely lethal because these gases prevent heat from exiting planet earth which would consequently lead to the upsurge in temperature. Such uprising in Earth’s temperature is causing the melting of polar ice caps and thus increasing the sea level which would subsequently lead to floods and tsunamis. Furthermore, humans’ ever increasing addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants releases monumental amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Every day, more and more electric gadgets are surging the markets and the lack of alternative energy sources makes humans highly dependent on the burning of coil and excessive coil-burning is a significant cause of the temperature-increase. Likewise, scientists have confirmed that the rise in temperature would significantly increase the intensity of storms worldwide. The cyclone wind speeds have been increasing prominently ever since the 80s which is a clear evidence of the authenticity to what is being said.

        Furthermore, human beings’ greed and irresponsibility towards the ecosystem is a significant reason behind the presence of natural disasters. As a start, peace and survival of all living creatures on earth are irrevocably tied to the humanitarian values people live upon. People have inherited this planet from their ancestors who viewed Earth as rich and beautiful, which it is. But the obliteration of Mother Nature is a result of ignorance and greed, for it is atrocious to exploit Earth’s resources and drain them for money. Making use of Earth is not wrong, but its exploitation is. Unfortunately, humans have failed to realize that everything has its limits and that going through great effort to have an unnecessary amount of something is never good. The excessive logging taking place due to overpopulation, urban sprawl and industrial purposes and the droughts resulting from climate change and the extreme weather conditions that result from climate change are major causes behind wild fires and floods in some areas and landslides in other, for the latter are ignited due to cutting down trees which loosens the soil. Similarly, earthquakes these days are the outcome of continuous bombing and mining activities. Consequently, it’s about time that people shake themselves out of the stupor they’re in and realize what their greedy hands are reaping.

         Critics of this notion argue that even when Earth was pollution-free and lacked harming human activities natural disasters used to happen. That is one hundred percent true, for that’s the definition of a “natural” disaster. Natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, and landslides have been happening since prehistory, and man wasn’t around to ignite them. However, ever since the human immersion in industrialization has occurred, the level and potential of those disasters have drastically escalated. In addition to that, a recent scientific research has been able to prove that the increasing amount of CFC gases and other greenhouse gases has been a detrimental cause of the escalation in the intensity of natural disasters.

         In conclusion, humans have misinterpreted the actual meaning of evolution with self-destruction. Mankind has been effortlessly trying to turn Earth into an ideal paradise, whereas he had already been living in a paradigmatic utopia. From drilling land and chopping off trees to depleting the ozone layer, humans have successfully intensified what used to be known as natural disasters altering them man-made, so when will they wake up? When will they reach the painful conclusion that man will reap what he sows?

                                                         Done by: Hadi Koubeissy    

                                                         Modification: Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 2: Effects of Climate Change

Menacing Effects of Climate Change 

         It is rather odd how people never invest enough time contemplating the detrimental effects and spin-offs of their wrongdoing. Unfortunately it is challenging for some to try to visualize the critical consequence of their misdeeds against their nature and their humanity. They fail to sound the alarms against humanity’s impending doom and to listen to Mother Nature’s wake-up call and notice that humanity is digging its own grave, for Mother Nature doesn’t forgive. Isn’t climate change enough as a death call for human race to clutch their consideration and kindle their apprehension? What people fail to notice is that their irresponsibility towards their atmosphere and ecosystem, their greed, and their so-called industrial revolution have altered their future beyond redemption through igniting radical environmental issues like global warming and climate change. They seem to be unaware of the fact that climate change will be the cause of innumerable calamities including the obliteration of one of their sources of income and interest, their agriculture.

        This climate change is the major cause behind extreme weather events such as heat waves and droughts. As the climate has warmed, some types of extreme weather have become more frequent and severe in recent decades, with increases in extreme heat waves, periods of several days to weeks of abnormally hot weather. In the past 3-4 decades, there has been an increasing trend in high-humidity heat waves. In a wide swing between extremes, drought, too, is more intense and more widespread since increased temperatures will lead to more precipitation falling as rain rather than snow, earlier snow melt, and increased evaporation and transpiration which increases the risk of hydrological and agricultural drought accompanying the rise in temperatures. For instance, massive droughts in southern and western Africa have been linked to climate change.

       This severe weather caused by climate change would in turn impact water supplies through complex contamination and shortage in water supplies. To begin with, as rains grow heavier, rivers, streams, and lakes would overflow, adding up to the risk of water borne pathogens flowing into drinking water sources. Moreover, downpours would damage and impair essential infrastructures such as sewer and solid waste systems, eliciting and triggering sewage overflows which would spread into local waters. In addition to that, severe weather such as drought would result in prolonged shortages in water supply, whether atmospheric, surface, or ground water. Such a disastrous and grave problem would further heighten and escalate since during drought, water supplies are vulnerable and susceptible to harmful algal blooms and other microorganisms. 

      Ultimately, the change in water supplies as a result of climate change and severe weather would leave an imprint on agriculture and food supply. It is undeniable that agriculture and livestock depend on water; however, the heavy rainfall and flooding can damage crops, increase soil erosion, and delay planting. For example, in 2008, the Mississippi River flooded just before the harvest period for many crops, causing an estimated loss of $8 billion for farmers. On the other hand, areas that experience more frequent droughts will have less water available for crops and livestock. Therefore, crops would likely need more water to adjust to these climactic changes. In anticipation of these changes, plant breeders are currently working to develop new varieties of crops that are considered to be drought tolerant, and more adaptable to varying levels of temperature and moisture. 

      All things considered, it’s about time that human beings start taking serious measures to curb and curtail their emission of greenhouse gases and other causes of global warming in an attempt to at least try to slow down its fatal outcome such as climate change, severe weather, drop in water supplies, fall in agriculture and food supply, and many other deadly effects. People should be well aware of the consequences of their deeds, for sometimes the impact of one’s behavior would be a chain of cataclysmic disasters similar to that of their crime against their nature. As such, people should be active citizens and environmentalists at heart. They should exert gargantuan efforts to cap their logging activities which cause deforestation, be more active in reforestation campaigns, exploit renewable sources of energy, deploy environment friendly vehicles, and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases through avoiding burning fossil fuels and coal. Finally, they should reduce, reuse, and recycle.

                                                                       Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 3: Causes of Global Warming 

Appalling Causes of Global Warming

       Human beings have been in this world for three seconds and look what they have done. They have destroyed planet earth. It is the result of the human misdemeanors, the result of the atrocious deeds against Mother Nature. The thing that a lot of people cannot comprehend is that Mother Nature doesn’t have a bullet with one’s name on it; it has millions of bullets inscribed with “To Whom It May Concern.” Mother Nature will exercise its right of reply against mankind. It is time for Mother Nature’s retaliation, erupting maelstroms of ineffable umbrage covered by hundreds of years of silent obliteration. Yes, Mother Nature tried to scream, but humans had closed their ears, and this is what happens when one ignores Mother Nature. Global Warming isn’t even the tiniest of Mother Nature’s acts of retribution and vengeance. Mother Nature will keep reprising until Planet Earth is turned into hell; yes, hell.  Human beings have caused global warming by their terrible actions and they must pay back, and they have quite a bill to pay.  Global warming is simply just a down payment and an outcome of myriad causes, but one that entails cataclysmic effects. Some of the primary causes of global warming are economic and environmental in nature.

     One of the most notable economic causes of global warming is industrialization. To begin with, the industrial sector is highly responsible for the great amount of CO2 and CFC gases’ release into the atmosphere, for the greenhouse gases released during the production process are extremely lethal because these gases prevent heat from exiting planet earth which would consequently lead to the upsurge in temperature. Furthermore, humans’ ever increasing addiction to electricity from coal burning power plants releases enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Every day, more and more electric gadgets are invading the markets and the lack of alternative energy sources makes humans highly dependent on the burning of coil which in turn further intensifies global warming.

     Moreover, deforestation and use of fertilizers are but some of the most significant environmental causes of global warming. The human greed and appetite for wood and paper has caused the escalation of logging and unduly cutting trees. This deforestation releases in turn large amounts of carbon as well as reduces the amount of carbon capture on the planet. In addition to that, the use of chemical fertilizers has been dramatically rising. The high rate of application of nitrogen-rich fertilizers has effects on the heat storage of cropland (nitrogen oxides have 300 times more heat-trapping capacity per unit of volume than carbon dioxide) and the excessive use of these nitro-rich fertilizers leads to detrimental effects on life thus leading to global warming.

      In conclusion, global warming has reached the point of no return. However, the consequences that humankind has suffered can be turned into humans’ advantage, for all the detrimental effects are perhaps a wake-up call to the human greed. This problem is still yet combatable. It can’t be wiped away, but it can certainly be gagged and capped to try to limit the losses. All that is needed is to cut the excessive use of fossil fuels and gases and embrace renewable energy sources instead, for it has been proven that the use of solar, wind, geothermal and bioenergy are much safer and healthier; besides, they’re more than enough to feed the human need of power and electricity. So why risk human life when the safe alternative could have just been taken? 

                                                       Done by: Hadi Koubeissy

                                                       Modification: Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 4: Effects of Global Warming

Bid Planet Earth Farewell

       Human beings have been in this world for three seconds and look what they have done. They have destroyed planet earth. It is the result of the human misdemeanors, the result of the atrocious deeds against Mother Nature. The thing that a lot of people cannot comprehend is that Mother Nature doesn’t have a bullet with one’s name on it; it has millions of bullets inscribed with “To Whom It May Concern.” Mother Nature will exercise its right of reply against mankind. It is time for Mother Nature’s retaliation, erupting maelstroms of ineffable umbrage covered by hundreds of years of silent obliteration. Yes, Mother Nature tried to scream, but humans had closed their ears, and this is what happens when one ignores Mother Nature. Global Warming isn’t even the tiniest of Mother Nature’s acts of retribution and vengeance. Mother Nature will keep reprising until Planet Earth is turned into hell; yes, hell.  Human beings have caused global warming by their terrible actions and they must pay back, and they have quite a bill to pay.  Global warming is simply just a down payment, but one that entails cataclysmic effects. It has brought upon humanity innumerable fatal outcomes in the environmental and economic/industrial fields.

        Mother Nature has configured its retaliation striking back with global warming as the first weapon which has consequently led to deleterious environmental outcomes such as the rise in sea level as well as the escalation of the number of killer storms. To begin with, the great elevation in Planet Earth’s temperature has resulted in the melting of the polar ice sheets which would subsequently result in the rise of the sea level. In addition to that, scientists have confirmed that the rise in temperature would significantly increase the intensity of storms worldwide. The cyclone wind speeds have been increasing prominently ever since the 80s which is a clear evidence of the authenticity to what is being said. Furthermore, one major outcome of global warming is the disastrous climate change that is changing the world around and leaving an imprint on all sectors of life including extreme weather conditions like heat waves, floods, and droughts, water scarcity and water contamination, loss of crops, and a deadly blow to agriculture in addition to health effects such as respiratory and skin diseases. 

         Mother Nature will not have mercy on its main cause, the industry. Mother Nature’s comeback through global warming will have remorseless effects greatly distressing the wine and fishing industry, as well as tourism. First of all, climatologists warn that rising temperatures could bring disaster to wine growing areas. Global warming will cause the soil erosion and floods, and thus will cause the destruction of wine quality. In addition to that, global warming will seriously affect the fishing industry. Carbon dioxide in the air will acidize sea water, and rising sea levels will change the ecology of the fishing grounds killing millions of them. The carbon dioxide emitted by aircrafts and other means of transport is speeding up global warming, and global warming is in turn affecting tourist destinations. But as the ice melts, people who depend on tourism such as ski range owners are afraid of losing their jobs due to global warming, not to mention that many countries are at risk of displacement due to global warming and the destructive effect some of its outcomes entail.

           Global warming has reached the point of no return. However, the consequences that humankind has suffered can be turned into humans’ advantage, for all the detrimental effects are perhaps a wake-up call to the human greed. This problem is still yet combatable. It can’t be wiped away, but it can certainly be gagged and capped to try to limit the losses. All that is needed is to cut the excessive use of fossil fuels and gases and embrace renewable energy sources instead, for it has been proven that the use of solar, wind, geothermal and bioenergy are much safer and healthier; besides, they’re more than enough to feed the human need of power and electricity. So why risk human life when the safe alternative could have just been taken? 


                                                              Done by: Hadi Koubeissy

                                                              Modification: Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 5: Causes and Effects of Pollution

Pollution is one of the dilemmas that people need to overcome for the safety of their upcoming generations. Write a well-structured essay in which you discuss two of its major causes and effects.

Beware It

         "Pollution is the forerunner of perdition". This quote asserts and implies that pollution is a serious threat to the health and well-being of all living things. Pollution is the biggest menace to the human race on this planet today. Through destroying, wrecking, and demolishing all the means of living, the existence of man and nature will be hampered. Pollution has a lot of faces for it can destroy air, water, and land by a blink of an eye. As such one must beware the causes of such a disaster and its effects. Pollution is an inevitable outcome of people’s misuse of natural resources and governments’ irresponsibility which could lead to health problems and environmental degradation.

         Pollution is an inevitable outcome of human beings’ misuse of Mother Nature. To begin with, humans are misusing and exploiting their mother nature through excessively cutting off trees for urbanization and daily use leading to deforestation and soil erosion and unduly burning fossil fuels; hence, triggering an upsurge in the emission of greenhouse gases like CFCs, CO2, and methane and causing an escalation in the depletion of the ozone layer and intensification of the soon to come global warming. They are overly burning coal which causes the release of smoke from chimneys, factories, vehicles, or burning of wood and sulfur dioxide into the air making it toxic and leading to global warming, drought everywhere, and acid rain. Moreover, overgrazing would certainly spiral desertification and deforestation. Dumping industrial wastes and Oil spills into the rivers and other water bodies can cause an imbalance in the water leading to its severe contamination and death of aquatic species while spraying insecticides and pesticides like DDT in plants pollutes the ground water system. Moreover, dumping toxic wastes and unwanted chemicals in the land would certainly lead to all kinds of pollution and affect the ecosystem.

           Yet another lethal cause behind pollution is governments’ lack of concern and responsibility. Due to the sensitivity of the problem in hand, clearly a vast amount of anti-pollution activity should be taking place, innumerable solutions should be suggested and implemented, and optimum control standards should be set. However, governments worldwide don’t seem to be doing a good job at that, for protective laws and legislations are not being set and, if set, aren’t being imposed and followed up. Factories that dump their toxic wastes and their oil spills are being let off the hook instead of being sued, state forests and other natural reserves are being violated on a regular basis without holding anyone responsible for cutting off trees or burning them down, and industrial unit that discard toxic wastes in land are not being stopped or fined for such deeds. This is all due to governmental greed and irresponsibility. Many politicians and especially those in power are ruled by the interests of big businesses and other global players. Greed and selfishness seem to be rife and prevalent in the world. As such, some of the parliamentary figures are being bribed into covering up for attempts at turning their counties’ land and water into a dumpster for toxic wastes and oil spills. Recycling isn’t being closely followed up, factories without filters aren’t being charged, and projects that aim at shifting to environment friendly vehicles aren’t being supported and implemented. As such, pollution is ever-increasing, threatening planet earth and human race.

            What is worse than the cause is the deadly effect, and one of the hazardous effects of pollution is encountering severe health problems and ailments. It goes without being said that air pollution leads to several respiratory problems, asthma, lung cancer, chest pain, congestion, throat inflammation, and cardiovascular diseases. Noise pollution, on the other hand, leads to hearing loss, stress and sleep disturbance. And water pollution may pose skin related problems including skin irritations and rashes. As such, people's misdeeds against their nature would inevitably leave a colossal impact on the health and well-being. 

        Environmental degradation is another detrimental effect of pollution. To begin with, the increase in the amount of CO2 leads to smog which restricts sunlight from reaching the earth, hence preventing plants in the process of photosynthesis. Moreover, gases like Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide would cause acid rain. In addition to that, water pollution in terms of Oil spill may lead to death of several wildlife species. As such, pollution is doomed to cause an overall lack of balance in the ecosystem. For instance, the destruction of  the water as a natural habitat and the contamination of the water would undeniably put the aquatic life in danger. This would cause a loss of biodiversity.

     As a conclusion, “The thing that a lot of people cannot comprehend is that Mother Nature doesn’t have a bullet with your name on it; she has millions of bullets inscribed with ‘to whom it may concern.” is a quote that best portrays the fact that humanity is digging its own grave, for mother nature doesn’t forgive. Nature’s wrath and rage is soon to reveal itself unless people and governments start acting wisely and set standards to limit pollution and surmount its effects.

                                             Done by: Miss Btoul Ali Saad

         >>>                            Note: Cause/Effect Essays should be either multi-causes or multi-effects, so choose the body paragraphs based on what you're asked for in the prompt.

Essay 6: Problem Solution Essay about Deforestation

Deforestation: Stop It or Else

        Deforestation is a fatal problem which is invading the world. It is the inevitable outcome of the inhumane action of cutting off or burning trees for some rediculous causes. Deforestation is a serious and critical environmental problem which triggers countless medical, economic, and environmental problems that ought to be solved and curbed as soon as possible.

        The first major problem triggered by deforestation is the medical one. To begin with, because of deforestation, many diseases are being spread all over the world. For instance, when people cut off trees, the concentration of carbon dioxide will increase rapidly which is going to give birth to many respiratory diseases such as asthma. Also, deforestation leads to the presence of several diseases such as leptospirosis which is a bacterial disease that destroys the function of the liver. Many flora species are endangered to become extinct. To illustrate, some researchers have shown that many medical treatments for cancer like bevacizumb are possible but all the flora needed for such medicines are in danger of extinction.

       Another issue generated by deforestation is the economic one. First, higher prices are caused by deforestation. For example, the price of wood in some countries which is used to make tables and other wooden products has increased nearly by 2%. Moreover, the amount of trees has decreased which has led to less touristic places which eliminates the percentage of tourists who come to enjoy the beautiful green areas and forests. Deforestation would also cause a decrease in natural resources. If people continue to cut down trees and forests for other purposes, they will eventually disappear. For instance, at the current rate of deforestation in south America, the Amazon rain forest might completely be gone by 2060.

        Moreover, deforestation would undoubtedly leave its impacts on the environment causing a number of environmental problems. To begin with, flooding and erosion would result from deforestation. 3.5-7% of the trees are cut off or burned which leads to soil erosion with the absence of trees and a means to secure fertile soil, erosion often occurs and sweeps land into nearby rivers. When the protective forest canopy and roots have been destroyed, the soil will lose its proportion to retain water and is crashed away into rivers and streams. In addition to that, with the loss of forests comes the destruction of natural habitats for a lot of species. According to National Geographic, the loss of natural habitats can lead to the extinction of certain species. For instance, Indonesia and Malaysia produce more than 80% of the world's palm oil though they are the only remaining home to orangutans. Unfortunately, there are less than 80 000 orangutans surviving today, for their habitats are under constant threat of deforestation.

        All things considered, it's about time that human beings start taking serious measures to curb and curtail this catastrophic calamity. To begin with, the best solution is to limit the felling of trees by employing a series of rules and laws to protect trees. Also, green methods of production and utilization of resources can immeasurably reduce deforestation. Particularly, it's the focus on reusing items, reducing the use of artificial items, and recycling more items. In addition, reforestation is an action that would really help reduce deforestation. For example, governments and community members can launch reforestation campaigns.

       In a nutshell, trees are the lungs of earth, so you've got to watch over them and take care of them instead of just cutting them off and ruining the beautiful world. Deforestation is a menacing issue that leads to medical, economic, and environmental problems that ought to be alleviated soon or else. People wake up before forests utter their last farewell.

Done by: Fatima Fakih, Nourhanne Karout, Maria Toufaily, Fatima Rmaity, Jouana Iraky, Alaa Kutob, and Batoul Fares

Ghobeiry Second Public High School for Girls Problem Solution 

Essay 7: Problem Solution Essay about Air Pollution

Air or Poison?
     Pollution is a destructive crisis that has spread worldwide in its various forms. Air pollution is one of these forms that has drastic effects. Unfortunately, air pollution destroys the environment, damages the health, and deteriorates the economy, problems that require immediate measures to reduce the destructive effects of air pollution. 

   Air pollution ignites a plethora of environmental problems. It leads to the depletion of the ozone layer. Recent studies have revealed that this phenomenon leads to global warming, climate change, and the penetration of the ultra-violet rays that threaten the human, plant, and marine lives. Besides, air pollution causes acid rain that contaminates drinking water and changes the life cycles of living species. Moreover, air pollution contributes to the infertility of the soil that becomes unsuitable for plants and other organisms in the food web. Thus, air pollution is a real threat for the environment in all its aspects.

   Moreover, air pollution leads to serious health hazards. A recent search shows that more than sixty five percent of people are suffering from diseases caused by air pollution. People have no choice but to breathe the air around them! When it is polluted, they breath in ozone particles and harmful gases that can hurt their lungs, heart, and overall health. In addition, air pollution can cause burning eyes and breathing problems such as asthma and severe bronchitis. Also, ultra-violet radiation causes skin cancer. Besides, researchers found that the emission of greenhouse gases affects the development of intellectual abilities in health of human organisms, leading to endless risks.

  Furthermore, air pollution triggers major economic problems. The health effects caused by air pollution lead to reducing the work attendance and the overall participation in the labor force. Thus, in term of increased health care costs, missed days of work, and reduced work productivity, air pollution costs a lot of countries billions of dollars annually. In addition, air pollution has direct effect on the agricultural sector since it reduces the growth of crops leading to economic loss. Besides, air pollution damages tourism that plays a vital role in boosting the economy. For instance, in China, the number of foreign tourists visiting the Chinese capital fell by fifteen percent in the first six months of the year to 1.9 million due to the increase of air pollution. This has cost the Chinese government the loss of billions of dollars. 

   Consequently, immediate procedures should be taken to reduce the harmful effects of air pollution. First, governments should take measures to limit the emission of carbon dioxide and other green house gases, such as using filters in cars and powerplants. Second, they can put taxes on carbon emissions and gasoline so that people and companies will have greater incentives to conserve energy and pollute less. Third, governments should apply the program of recycling, reducing, and reusing to encourage people to save their environment. Finally, they can use alternative sources of energy such as wind, solar, and geothermal energies.

     In conclusion, air pollution is a serious issue due to its harmful environmental, health, and economic impacts, so countries all around the world must collaborate to combat this problem before it is too late. Unfortunately, only when the last tree has died, the last river has poisoned, and the last fish has been caught, will humans realize that they can't eat money. 

 Done by: Zahraa Zabad, Riham Al Bazaal, Hadil Shwailat, Fatima Fakhereddin, Batoul Awad, Hibe Alahamd
Ghoubeiry Second Public High School for Girls

Essay 8: Cause/Effect Essay about the Effects of Rainforests

An Underestimated Boon
      “The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.” This quote by Rachel Carson is an indirect reflection on people’s lack of awareness and appreciation of God’s ultimate gift to mankind, nature. It asserts and alludes that once people snap out of their careless approach and self-centered interest giving way for a more in-depth reflection and study of the grandiose universe and hidden bliss God has granted them, their environment, they will renounce and suspend some of their mischievous deeds against their ecosystem which are not limited to the obliteration of their ecological system but are rather self-destructive as well. Some of nature’s gifts that are facing their doom due to humans’ relentless and ruthless hands and greedy deeds are rainforests. Rainforests play a significant role as a cornerstone in the welfare and well-being of the ecosystem due to their myriad benefits. Least to say, rainforests could be referred to as humans’ fairy-god mother due to their innumerable environmental and medical benefits.
        Rainforests aren’t planet earth’s so-called “lungs” for nothing, for they play a substantial role in sustaining the environment through maintaining the water cycle, regulating levels of CO2 in the air, and safeguarding biodiversity. To begin with, rainforests have proved to be of colossal aid to the water cycle, for they add water to the atmosphere through transpiration, a process during which plants release water from their leaves as photosynthesis takes place. Consequently, rain clouds are formed to release water back onto the rainforests. This moisture generated by rainforests is essential throughout the world and would most certainly influence rainfall patterns and amount of rain. As such, when forests are cut down leading to deforestation and desertification, less moisture would go into the atmosphere, rainfall will decline, and drought would be an inevitable outcome. This will also influence several flora and fauna species since water is imperative for all animals in order to regulate temperature and is vital for plants’ nutrition. Rainforests also assist in regulating levels of CO2 in the air since their plants and trees have hidden attributes that play a chief role in diminishing pollutant levels. Human beings have been pumping massive amounts of CO2 into the air through burning fossil fuels, coal, oil, and other gases which have led to global climate change. However, this excessive emission of gases could be regulated a bit through natural means, for plants tend to remove CO2 from the atmosphere through absorbing it during photosynthesis and yielding oxygen which is released back into the air. As such, it goes without saying that without rainforests the greenhouse effect would be even more pronounced and climate change would heighten. Moreover, rainforests play a crucial role in safeguarding biodiversity, for these forests are a home to an enormous number of plants and animals, some of which are unique and can’t survive elsewhere. Therefore, the destruction of these forests would certainly result in the extinction of some species which would cause the loss of biodiversity and lack of balance in the ecosystem.
        Yet another significant effect of rainforests is in the medical field, for they are considered the main source of quinine, curare, and vincristine. In addition to providing people with medicines that would enable them to combat threatening ailments such as cancer and other health issues like headaches, high blood pressure, and heart problems, they’ve helped in supplying them with quinine, the first treatment for malaria that is both effective and widely used. Doctors, nowadays, provide people with malaria tablets to prevent any possible infection when travelling to areas like Africa. Rainforests are also the original source of curare which is now used in muscle relaxants that are exceptionally essential when people need surgery, for they help surgeons perform their jobs as effectively as possible. Moreover, rainforests provide Vincristine, one of the world's most powerful anticancer drugs which is extracted from the rainforest plant, periwinkle. This drug has dramatically increased the survival rate for acute childhood leukemia since its discovery. Even though rainforests have already proved to be crucial in the medical field through innumerable drugs that have been extracted from their plants, researchers assert that plenty more are yet to come, for not all plants have been examined. As such, breakthrough medicines could be lying undiscovered in rainforests. Hence, if humans annihilate the rainforest, they’d undoubtedly obliterate the possibility of discovering such breakthroughs.
        As a conclusion, Franklin Roosevelt’s saying, “A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people,” is unquestionably true, for nothing could match forests’, especially rainforests’, benefits for human beings and their ecosystem. Rain forests have proved to be vital due to their titanic effects on the medical and environmental field, for they are the main source of myriad medicinal products that combat fatal diseases and play a significant role in maintaining the water cycle, regulating levels of CO2 in the air, and safeguarding biodiversity. Therefore, serious measures ought to be taken as a means of safeguarding what is left of them.   

                                                                       Shared Writing - Grade 11 - Hassan Kassir High School

Essay 9  Prompt: Earthquakes / Disaster Relief   
Think of any disaster that you have been part of or learned about. Write a composition of 150-200 words to narrate the event and the consequences it led to. Provide a suitable title and an outline to your composition.   

         A Mishap to Remember

     “The thing that a lot of people cannot comprehend is that Mother Nature doesn't have a bullet with your name on it; she has millions of bullets inscribed with 'to whom it may concern.” Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. If one bears this in mind as he dumps his venomous wastes into his earth, rivers, and seas, excessively burns fossil fuels for his personal use and transportation increasing the rate of greenhouse gases, cuts off trees for unnecessary urbanization leading to deforestation, and experiments chemical weapons wherever and whenever possible, perhaps Mother Nature’s rage and wrath would be by far less. Perhaps then human beings are less likely to face natural phenomena that would shake their existence and lead to their impending doom. They would not know any of the famous fatal names of storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions. However, people tend to turn deaf ears to all raising awareness campaigns and end up bearing the consequences of their deeds against Mother Nature. I still remember the day I witnessed nature’s wrath on us, dodged death and lived to tell its story.

      At the age of fifteen, I had experienced the trauma and ordeal of living through one of Mother Nature's most notorious disasters. The earthquake I witnessed showed me that life is erratic and random and should be intensely cherished. I was sitting with a group of friends in a café at that day.
      As we were heading downtown, I remember noticing what a picturesque and tranquil day it was, resembling the calm before the storm. As we stepped off the bus, we immediately headed to the entrance of the café. We sat near the exit and made our order a few minutes before sensing mild tremors. In the past I had experienced voluminous and massive tremors, but due to my lack of understanding, I considered them mild disturbances. I still recall the head chef’s words, "Please do not be startled. It is only a tremor." However, as soon as the chef finished his statement, the tremor turned into a catastrophic earthquake.
      It felt like the ground underneath is having seizures, shivering with vigorous and forceful strength. Reaction was almost impossible due to shock, and we could not move because it felt like the ground underneath is threatening to gobble us if we do. As one of my friends led me to the exit, we struggled along with others who were fighting to escape and flee through the small exit, but no one was succeeding. I felt like we were destined to stay inside and remember thinking that my life was about to end and praying to God for rescue and salvation. Once the earthquake stopped, we were pushed by the mob of people towards the exit. As we stepped out, ironically, the first person we saw at the exit was the head chef that had, a few moments ago, said everything would be fine. After helping the traumatized people around us, my friends and I decided to head back to the apartment.
      On our way there, continuously haunted by the aftershocks, we saw the people in the streets in shock and buildings on the ground either entirely or partially destroyed. The streets had been torn in the middle, opening up the earth, hence giving an impression of a war zone. When we finally arrived, we discovered that most of the building had collapsed and that we had been lucky to escape with our life intact. We gathered with a group of people outside. No one thought it was safe to go inside any of the buildings though. We contemplated staying at one of our friend’s home, but we decided it would be better to stay in the streets due to the danger surrounding us.
      In the morning, we decided to get our things and some belongings since we would be staying in my friend's house. We walked up the stairs with much trepidation and fear. As we stepped inside the apartment, we found that only a few things had fallen on the floor, so we took what we came for and headed out as fast as our feet could carry us to safe ground. When I finally sat down, all my thoughts circulated around the events of the previous day. It was quite an experience to have evaded death that day. I realized that nature can't be controlled and that Mother Nature doesn’t forgive.

                                                                    Done by: Miss Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 10: Persuasive Essay about Preparedness for Natural Disasters 

Alert Today, Alive Tomorrow

     “We can’t stop natural disaster but wen can arm ourselves with knowledge: so many lives wouldn’t have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness.” This quote highlights the importance of being prepared to combat natural disasters. A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the earth, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, cyclones and other geographical processes. A natural disaster kills, destroys, damages properties and steals loved ones and family members and typically leaves many other catastrophic effects resulting from lack of preparedness and knowledge. Unfortunately, people are often unconscious of the devastating effects of natural disasters and how savage they can be, which could make things much worse; thus, people should be better prepared for any natural disaster or phenomenon. People should seriously take the idea of making preparations and getting ready for any sudden natural disaster to avoid its plethora of savage impacts including psychological, social and health effects.


    One major reason why people should make preparations for natural disasters is to dodge the psychological effects resulting from natural disasters such as post traumatic disorder and fear. To begin with, disasters are mostly  unpredictable , which leaves the victims in a state of shock due to loss of loved ones and damaged properties. The victims tend to deny the loss and try to escape from reality, but they still feel that they are in a state of insecurity because their sense of security, attachment and belongingness has received a major blow. Second, natural disasters create an enormous amount of stress and anxiety for survivors leading to a high sense of fear. After having experienced the loss of family members and properties, including one’s home, survivors of natural disasters might have nightmares and  worry excessively about  safety. They might even have strong physical reactions like trouble in breathing  when reminded of the disaster they’ve survived.


     Another reason to be well-prepared for a natural disaster is to avoid the social effects one might bring about, such as poverty and drug addiction. First, poverty is a menacing aftermath of a natural disaster after having lost crops and sources of income like companies and shops; as such, people would suffer from malnutrition due to disruptions in food, damaged crops and loss of one’s source of income. People may not be able to buy food supplies due to rise in prices, which makes people go hungry and possibly die if the problem wasn’t  solved. Moreover, the overwhelming feelings of anxiety, shock, depression, and fear that survivors of natural disasters are barraged with might lead to the frequent use of drugs, especially among teenagers, to numb such feelings and to forget the experience. For example, people who have lost everything in a natural disaster, whether their home or family, might use drugs as a solution for overthinking or suicidal thoughts.


     Yet another reason to prepare for a natural disaster is to try to limit or avoid the horrid health and physical effects that might result from one,  such as death and maladies. Natural disasters destroy entire buildings and crush many homes and bones leaving behind it thousands of dead and crashed bodies and dangerous cases of injuries,  including victims of heart attacks. Since natural disaster dangers are difficult to detect, being better prepared could help diminish casualties and victims. People would know dangers zones to evacuate them; hence there would be less casualties and deaths reported, not to mention that more lives can be saved from the repercussions of these deaths, including suicide after having lost a loved one or death from an overdose while trying to forget such a loss. Furthermore, because of the contaminated water and poisoned food and poverty after the disaster people are exposed to  ailments and maladies such as poisoning,  problems in the immune system and gastric problems or even respiratory problems. These diseases might be dangerous and fatal, so countries should increase preparedness and awareness to avoid the leakage of floods and debris into underground water systems and to avoid anything that would pose future threats to humans’ health and safety.


      In a nutshell, failing to prepare is preparing to fail , for preparedness is the only way to combat natural disasters and limit their traumatizing and dreadful effects. People have to keep in mind the catastrophic aftermath that a natural disaster brings about, including psychological, social, and health effects as an incentive to be ready and prepared for any natural disaster. This might not reduce fear and anxiety, but would undoubtedly eliminate some of the losses that accompany a disaster and minimize its impacts .


Aya Zein

2SA 2022

Essay 11: Problem Solution Essay about Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters: A Cry For Help

        “We Cannot stop natural disasters, but we can arm ourselves with knowledge: So many lives wouldn’t have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness”. This quote sheds light on the significance of armoring ourselves from the inevitable danger of being a target for natural disasters. Natural disasters are unpredictable events that show no mercy on their victims. They destroy, ruin, kill, and displace aimlessly, leaving a  trail of dark deadly ruins behind. These disasters are caused by nature, but they also harm nature itself. These catastrophes cause a plethora of problems for the environment, societies and people. Some of these problems that require serious and immediate measures vary between economic, physical and psychological problems.


  To begin with, some of the economic problems that are caused by natural disasters and require immediate solutions are loss of crops and loss of infrastructure. The first economic problem inflicted by natural disasters is the loss of crops which occurs when these disasters destroy fields containing large amounts of goods and much-needed crops, and pollute the water used to help these crops grow, which kills the nutrients that are necessary for harvest growth. As a result, this loss reduces farmers’  income and their ability to feed their families. This also negatively affects the economy of the country. The second problem is loss of infrastructure since industrial facilities and critical infrastructures are vulnerable to the impact of natural disasters as they destroy capital assets, houses, schools, factories, roads and bridges, especially if the disaster is of a high magnitude. This loss hinders development, leads to economic loss and lessens productivity and growth of a country. These problems require serious measures, including shifting to cropping systems that are less water dependent, planting crops that withstand dryness, and adopting updated buildings with higher standards and robust materials in order to protect the infrastructure.


   Another category of problems caused by natural disasters and that requires immediate solutions is the physical one which includes death and casualties and widespread of maladies and ailments. Death and casualties are the main aftermath of each natural disaster, that is the outcome of the lack of preparation and safety measures and precautions, in addition to the poor lifestyle and poorly constructed buildings and houses, leading the people living in them to be more exposed to death and injuries. Also, high density population in a country would definitely lead to an increase in the number of loss. Some of the effects of this problem include the emotional impacts on the families which could lead to serious mental problems. Another health problem is the widespread of diseases as a result of the release of toxic and dangerous gases after a disaster. Moreover, the substantial population displacement in overcrowded shelters leads to this widespread. These ailments and maladies would definitely raise the number of deaths especially during the disaster if there were no hospitals or medics to treat ill people. Some of the required solutions include the preparedness of people in the face of these catastrophes by gaining knowledge, following orders, and staying alarmed. Government officials should also raise awareness, and to prevent the widespread of diseases, people should wear masks and protect themselves.


   Yet another category of problems resulting from natural disasters is the psychological one, which includes Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, and anxiety. PTSD is one of the most common problems that are caused by natural disasters, and it results from being exposed to such a traumatic event and being unable to move on, especially if the person lost a loved one. It affects the patients leading them to have intense and disturbing thoughts, feelings and flashbacks related to this specific event, and to have constant fear and sadness. Depression and anxiety are another very common problem that is caused, similarly to PTSD, by going through a traumatic experience and facing emotional shock after losing a family member or a loved one. It results in suicide and other health problems including cardiac problems and digestive disorders. To avoid having any of these problems, one should be emotionally and mentally prepared for a disaster, and in case of having any, therapy would be the best solution alongside relaxation techniques, meditation and specific exercises.

     In a nutshell, natural disasters are catastrophic events that leave huge problems behind, including economic, physical and psychological ones which should be solved immediately. These disasters are brutal hits by Mother Nature to the unforgiving humanity. They are a cry for help from nature to stop its agonizing pain which is caused by the cruelty of humans. There is no shadow of doubt that natural disasters are not only natural but also man-made.

Done by Sara Wehbe
2Sa 2022

Essay 12: Problem-Solution Essay (Natural Disasters: Causes, Effects, and Solutions)

Natural Disasters: Emergency Sirens Going Off

   “Natural disasters occur when our planet uses nature to attend to an agonizing itch”. This quote emphasizes on the suffering and misery that humans are causing to our planet and home the earth. Natural disasters  are phenomena that represent a wake up call to humans to warn them that they should stop messing with the earth. These disasters are cruel and brutal; they can destroy a whole city, with no hesitation or mercy, leaving nothing but death and wreckage behind. They are monstrous attacks drawing ash and blood. Natural disasters are either caused by nature or manmade, and they have a plethora of negative effects that should be solved immediately. Immediate and serious measures should be taken, in order to lessen the effects of these disasters including the physical and social ones, caused by nature and humans. 

   To begin with, natural disasters are an outcome of nature itself and a reaction to some human activities. Nature, through natural disasters, communicates  with humans that are  unfortunately still unable to receive the message to put a stop to their harmful acts against the environment. These disasters are major catastrophic events with atmospheric, geological and hydrological origins such as droughts, storms and heatwaves; these are some environmental factors that could trigger a natural disaster. Nevertheless, human actions are the flame that puts up the fire, through being irresponsible and inconsiderate towards  nature, not knowing that nature users the Uno reverse card on them.  Growing population requires increasing agricultural activity, so humans choose to cut trees in order to create suitable lands, increasing the risk of deforestation which triggers natural disasters as a result of climate change and rise in temperature which would lead to extreme weather conditions and heat waves.

   As an impact of the previously mentioned causes, nature responds in a rather tragic way to the cruelty of humans by impacting their lives physically and socially through its natural disasters. First of all, death and casualties are the most common outcome of natural disasters, especially in overpopulated places, as people will either pass away or at least get injured because of the force of the disaster. Also, survivors of these disasters are most likely to suffer from some unexplained physical symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain, dizziness and gastric troubles. Moreover, some of the social effects include poverty and homelessness since after a disaster, houses, buildings, factories and companies would definitely be destroyed and damaged, so survivors face a lot of difficulties after losing their homes and jobs, causing a great increase in the percentage of poverty and homelessness. And  in order for people to survive, they tend to steal and maybe kill to protect themselves, leading to an upsurge in the cases of theft and crimes.

   In the light of all the unfortunate crises, it is but urgent to find a way out of all this dark hole and seek the light at the end of the tunnel, so some measures should be taken. People should be well prepared mentally and physically for a natural disaster, by seeking information through reading, social media, TV and the radio, in order to be able to survive such a catastrophe with the least damage possible. They should also stock up non-perishable food, water and medicine in unreachable places, plus having a first aid-kit to treat minor injuries. Government officials and NGOs members could also play an important role, by building awareness campaigns to spread knowledge and enlighten people about what they could face in such situations.

   In a  nutshell, natural disasters are both natural and manmade , showing no mercy to people and causing drastic changes to occur in their lives in the physical and social fields. These crises can turn people’s lives upside down, leaving them barely hanging on the edge of the cliff when their one and only savior is themselves. That’s why preparedness is a must, and can save so many innocent and pure souls from facing death and its severity. And as Santosh Kalwar once said, “Nobody can stop natural disasters; we are the cause and we are the remedy”.

Sara Wehbe

2SA 2022

Essay : Model Persuasive Essay about Environment 

It’s About Time

  About 27,000 trees are being cut every single day so that we can make toilet paper, harmful gases are being emitted by ACs, refrigerators, industries and vehicles hence depleting the ozone layer. Wastes like plastics and other non-degradable wastes like insecticides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers are highly degrading soil quality, decreasing agricultural products, and killing soil microorganisms and decomposers. Our nature is suffering from deforestation, soil erosion, pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss. It is vital that we take matters into our own hands, preserving Mother Nature and preventing unnecessary harm in hope of a healthier future. Preserving Mother Nature is essential due to its benefits in providing oxygen, food, and better economy and tourism.

  One major reason why we should rush to save our nature is every creature’s desperate need for oxygen to survive. We are blessed with the air that we breathe to live our daily lives. All the beautiful trees assist us to give us the oxygen we need to breathe. If we don’t have trees, how will we be able to breathe? Trees act as natural filters providing us with the most essential element for our survival. A single tree produces approximately 260 pounds of oxygen per year. That means two mature trees can supply enough oxygen annually to support a family of four!

  Another major reason why Mother Nature should be safeguarded is that it provides us with our daily needs of food and water from nature. We drink water from the rain, lakes and snow.  We eat fruits and seeds from the trees, plants from our gardens, and animals from the woods. If we didn’t have any of these things on earth, how would we drink or eat? Animals are going extinct decreasing in numbers day by day due to reckless hunting, unusual wild fires caused by climate change, and many other reasons. Moreover, more than half a million species on land have insufficient habitats for long-term survival and are likely to go extinct, many within decades, unless their habitats are restored. Aquatic species in oceans are not any better off.

  Yet another reason why people should endeavor to maintain environment and its natural habitats is the huge amounts of money that could be made from tourism which will help every country’s economy. Tourism is a multibillion dollar industry globally with many tourists starting to develop a very keen interest in ecotourism. More and more people are looking to visit places with natural habitats because these are becoming more and more rare sites due to urbanization. The more tourists visit an area, the more they spend; therefore, the more the local economy is lifted.

  In conclusion, Mother Nature has given us way more than what we have given back, yet we still have a chance to make a difference by recycling which helps in reducing landfills and wastes, by reducing your water and energy usages, and by teaching not only our children but others too how valuable Mother Nature is to us. Remember, it only takes 1 person to change others’ viewpoints! It’s about time we start changing.

Done by Thaer Bou Salman


Al-Karamah High School


animated-butterfly-image-0289Theme: Current Issues (LS/SE)




Organ Donation
     “Organ donation is not a tragedy; it is the ability to change one’s life when it’s at edge.” This quote asserts and alludes that organ donation is not giving up a part of one’s self; it is a beautiful light in the midst of someone’s life. As such, almost all hospitals have taken a stance and stepped in with all the gadgets and materials possible to attain a perfect organ donation surgery. However, this topic has caused a lot of debate concerning whether it’s advantageous or disastrous. Although some people claim that organ donation should be prohibited and not legalized since it might end one’s life in case of rejections or catching fatal infections making the donors’ and recipients’ families suffer, one can’t help but disagree because it can save lives and provide opportunities for medical researches.
     One major reason why organ donation should be legalized is that it saves one’s life. Organ donation is much more significant for society and for the individuals than many realize. Today, there are nearly 118,000 individuals waiting for an organ transplant to live a healthier and more productive life. Organ donation is a matter of life and death to some people with end-stage organ failure whose lives could be improved through transplants that can help them move better, see better, and live better. Millions of people who are at the end of the line for hope need lifesaving and life-improving tissues like heart valves, cardiovascular tissues, bone and soft musculoskeletal tissues, and skin which can provide a life-giving opportunity to them without leaving any detrimental consequences on the donor. Living people can donate a kidney, portions of the liver, lung, pancreas and intestines, as well as blood, and go on to live healthy lives, but the outcome would be a second chance at life for someone whose chances were waning. Moreover, the act of donation helps the donor feel good due to the fact that he has given someone another chance to live. It does not take away the pain of his loss directly; however, it does help him know that someone else is alive because of his donation. 
    Yet another major reason why organ donation should not be prohibited is that it provides opportunities for medical researches. Donated organs are also used by medical students to practice surgical techniques and to become as proficient as possible to save others’ lives, for working with cadavers is an invaluable experience that aids doctors in their medical training and research. Practically, all the organs and tissues of the human body are needed for research, and almost every disease that plagues humans is being studied with the help of organ donation. For instance, medical investigators use the human heart to learn about the development of atherosclerosis in coronary arteries in order to find ways to control clot formation and high blood pressure. Additionally, those investigators use the renal tissue in the kidneys to study the toxicity of anti-cancer therapies and the safe concentrations of other drugs in development. Kidneys are also used to identify new biomarkers to determine their transplant ability and to produce safer cold preservation methods.
    Critics of this notion argue that organ donation is another word for murder that shouldn’t be legalized. First of all, contagious diseases like Aids and HIV might be spread, and this would lead to an increase in the death rate worldwide. Organ donation would therefore cause suffering for the donors’ and recipients’ families, for the family of the donor will stay worried and concerned for a great amount of time until the surgery is over to make sure that the donor is fine after having given up part of himself or herself for someone else, and at the same time, the family of the recipient would be crossing fingers hoping that the organs match and the recipient survives. However, those tend to forget the fact that organ donation can save lives and give a person a second chance to explore this world and live his/her life again. This can be achieved through several tests that occur before the surgery to make sure that the organs match and the donor has no dreadful diseases that might infect the recipient and as a result would cause no suffering for any of his families. Organ donation can also assist medical research and provide it with great opportunities where medical students become great doctors due to the researches and experiments done, and this would advance medications and hospitalizations as well. So, doesn’t knowing that the paybacks outweigh the disadvantages make it worth the shot?
    In a nutshell, one should stop looking for the negatives and try focusing on the positives, for no one ever injured his eyesight by looking at the bright side. Organ donation is the enduring light that shines bright in the midst of darkness that can save one’s life and advance medical research and training for a better and brighter future. It is an act of love that every person of good will can do at any time and for any person.
                                                                                             Done by: Lynn Ayyash

Essay 2: Argumentative about Cosmetic Surgeries

Beauty or the Beast

       They say that beauty is only skin deep. However, people often come across ladies and men who are willing to put themselves under debt or even sell a kidney in order to enhance their beauty. Some spend their whole salary on cosmetics and makeup products; some go bankrupt while purchasing weight loss medicines, and others consume what is worth a life time of saving while pursuing cosmetic surgeries in an attempt to beautify themselves and fix their defaults. Yet, cosmetic surgeries have proved to be rather controversial, instigating innumerable positions which vary between with and against. Although some claim that cosmetic surgeries are essential in boosting one's self-confidence, I disagree since such operations are highly expensive and might embody fatal health complications.
        One major reason why people should avoid undergoing cosmetic surgeries is that the latter are highly expensive. According to the latest statistics performed worldwide, not less than 65% of the women all around the world have undergone a cosmetic surgery, be it a liposuction, a botox, or a nose job. However, each of those surgeries requires a titanic amount of money, for the cheapest operation wouldn't be for less than $1500 which is an equivalent to the salary of two months in Lebanon. This ought to be taken into consideration while contemplating whether to go for a cosmetic surgery or not.
        Yet another reason why cosmetic surgeries should be banned is that they put one's life and body at stake. Like any other surgery, cosmetic operations might expose patients to the hazards of anesthetizing, cutting, pasting, and sewing. During such surgeries, patients might end up with wrong results and defaults. Some might face lethal complications and enter comas due to problems resulting from the general anesthesia. Others might even suffer from infections, blood clot, or hemorrhage. This imposes the following question, "Is it worth it?"
        Critics of this notion argue that beauty is worth every dime and twitch of pain, for it has the capacity and potential to boost one's self-confidence. Cosmetic surgeries represent the magic potion and spell of beauty, the hidden weapon and means of self-satisfaction. Once this feeling is enriched, one's confidence and esteem would have a gigantic leap, for just knowing that you're in a perfect shape would just make you feel ready to face and combat anything that destiny might throw your way. However, those who believe in this have a very good question to answer, "What would happen to that self-esteem of yours when you grow older, lose that fake beauty of yours, and see nothing but wrinkles and the leftovers of the good old days in your reflection?" Beauty is only skin deep. As such, one should be aware that it's not permanent which means that one can't boast about his beauty, for it's temporary. It is one's character and achievements that should be cherished and shown off since they're there for eternity unlike beauty which is another sign of our mortality.
       In conclusion, even though some claim that beauty should be attained at any expense, one should bear in mind the consequences and side effects and contemplate carefully before taking the decision to undergo plastic surgeries. After all, one should always recall Allah's Qur'anic verse, "Verily, we created man of the best stature." As such, no matter how imperfect one is, imperfection has its own beauty.

                                                         Done by: Miss Batoul Ali Saad


War: A Weapon Aimed at Humanity
        “There never was a good war, or a bad peace. When the rich wage war, it is the poor who die.” This quote alludes and proclaims that not a single one of the hundreds of thousands of wars humanity has witnessed was due to the failure of peace and democracy; not a single one of them was purely a good righteous war; there is the greed and voraciousness of the upper rich class that ignites the war that is mostly carried out by the poor, which are the true victims of war. Thus, the rich aren’t but the puppet-masters that oversee the course of humanity. War can subjugate humans to myriad detrimental implications. Undeniable war’s gargantuan effects on humanity can be traced throughout every aspect in people’s life, but some of the major ones can be classified as physical and psychological.

       War is undoubtedly a painful encounter and social dilemma, for the physical effects it leaves behind are too painful to forget or overcome sometimes. John Doe, a forty-six year old man from Lebanon, is a real-life example of the horrendous atrocities of war and the brutal physical effects that it leaves behind. In 2006, John Doe was a well-known social worker and NGO founder who had set his goal towards peace and aiding everyone regardless of their differences. That same year, a war broke out due to the Israeli aggression that was characterized by the entrance of Israeli forces into several southern districts and capturing thousands of civilians including John Doe. During his capture, John Doe was under constant torture and physical damage due to his prominence in the Lebanese society. He had his arm broken, fingers snatched, and legs torn. He was physically marred and defaced beyond all measures and expectations. And this is but a mere glimpse of the physical cruelty one is subjugated to at times of war. 

     War can also trigger a plethora of psychological effects, ones that could be crippling sometimes. John Doe was also a victim of war’s psychological downsides and the trauma and devastation that one would be forced to live with even when all signals of disputes and wars are over. War punishes the person twice, the physical pain and danger, and the trauma of the mind. After his release, John Doe left the prison mutilated in a horrific manner. The unending nights of threat and torture indeed left an imprint inside John’s heart, for he has been pulled into bouts of depression and anxiety; his nervous breakdowns and nightmares are too grisly and gruesome to be put into words due to what he had been subjugated to and the atrocities he’d witnessed during his capture. He is a permanent user of antidepressants and anti-psychotics, an assortment of drugs that would ultimately lead to an escalation in the risk of suicide along with some health conditions like a lower libido and a profoundly unpleasant muscular condition. 

      In conclusion, war is but a weapon aimed at civilians, a weapon of malice and malevolence which would inevitably result in sheer destruction and utter annihilation of all forms of peace, serenity, and prosperity. It is the spear of greed and the sword of animosity. However, there never was a good war or a bad peace. There is the self-indulgence of the controlling upper class and its lust for money and power and the susceptibility and fragility of the poor and the weak that are nothing but puppets and pawns in this game of power.  

                                                               Done by: Hadi Koubeissy

                                                               Edited by: Miss Batoul Ali Saad


ESSAY 4: DISCUSS ESSAY about the Effects of Early Marriage

Early Marriage
     “By getting men to reject practices that subordinate women and girls and subject them to violence, we can get to the root of child marriage," said Wanjala Wafula. This quote asserts and alludes that the ideology behind child marriage is that of controlling women and keeping them at their most vulnerable and susceptible state. What such communities fail to comprehend is that relationships that are built on an early marriage would be destroyed, not only because of having a bad and sometimes abusive husband but also because of having a young fragile kid who is not yet ready to be a wife and a mother. Early marriage is defined as the union between two people in which one or both of them are younger than 18 years old, an age that is not yet ready for the responsibilities such a commitment entails. Hence, early marriage or child marriage has countless downsides such as suffering from health and social problems.
     Early marriage often comes with a big price, for it brings upon the child who has often been forced into early marriage a slew of physical and health problems and effects. Shadia Komaira, a 25-year-old Syrian girl, is a real-life example of the plethora of downside effects of early marriage and the critical health problems it encompasses after having been married off at the age of 16. Early marriage entails a slew of health issues due to problems resulting while giving birth, living in pressure, and suffering from sexual relations at an early age while the body is not even ready to engage in them. For instance, Shadia has suffered from malignant cancer after giving birth to her first child. Shadia has also unfortunately been a victim of her husband’s brutality. He has often used her as his punching bag, leaving her with broken limbs and bruises for weeks. The fears and anxieties that Shadia has been forced to endure have left her feeling vulnerable at all times. She became susceptible to an even worse mental and health issue to invade her everyday life and wreak havoc on her body and mind; she has become a victim of depression which has made her suffer from insomnia, eating disorder, and suicidal thoughts.
     Enduring social problems is yet another effect of early marriage. To illustrate, Shadia has been forced to tackle the social effects of her early marriage and pay gravely for it. Early marriage leads people to leave their education and pushes them to join the work force to avoid poverty and afford the needs of their children. In Shadia’s case, her husband has refused to allow her to pursue her education in order to ensure that she remains totally dependent and incapable of building her own life, her own career, and her own personality. Unfortunately, this has formed a cycle since Shadia was not able to help her kids in studying and solving assignments, which has eventually led to their poor school records and eventual drop out of school at the age of 5 and 6. Raising a family with breadwinner these days is rather impossible, so it goes without saying that Shadia’s family has been forced to live with the clawing effects of poverty and the pains of going days without a proper meal for her and her children. She has also added to the cases of domestic violence running rampant and the ones that are yet to come since her kids who are standing as witnesses to her husband’s brutal ways and physical and verbal abuse will sooner or later grow up to become abusive like him or silently abused like her.
         Around the world, 27,397 girls under 18 are married every day. This titanic number is simply there, is hard to hear, comprehend, and accept, and is dangerous for the society. So, when will the world take a stand and make a move to put an end to such a violation of human and children’s rights? When will the international community grow a conscience and fight for those who can’t fight for themselves, for the clipped wings of the young girls of today who were meant to be the butterflies of tomorrow?
                    Done by: Jinan Mhanna and Fatima Kanso LS “B”
                                     Ghoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

                    Edited by: Miss Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 5: Persuasive Essay about Abortion

Abortion: Ban It

      "The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between." In this quote, Mother Teresa raises a crucial topic and social phenomenon, endangering the society and jeopardizing our existence as human beings, hence defying the very definition of humanity and being humane. Unfortunately, abortion is running rampant these days within households where young couples still crave the life of freedom, a youngster is desperate to get rid of the proof of her involvement in irresponsible and unprotected physical encounter at a young age, or a victim of rape is out of her depth and needs to rid herself of the reminder of a painful and traumatizing assault that has ended with her pregnancy. However, those fail to bear in mind the fact that abortion is rather perilous and ought to be prohibited due to the dangers it entails. After all, one can't deny that abortion is a fatal social phenomenon that should be banned due to its physical downsides and psychological impacts as well as religious prohibitions regarding this topic. 

   One major reason why abortion is to be feared and banned is that it entails countless physical hazards and dangers including complications during the surgery and possible infertility in the future. Despite the fact that serious complications occur in fewer than 1 out of 100 first trimester abortions and approximately 1 out of every 50 late term abortions, the risks, when they occur, are cataclysmic. Those include heavy or persistent bleeding, infection or sepsis, damage to the cervix, scarring of the uterine lining, perforation of the uterus, and death, especially when engaging in unsafe abortions. Statistics show that complications from unsafe abortions account for about 47,000 pregnancy related deaths each year. Moreover, one major danger that one should fear is the likelihood of losing fertility and being unable to bear children in the future. In addition to that, if the procedure involves some complications there is a possibility for a last effecting on a female's reproductive organs. Add to that the fact that multiple abortions could weaken the cervix which would make it difficult to sustain a pregnancy and if a woman has been greatly affected emotionally by previous abortions, this can make the body reject a pregnancy.

    Yet another reason why abortion should be outlawed is that it encompasses a plethora of calamitous psychological and emotional downsides on those who undergo such a procedure. The way a mother perceives the baby she is about to get rid of plays a significant role in the emotions and psychological conditions that they are bombarded with afterwards, and some of these effects can be quite harmful for the mother and her psychological well-being. Some of these downsides include regret, shame, anger, guilt, and sense of loneliness as well as loss of self-confidence. These might escalate to reach a whole new level and a more dangerous one, for some of those women might suffer from anxiety, depression, and insomnia or nightmares. Consequently, this would inevitably leave a dent in their relationships with the spouse if they are married and with those around due to their depression. What is even worse is that severe depression and insomnia might trigger suicidal thoughts and feelings which might ultimately end with their death. 

    One additional reason why abortion should be avoided at all costs and even banned is the set of religious prohibitions regarding this topic. To begin with, Islamic jurisprudence does not encourage abortion. On the contrary, it is rather prohibited in Islam. Still, positions on abortion are notably variable, and many religious scholars permit abortion in particular circumstances during specific stages of gestational development. It is generally agreed that the least blameworthy abortion is when the life of the pregnant woman is threatened and when 120 days have not lapsed; however, there is clear heterogeneity regarding other circumstances such as preserving physical or mental health, foetal impairment, rape, or social or economic reasons, and later gestational development of the fetus. All in all, religiously committed people should think twice before committing what is deemed a sin in their religion.

     In conclusion, abortion is a prominent social phenomenon that should be addressed and avoided, for it embodies a host of perilous effects that a pregnant woman should bear in mind before taking such a decision. As such, governments should raise awareness about the perils of such a procedure, especially when done illegally and without professional help, and parents should keep a closer eye on their teens to prevent them from engaging in sexual relationships, especially unprotected ones at a young age. 

Essay 6: Problem-solution Essay about Cyberbullying 

Cyberbulling: Thorny Days for Its Victims 

     "We focus so much on our differences, and that is creating, I think, a lot of chaos and negativity and bullying in the world. And I think if everybody focused on what we all have in common which is we all want to be happy." Ellen DeGeneres asserts and alludes that if people focus on the common things among them rather than focusing on the differences and going into a huge chaos, the world would be a different place, a more forgiving and humanitarian one, where people accept and embrace each other and their humanity instead of bullying each other verbally, physically, or through cyberspace. After all, there is nothing worse than subjecting others to our bitter tongues and bloodthirsty fists face-to-face or cyberbullying them through our venomous comments on their social media accounts. Cyberbullying is a calamitous problem which has the capacity to trigger a plethora of challenges which require instantaneous measures and solutions, and these challenges vary between social, physical, and psychological.

     To start with, one major set of challenges resulting from cyberbullying is the social one which includes social isolation and inability to trust others. In many societies, social networks are likely to thin as people age, leading in many cases to isolation and loneliness. Some studies suggest that the impact of isolation and loneliness on health and mortality are of the same order of magnitude as such factors as obesity, high blood pressure, and smoking. Also, inability to trust others is a dilemma which the bullied suffers from since it's hard to grant trust after having been subjected to the malicious side of human nature and the predators who prey on others from behind their screens. To avoid becoming socially isolated, one could have regular activities with family and friends which can also go a long way in combatting the feelings of social isolation. Plus, to overcome trust issues one can attend group therapy which is particularly effective, for people undergoing treatment for similar mental-health concerns can learn to build trust with their therapist and other members of the group.

     Another major set of challenges resulting from cyber bullying is the physical one, for it kindles myriad health issues and precipitates sleeping disorders.Those who are bullied are at increased risk of having acute or grave mental health problems, intolerable headaches, and, ultimately, death. It can also cause long-term damage to one's self-esteem. Bullies and victims of bullying alike can have sleeping problems. Researchers have discovered that bullying other people and sleep issues are connected. To reduce these effects, one should improve his daytime habits and to stick to a consistent sleep schedule to have a better sleep over the long term and reduce effects of stress, for when one gets stressed, the adrenaline gland becomes fatigued affecting the quality and quantity of the hormones that are produced, which controls health and sleep.

    Moreover, cyber bullying ignites a set of psychological challenges and lethal effects, such as going through depression and feeling lonely. NICHD research studies show that anyone involved with bullying, those who bully others and those who are bullied, are at increased  risk of depression. Although depression doesn't always lead to loneliness, feeling lonely is often a predictor of depression, and it certainly leads to sadness. The one who gets bullied will feel lonely since no one is standing by his side, covering his back, defending him, giving him the support he really needs, and thwarting the heinous and rancorous attacks he is being subjected to. This would definitely leave one feeling pained and depressed, and suffering from constant anxiety and stress due to the attacks he or she is being subjected to. There are only a few strategies that successfully protect against depression and loneliness  which are exploring one's faith which can help in accepting the things in life that one can't control and exploring therapy. Looking for a professional psychologist with a cognitive behavioral background, an approach that's been shown to help with depression and loneliness, can also be of great assistance.

  As a conclusion, cyber bullying, a fatal occurrence in today's society which kindles a bundle of challenges on different levels, such as the social, physical, and psychological ones, is a social dilemma that ought to be curbed and curtailed asap. As such, schools, academics, and parents should embrace their role in containing such a phenomenon. 

Done by: Melissa Shkeir
Ghoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls 

Essay 7: Discuss Essay about Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence: Another World of Crime

      “No amount of me trying to explain myself was doing any good. I didn’t even know what was going on inside me, so how could I have explained it to them?” In this quote, Sierra D. Waters, one of many victims of domestic violence, makes a heartfelt cry for help in her quote, for she states that she was suffering a lot and reached a point where she didn’t even know what’s going on inside her, so she wasn't even capable of seeking relief by explaining it to others. After all, who could live through domestic violence and stay sane enough to tell its atrocious stories? Domestic violence, a hazardous and widely spread social phenomenon, evinces myriads  of social, physical, and psychological effects.

      Domestic violence is a trip through hell for many, triggering a plethora of social effects that its victims have to endure. Mia Strum, a 30-year-old Lebanese woman, is a real life example of domestic violence which emulates a bundle of social effects that it leaves behind. Mia is a very successful journalist who met the love of her life in a bar; what she didn’t know was that what she thought was the love of her life turned out to be her worst nightmare. When her husband was a little kid, he witnessed the beating of his own mother by the hands of his father, which turned him into a man who beats his own wife as well as an impact of what he got used to when he was young. After all, it's common knowledge that parents lead by example.Therefore, one can easily deduce that being exposed to domestic violence would lead to a never-ending cycle of violence and abuse on the long-term, for kids learn from their parents and follow their steps. Social isolation is yet another social impact of domestic violence, for one would reach a point of avoiding others out of timidness and fear of seeing the pity in other people's eyes. This is evident in Mia’s case. After years of being under constant torture from her husband, Mia went through a crucial period of social isolation by locking herself up and not eating or talking to anybody.

   In addition to its debilitating social effects, domestic violence brings about a slew of unendurable and torturous physical effects. Mia Strum is a real-life example, for she has faced the  ongoing pain and challenging physical effects of enduring her husband's ongoing physical abuse. Red and purple marks were spread all over her body from head to toe due to the violence she had received from her husband. Mia suddenly started feeling unbearable pain in her wrists and in her head, and she was half paralyzed after having fallen once while receiving one of her husband's usual beatings. She had a sprained ankle, one broken knee, and a broken wrist. She thinks that her husband was doing drugs and that's why he keeps on beating her up whenever she shows up in front of him.

   Moreover, the psychological and mental effects of being subjected to domestic violence are too disquieting to go unnoticed. Mrs. Strum has suffered the psychological outcomes of being subjected to domestic violence that include depression and dark suicidal thoughts. At first, depression took over Mia and deterred her, locking her behind the bars of sorrow and melancholy, making her unable to live her life fully. After all, the scars which were left on Mia's body will absolutely leave their mark on her mental well-being, as she might reach a point where she drowns in depression. In addition to that, Strum's suicidal thoughts never left her due to the pressure of enduring her husband's physical and verbal violence and aggression and her bouts of depression. After all, anyone being subjected to the kinds of physical, verbal, and mental abuse she was being subjected to would not get out of it unscathed, at least mentally. 

  In a nutshell, domestic violence, a critical and lethal phenomenon, emulates numerous social, physical, and psychological outcomes, and the story of Mia Strum and the violence she encountered should be well known by everyone to put an end to such a blatant violation of human rights and savagery. Globally, the rate of victims of domestic violence is overwhelming, so it's way past time for people to sound the alarms and start putting an end to such rancorous crimes.

Done by:
Zeynab Daibess, Jana Barakat, Melissa Shkeir, Yara Jammal, Ivana Tawbeh
Ghoubeiry Second Public High School for Girls

Essay 8: Case Study Essay on Gender Inequality

Gender Inequality

     Julie christie once said, "I remember becoming aware of women's issues and inequality. It became glaringly clear to me when I was living in America that women are regarded as less intelligent than men." This quote refers to Julie Christie who, ironically, was in America when she realized how the average of gender inequality is high, for even there they consider that the man is smarter than the woman. All this leads to a war of genders to prove that the woman is capable of doing anything man can do, and they absolutely have all the right to be free. This gender inequality has multiple effects on one's life socially, economically, and psychologically.

     Gender inequality is without a shadow of doubt a serious social dilemma which triggers and causes a slew of social effects, especially for those who are forced to endure it. Lauro Mawro, a  31-year-old  woman from Spain, is a real-life example of gender inequality and its social effects. 2012 was the year Laura really noticed the different treatment between men and women. She noticed how women are paid less compared to men in addition to her being married to a man who doesn't allow her to work because of him thinking that women only belong to the kitchen. The others she heard of from some of her girlfriends who often nagged about them not being appreciated at work, no matter how hard they worked.

     Gender inequality also has a host of economic effects. For example, Mawro who is also a victim of the economic effects of gender  inequality fought so hard and objected against the idea of her not being able to grant her child her nationality; she argues that she, as their mother, should also have the right to give it to them  since fathers aren't always included in some families due to some problems like divorce, for example. Due to not being able to give her last name to her child, she was not able to benefit from the social services grant to kids in such a case. Her children were also deprived of the right to be enrolled in public schools and to receive scholarships.

     One area that often goes unnoticed in gender inequality is the area related to mental health, and that's exactly what a lot of women suffer from, the psychological effects of gender inequality. Laura Mawro has to cope with the depression and anxiety resulting from being a victim of gender inequality. Depression and anxiety are 3 times more present in women than men. This asymmetry is explained as hormonal factors, but also by differences in the socioeconomic positions of men and women in our societies. Staying home for a long time and doing nothing but house chores, cooking, teaching kids, like Laura's situation, comes with a lot of side effects, since Laura is always depressed. This is due to only staying home and not achieving anything other women might be achieving and because of the shallow reality that convinced her that indeed her husband is way smarter than her.

     In conclusion, unfortunately, societies are not properly addressing this gender inequality issue, and although humans are slowly progressing towards achieving equal rights nowadays, they still have a long way to go, and inequalities between men and women are still a sad reality in many areas.

Fatima Atwe - Ayda Assaad

Ghoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

Essay 9: Argumentative Essay about Child Marriage

Child Marriage

    "Age does not matter in most relationships, but in marriage it matters a lot. If you marry a younger you have to baby sit, and if you marry an older, you have to follow orders". This quote alludes that choosing a proper age for a spouse is paramount, for one would have to live with his or her choice and bear its consequences. As such, one should be aware of the dangers of child marriage and its impact on one’s life. However, this topic has proved to be a rather controversial and juicy one, igniting opposing points of view, with and against. Although some argue that child marriage is necessary since it relieves parents of the economic burden of a child, one can't help but disagree and argue that child marriage should be banned, for it brings negative effects in the social and mental field.

    One major reason why child marriage should be banned is that it brings about a plethora of negative social effects, such as increasing the rate of divorce and causing financial security issues. Back in old times, parents marry their kids too soon, at the age of 9; they think that girls belong to their husband and kitchen only, which leads to lack of understanding between couples. The level of understanding would be developed only when both of them have matured enough to understand each other and their environment and bear the responsibilities they are expected to shoulder rather than crumple beneath them. Then, there is the financial security issues. Most men who marry at a very young age are not settled well in life yet. Thus, they should require a lot of money in carrying out the responsibilities of the family, money they don’t have. Consequently, this young couple would be forced into poverty.

      Yet another reason why child marriage should be abolished is that it causes a slew of  negative mental problems, such as depression and loss of self-esteem. To begin with, child brides are often subjected to abortions, for women who get pregnant early in life are prone to face the risks in abortions or miscarriages, which is something that often ends with bouts of depression and sense of failure. Moreover, those who marry at a young age, especially women, can face the dilemma of having incomplete education since they would drop out of school. Indeed, it is basic education that is required early in life. For this reason, those often feel less about themselves in comparison to their peers, suffering from a serious dent in their self-esteem and self-confidence.

      Critics of this notion argue that child marriage is necessary, for it relieves parents of the economic burden of a child. Some families are too poor to contemplate whether they should marry off one of their girls or not. Since they can’t afford a proper living for their children, they often make their daughters marry at an early age because it’s one mouth less to feed. However, what those are not aware of is that these parents would be putting their daughters in a more dire situation where they would be susceptible and vulnerable, uneducated enough to be independent and stand on their own, which means that they are sending their daughters off to be fresh preys for domestic violence, abortion, and divorce. Is this reasonable? Wouldn’t this parent just end up with their daughter on their doorsteps to feed again but as a divorcee instead of a single lady with a whole future ahead of her?

       In conclusion, child marriage has a lot of effects on one's life in the social field, mental field, and other fields too. The drastic effects of child marriage are a living proof that one should get married when there is stability of emotions and financial security, for both parties should have an equal footing.

Done by: Ayda AssaadGhoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

Essay 10: Argumentative Essay about Wars

War: When a Lie Births a New Reality
        Not a single thing that people commonly believe about wars is true. Wars cannot be good or glorious, nor can they be justified as a means of achieving peace or anything else of value. The reasons given for wars, before, during, and after, are all false. Some astute politicians claim that war is a last resort, one that would require a good reason so that when war is finally waged, the public would presume that there must be a good reason. However, war has proved to be rather controversial and juicy, igniting opposing points of view. Although some argue that wars are necessary since they help in economic growth, one can’t help but disagree and argue that wars should be avoided at all costs, for they bring about social problems and trigger grave psychological issues.
       One major reason why war should be avoided at all costs is that it entails many negative effects on human beings in the social field, such as family disintegration and immigration. Unfortunately, death does not differentiate between a male and a female or between an adult and a child, especially when it comes through missiles, bombs, and bullets in armed conflicts. This often results in the loss of loved ones, loving parents and innocent children, triggering issues between couples it drives them away from each other, causing the disintegration of their family and weakening their family bonds and ties. This is made even worse when family members find themselves forced to evacuate and elope their war-torn countries and end up seeking refuge in different ones. Unfortunately, armed conflicts and wars make immigration, whether legal or illegal, an inevitability. People would be forced to flee their homes in order to survive and save their lives and the lives of their loved ones. They would be forced to leave the safety and sanctity of their homes. They would be forced to leave their memories within walls and in streets that they might never see again, and they would be forced to embrace a new reality, a painful one as a refuge living under the mercy and charity of the global community. Such an increase in the rate of immigration would influence their country and the social and economic conditions in the host countries.
     Another major reason why war should be avoided at all costs is that it entails many negative impacts on human beings in the psychological field such as anxiety and depression. War can lead to depression. Living in constant fear of being bombed, of losing a limb and ending up disabled and crippled, of being hit by a sniper or being lost under the rubbles of a building you were passing by, or of losing a loved one would undoubtedly incite a plethora of negative feelings, including fear and anxiety. Feelings of anxiety are further intensified when one seeks refuge elsewhere during war, for having no home or money and facing the unknown would ultimately trigger one’s fear and trepidation. It’s part of human nature. Furthermore, the realization that they have been but pawns in the hands of their politicians, the puppet masters orchestrating a whole ploy to take over a land, to exploit a natural resource, or to monopolize a market would bring along deep feelings of contempt and depression. They would hate their politicians and governments and would feel depressed due to their helplessness and the dire situation they are in, the loss of a home, a loved family member, and the safety of thriving country living in peace. Such feelings of sadness and depression are further intensified when one loses his home, is forced to become a refugee, and is subjected to insulting remarks and degrading attitudes in his or her host country.
 Some claim that war is a must since it helps in economic progress and development. A lot of wars have been waged with economic and materialistic incentives, for one country might wish to take control of another country’s wealth. One of the cases of such wars is the Finnish-Soviet War or “The Winter War” of 1939 when Stalin and his Soviet Army wanted to mine Nickel and Finland, and when the Finnish refused, the Soviet Union waged war on the country. To some, waging a war has a boon worth fighting for, such as a natural resource or a colossal economic progress. However, those often overlook the fact that wars are indeed very harmful for economy. In fact, instead of boosting the economy, they might destroy it, for they drain their economy with the expenses paid for weaponry and requirements of war for their forces, money wasted on reconstruction, and medical expenses. After all, wars can cause massive destruction of cities and can decrease manpower despite the fact that humans are paramount when it comes to economic growth.
     In conclusion, war is not a solution and is never an option, for nothing justifies driving people out of the safety and loving walls of their homes in order to seek safety elsewhere and making them lose the warm presence of a safe and breathing family around. As such, economic growth is not an excuse to wage war. In fact, nothing is a reason good enough to shed blood, kill innocent people, devastate families, and destroy cities that speak of histories and cultures.

Done by: Fatima Farhat
Ghobeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

Essay 11: Multi-causes Essay about School Dropout 

Causes of School Dropout

      Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone; that's a student every 26 seconds or 7,000 a day. School dropout has been a burning issue confronting general and special educators and school leaders for a long time, and their legislative efforts to solve this problem are seeming to somehow "notch the snake, but not kill it". That's why, people should go back to the root causes of this issue to try and solve it. Some of the causes of the increase in school dropouts vary between social, mental and economic.  

     School dropout is a resultant of lethal academic problems such as academic failure and boredom. Struggling in school on a daily basis is the biggest reason most students choose to drop out of school, for they don’t feel it's getting them anywhere. Boredom also contributes to this upsurge in school dropout, for a survey showed that at least 65% of students are bored at least once a day since they disengage from learning because their teachers aren't putting life into the lesson.
        Yet another set of causes that instigates an escalation in school dropout is the mental one, which includes depression and social anxiety. Depression is a mental disease that makes someone somehow void and seeing no meaning in life for him. That's why a large number of students choose to drop out of school because of this untreated mental disease. As for social anxiety, almost half of the patients suffering an anxiety disorder dropped out of school before completing their education, according to a new study from McMaster University. More than 22% said they felt too nervous in school; 16.9% had problems speaking in front of a class; and 10.9% were intimidated by teachers or peers. As such, schools should make students' mental health a priority. The same thing applies to parents, for they should keep track of their child's mental health to help them not take that road that'll make them lose their future.
       Moreover, school dropouts could be lead to by a series of economic problems and hindrances such as poverty and unemployment prospects. Many families do not have the income assistance to cover the colossal expenses that raising a child requires; that's why a large number of students drop out of school to work so they can start making money to help out their families. Also, the unemployment prospects discourage the students to pursue their education, for they will be persuaded that there's no future awaiting them. As such, the government should provide care and assistance for those families in need, in addition to working on ensuring employment.
       In conclusion, school dropout is a serious social problem that ought to raise everyone's hackles and put them on high alert to intervene and cut losses short, for it has the potential to elicit fatal and cataclysmic social, mental, and economic problems which would devastate any healthy community if not addressed and tackled ASAP. As such, it's way past time to sound the alarms and call for instantaneous measures to try to cap this problem before it turns out of hands.

Fatima Atwi SE "A"
Ghobeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

Essay 12: Multi-effects Essay about Plastic Surgeries

Effects of Plastic Surgeries

       Plastic surgery has become an extremely popular trend throughout the last couple of years. The world is changing, and many things have undergone drastic alternations due to several causes, including  plastic surgeries which people opt for despite the plethora of problems they might entail. It is undeniable that undergoing plastic surgeries encompasses a slew of effects which vary between physical, emotional and economic ones.

     Plastic surgery embodies a slew of physical effects such as blood loss and hematoma. To begin with, plastic surgeries lead to extreme blood loss which is an indication of something that has gone awry  during surgery. A large amount of blood loss can cause organ failure or even death. This is closely connected to the hematoma that often results from plastic surgeries. It is a collection of blood under the skin that causes swelling and pressure, and it is the most common complication of facelift surgery. Hematoma formation usually occurs after 24 hours of surgery.

     Yet another category of problematic effects ignited by plastic surgeries is the emotional one which includes becoming a topic of gossip and  missing the sense fulfillment. Plastic surgeries pave the way to feeding on one's insecurities and weaknesses, for one's  social circle would heavily engage in gossip  about the person who undergoes any plastic surgery, and this causes loss of seld-confidence. However, those who undergo plastic surgery run the risk of missing the feeling of fulfillment after they have undergone their procedure. Those who did not feel satisfied often went back to have additional work done. When the procedure yields results other than those expected, the patient may also feel resentment or anger toward their doctor.

      Moreover, plastic surgeries instigate numerous economic effects which include huge financial costs and unnecessary expenditures. Many procedures cost tens of thousands of dollars and the cost only goes up with the experience of the doctor and intricacy of the procedure. Some put themselves under debt to satisfy their need for beauty. What is even worse is that the more money one makes, the more likely he or she is to undergo additional and unnecessary surgeries. This means that people indulge in unnecessary expenses on procedures that could put their lives at risk and cost them more money to cope with and tackle the possible consequences should these procedures backfire. 

      In conclusion , despite all the beneficial impacts of plastic surgeries carries, the perilous effects on the  physical, emotional, and economic domain necessitate thinking twice and contemplating the notion of undergoing such surgeries before embracing it.

Hadeel Shukor
SE "A"

Ghobeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

Essay 13: Multi-effects Essay about Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeries

Plastic Surgeries: Redefining the Concept  

      “There’s nothing more rare, nor more beautiful than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.” This quote is by Steve Maraboli, a highly sought-after consultant and speaker, sheds light on the very topic of beauty, which was and still is probably what not only women but also men, seek, regardless the process to gain it. Consequently, many undergo plastic surgeries to fix any imperfection in their body. But heedless of the various causes, many ramifications do in fact take place, varying between  physical, mental, and professional/social aspects. 

      To kick off with the physical effects of undergoing plastic surgeries, enhanced physical abilities and medical conditions, are two of the most crucial ones. And while these might be criticized for being “too positive" effects of plastic surgeries for some, it’s important to note that a huge difference settles between a plastic surgery which in most cases is nominative, and a cosmetic one, that is considered elective. Many people have been born with congenital flaws that affected their physical capabilities; therefore, a plastic surgery will definitely help them walk, maintain a normal physical life routine, and enhance their somatic abilities in general. The same applies to people whom at some point in their lives were susceptible of bizarre accidents or fatal illnesses and misfortunes, that caused a certain medical condition in their corporeal stance, ergo, applying a plastic surgery aids them to regain their healthy and normal lifestyle back, and cures whatever complications they faced, or might have.  

      Undoubtedly, a plastic surgery comes to light firstly by being reflected on the mental state of the patient. Thus, boosting his/her self esteem and changing his/her life perception are major psychological consequences of undergoing those surgeries. Unconsciously, the concept of beauty has always been tied to our self acceptance, for beauty has been viewed as youth and energy embodied in the halo surrounding those who have it. And studies have shown that people with certain physical disorders encountered massive changes in their self-confidence, charisma, and self acceptance after undergoing surgery. Moreover, this enormous change in their mental state, was accompanied by changes in the way they imaged their life, adding colourful flavours of hope, desires, and ambitions to achieve, basically giving many a reason to “stay". 

     For a person who is the most important unit of any society, plastic surgeries affect their professional roles by opening wider chances of occupational development and brewing them with their surroundings. Unfortunately, many positions in the work industry do not rely solely on the IQs or academic achievements and experience. The physical appearance is just as important if not more, and when lacked, whatever is scribbled on your CV is as trivial as a mug with no handle. Therefore, plastic surgeries will definitely guide the right people to the right and well deserved job. Also, mixing with the professional/social environment will also be enhanced by all the solving elements that plastic surgery provides.  

      To sum up with, plastic surgery is still seen as a taboo for a big portion of the international society, despite evolving as a concept, for the moral debate about it has yet to be ceased. And with that being extremely normal, it’s important as mentioned before, to raise awareness of what’s elective and what’s non-elective among those surgeries, to not point fingers randomly, and deprive the chance of somebody who really needs it, and has the right to utilize it.

By Shams Khalaf 


Essay 14: Persuasive Essay about Weightlifting

Train like a Beast

Weightlifting is a sport and activity of lifting barbells and other heavy weights; it’s not just for men. It’s a myth made by society that lifting weights will make women bulky or put them at the risk of injury. That’s why the thought of that weightlifting makes women bulky should be erased from people’s mind and public awareness that addresses this topic should be initiated, since by weightlifting women experience major physical, mental and social benefits.

One considerable reason why women should weight lift is the physical benefits, for it helps women maintain muscle and build stronger bones. Studies shows that between the ages of 30 and 70, women lose an average of 22 percent of their muscle, because of their body ability to produce the proteins that the muscles need to grow decreases as a process of aging, but what’s more upsetting is that this muscle void is often filled with fat. One pound of fat takes up 18 percent more space then one pound of muscle, so even if the number on the scale went down your pants size might go up. Furthermore, weight lifting gives women the ability to build stronger bones. When you lift weights, you engage muscles that pull on the tendons which in return pill on the bones, this adds stress that makes bones stronger. Also it is the best defense against ‘’osteoporosis’’ which is a bone disease that weakens the bones to the point were they break easily, this malady is affecting 10 million Americans 80 percent of which are women are women according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation.

Another major reason why women should weight lift is that it reflects on our mental health in a positive way as it lowers stress and anxiety levels as well as enhances the memory. Imagine after a long stressful day you hit the gym, you’ll eventually feel better after wards, due to the work out that helped in releasing feel-good chemicals in the brain. New study also shows that an intense workout as little as 20 minutes can enhance episodic memory, also known as long term memory for previous events by about 10 percent in healthy young adults.

Women will also be experiencing loads of social benefits, and that’s another reason why they should join the weight lifting domain as a way of improving their self-esteem and social skills. You may struggle with low self-esteem due to your weight rather than judging yourself for being too skinny, fat or unhealthy, weight training changes this and when you start noticing difference in your body you lift yourself out of a pattern of negative self-talk and start to enjoy, accept and respect yourself overall as a person, which gives a big boost in improving your self-esteem that weight lifting helps in developing your social skills. Communicating more with new people at the gym, upgrades your social skill with helping you become more outgoing, affable and brave.

In a nutshell, weightlifting is important to women as much as to men. Women shouldn’t underestimate the power and beneficial effects weight lifting carries from physical, mental and social ones. Gender norms shouldn’t be deciding the good choices we take so we don’t regret it later.

Israa Sabra 2 SA 2022

Essay 15: Persuasive Essay about Beauty Pageants

Kids Beauty Contest: A Two Faced Experience

“I accidentally entered a youth pageant when I was 14. That’s like a beauty pageant, but without the beauty. It was terrible”, said Zoey Deschanel about her experience of joining a kids beauty contest. This quote highlights what a beauty contest truly is, and that it’s not as pretty as it appears to be. Children are the masters of fantastical ideas, so it’s no wonder That many girls involved in the pageant circuits, relish spending a few days a year as Cinderella. However, this princess-like dream can be interrupted by a realism check, of how this fantasy can become a tragedy. Kids beauty contests can often shape the future of the kids negatively; that’s why they should be ceased. Immediate measures should be taken in order to stop these contests and the impacts they unfold physically, socially and psychologically.


   One major reason why kids beauty contests should be brought to an end, is the physical impacts they have, including sexualization of children, eating disorders, and distorted body image. Children that participate in beauty contests are sexualized very early, as they may dress in highly suggestive costumes and learn that they gain attention and status when dressing in such ways. This may lead to premature sexual activity and can teach the unfortunate lesson that women’s worth is determined by being viewed as sexual figures. Moreover ,pageants ,particularly those designed for children, mainly focus on appearance, attire and perceived “cuteness”. These contests grow, in children, the belief that their value lies in their appearance and how they are seen in the eyes of others; which can lead to significant body image distortion and to serious eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, since these contests, similar to adults ones, require heavy dieting which  encourages children to starve, so they can fit into small costumes and dresses; which harms their health and affects there development.


   Another major reason why actions must be taken to diminish kids beauty contests, is their social effects like the error in the ethical and manners compass and over valuation of self. These beauty pageants can be extremely competitive, and children may learn from them a host of unhealthy manners, including the desire to defeat the other competitors at all costs, which can lead them to be hateful and hold grudges against other children. This could also affect them when they grow up to become teenagers, as being in an atmosphere filled with this competitive spirit would make them act like this in other places even with their own siblings. These false values also affect the social life of the children who participate in these contests, by which they could become unfriendly, and show offs who see themselves of a higher value than other kids. Which could also lead to other problems including them growing to become bullies, and making fun of other kids thinking they are superior because of their looks.


   Yet another reason why kids beauty contests should be put to an end is their psychological effects like slow self- esteem and self-confidence, depression and anxiety. The children, mainly girls, who participate and don’t win in these contests, are most likely to compare themselves do the winners and feel as if they are less pretty than them; not only do these contests affect the participants but also other kids, as they are being exposed to what these contests label as “beautiful” and the perfect image. This plants in children’s mindsets that they have to look like these participants and to wear make up and accessories in order to be beautiful, causing them to have low self- esteem and self-confidence at a young age. Depression and anxiety are also another aftermath, according to psychological experts, as telling children to focus on their looks, would lower their esteem and could lead to either of these problems. Also, these contests have other kids overthinking these beauty standards and questioning how they do not match them, because of seeing kids presented flawlessly and gracefully in front of them, leading them to suffer from the mental problems mentioned above.


   In a nutshell, beauty contests are not always beautiful, as they affect kids’ lives physically, socially and psychologically. Children are supposed to be wild and free and live life to the max in a childlike and freeway, not to be dolled up and presented as figures to represent fake beauty in contests and pageants, so don’t make them mature too early and get exposed to the world of high beauty standards and fake prettiness. So, will some countries ban beauty contests in the future just like France?

Sara Wehbe (2SA) 2022

animated-butterfly-image-0289Theme: Hygiene and Nutrition


Essay 1: Argumentative Essay about Antibiotic Products

With or Against Antibacterial Products
     “A healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.” Francis Bacon’s quote asserts and alludes that having a healthy body is the cornerstone in having a healthy, fruitful, blissful, and thriving life. Meanwhile, suffering from ailments would inevitably leave irrevocable effects on one’s life and peace of mind, as well as productivity and freedom to pursue whatever the heart yearns for since a weak health is a deterrent at its least and a death sentence at its worst. Unfortunately, nowadays human beings are being endangered by myriad factors that pose a threat to their physical welfare and wellbeing including diseases and infections resulting from contamination. As such, one of the major issues that require immediate attention is people’s hygiene and cleanliness to maintain health and prevent disease through cleanliness. However, one primary move embraced by human beings to ensure a healthy hygiene, the use of antibacterial products, has ignited opposing arguments and has proved to be rather controversial topic, for some believe that it is fully advantageous while others argue that it encompasses fatal and perilous impacts. Although some claim that antibacterial products are fully advantageous since they combat bacteria, it is undeniable that they entail deadly health and environmental effects.
      One major cause why people should beware the use of antibacterial products is their fatal effect on people’s health such as creating antibiotic-resistant bacteria, acting as endocrine disruptors, and causing allergies. To begin with, antibacterial soaps have the potential to create antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The reason that the FDA is making manufacturers prove these products' efficacy is because of a range of possible health risks associated with triclosan, and bacterial resistance is first on the list. Heavy use of antibiotics can cause resistance, which results from a small subset of a bacteria population with a random mutation that allows it to survive exposure to the chemical. If that chemical is used frequently enough, it'll kill other bacteria, but allow this resistant subset to proliferate. If this happens on a broad enough scale, it can essentially render that chemical useless against the strain of bacteria. Some bacteria species such as MRSA have even acquired resistance to various drugs, complicating efforts to control and treat infections as they spread. Moreover, studies show that antibacterial products can act as endocrine disruptors. Studies done on rats, frogs and other animals, show that triclosan interferes with the body's regulation of thyroid hormone since it chemically bears a resemblance to the hormone enough to bind to its receptor sites. If this is the case in humans, too, there are worries that it could lead to problems such as infertility, artificially-advanced early puberty, obesity and cancer. In addition to that, allergy is a major concern while using such products. There's evidence that children with prolonged exposure to triclosan have a higher chance of developing allergies such as peanut allergies and hay fever. Scientists believe that this might be due to reduced exposure to bacteria, which could be essential for proper immune system functioning and development.
         Yet another cause that should make one think twice before using antibacterial products is their influence on the environment. When people use a lot of triclosan in soap, a lot of triclosan gets flushed down the drain. Based on research findings, small quantities of the chemical can still carry on and persist even after treatment at sewage plants. As such, USGS surveys have recurrently detected it in streams and other bodies of water. Furthermore, once in the environment, triclosan can disrupt algae's ability to perform photosynthesis. The chemical is also fat-soluble since it builds up in fatty tissues, so scientists are worried that it can biomagnify and appear at greater levels in the tissues of animals which are higher up the food chain, as the triclosan of all the plants and animals below them is concentrated. This has been proved in 2009, when surveys of bottlenose dolphins off the coast of South Carolina and Florida found disquieting and disturbing levels of the chemical in their blood.
Critics of this notion argue that the use of antibacterial products is essential and highly advantageous in fighting bacteria especially in the attempt at safeguarding people with a weak immune system. Antibacterial cleaning products are accommodating in environments where people’s immune systems are fragile and susceptible to infection. For example, hospitals use antibacterial cleaning products to clean patients’ rooms and exam rooms in order to prevent patients with weak immune systems from picking up bacteria that could worsen their condition. However, these should not be used at home where their impact would be rather calamitous more than beneficial. After all, one can’t deny that antibacterial soaps and products are not more effective than conventional soap and water. 42 years of FDA research along with other countless studies haven't provided any evidence that triclosan provides any health benefits as compared to old-fashioned soap. Tests that strictly measure the number of bacteria on a person's hands after use do show that soaps with triclosan kill slightly more bacteria than conventional ones, but analyses of the health benefits don't show any evidence that triclosan can reduce the transmission of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections. This might be due to the fact that antibacterial soaps specifically target bacteria but not the viruses causing most of the seasonal colds and flus.
       In conclusion, even though some argue that antibacterial products are copiously advantageous because they combat bacteria and safeguard people with a weak immune system, it is undeniable that they entail deadly health and environmental effects such as creating antibiotic-resistant bacteria, acting as endocrine disruptors, causing allergies, polluting the underground water system, disrupting algae's ability to perform photosynthesis, and invading the tissues and bloodstream of animals which are higher up the food chain. Hence, people should know how to call their shots through contemplating the consequences that their decisions might entail. So, the question that invades one’s mind in such a case is, “Is it worth it?”

                                                                                 Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 2: Persuasive Essay about Having a Healthy Diet

A Healthy Diet as a Must

      They say that there is no wealth like health. Unfortunately, some would remain blindfolded regarding the crucial and vital role of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits until monstrosities of their crimes against their bodies and health unveil themselves in the most atrocious manner shaking them out of their stupor or oblivion and their slippery slide into a life crippled by ailments and maladies. Maintaining a healthy diet has proved to be a cornerstone in inaugurating a healthy existence, and failing to preserve it has proved to be fatal leaving lethal impacts behind, for not maintaining a healthy diet leaves its trademark on one's social life and physical well-being.
      To begin with, one's social life is intricately linked to his lifestyle and eating habits, and failing to maintain either would certainly jeopardize him in the social field. Unfortunately, not maintaining a healthy diet would influence one's looks and body fitness, hence influencing his or her popularity since people in general care a lot about appearances and judge others based on their looks. Moreover, the obesity that comes along would eliminate and diminish one's self-confidence which causes shrinkage in his willingness to mingle with others and to socialize. Yet another social dilemma ignited and kindled by an unhealthy diet and should be avoided at all costs is unemployment or receiving bad job opportunities since vacancies in good ones would involve picky standards that care a lot about how presentable one is. Even recreational and leisure time activities would become a difficult to attain dream since some require a fit body if not a heads-turning one. For example, imagining a 100 Kilograms lady wearing a bikini would be quite an ordeal for both, the one wearing it and the one who is doomed to see it.
      Yet another reason why people should ensure that their eating habits are healthy ones is the plethora of cataclysmic physical impacts that failing to do so would entail. First of all, not having a healthy diet would inevitably bring along innumerable problems such as eating disorders, obesity, fragility, or anorexia. Consuming a lot of fast food and junk food would trigger myriad health problems, ailments, and maladies such as increasing the blood pressure as a result of having foods often high in sodium, suffering from diabetes, increasing cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and finally escalating the risk of heart attacks, heart strokes, and other diseases. Furthermore, one would be forced to deal with an unfit body and what that embodies within socially, mentally, physically, and emotionally.
       In conclusion, maintaining a healthy diet is a must since failing to do so would leave behind fatal and detrimental social and health effects. As such, parents, educators, social counselors, and social advisers should ensure that kids are well aware of the importance of healthy eating habits, the constituents of healthy meals, and the downsides of feeding themselves to death or making short work of fast and junk food. After all, everything comes with a cost, and this crime against our bodies comes at a high price.

ESSAY 3: Argumentative about Dietary Supplements

Sample 1

Dietary Supplements: A Trip to Heaven or to Hell

     “Health is valuable; you don’t know its real value until you lose it.” This quote foreshadows and highlights that one’s health is a treasure given by God and one must be aware of all factors that might threaten it. Thus, it is in one’s hands to control most of the obstacles he might encounter. Dietary supplements have become one of them, for they aren’t only used to prevent diseases; mankind has forgotten the risks they leave behind. The disproportionate consumption of dietary supplements is a double faced coin that one might misuse and be the victim of and can also be a way to attain the “perfect health” everyone is looking for. However, this topic has caused a lot of debate concerning whether it’s advantageous or calamitous. Although some claim that dietary supplements must be approved by medical fields since they boost one’s nutrition, one can’t help but argue that they must be prevented because they lead to health problems and an increase in drug interactions.
      To begin with, one of the major catastrophic effects resulting from dealing with dietary supplements and turning the prospect of consuming them into a fatal endeavor is the possibility of encountering health problems. The excessive exploitation of such supplements may lead to unexpected symptoms, and then those symptoms would turn into dreadful diseases. For example, the excess in vitamin A can contribute to damaging the liver and reducing bone material, and the excess in other kinds of vitamins can cause diarrhea and low blood pressure.  No one is willing to be a victim of such problems. Moreover, many forms of such supplements haven’t yet been scientifically approved of. Here, one is becoming the victim of his own actions through misusing dietary supplements.
     Another reason behind the need to prevent the use of dietary supplements is that they might lead to drug interactions that are rather deadly. Herbs, vitamins, and other dietary supplements may augment or antagonize the function of other drugs, prescription and non-prescription ones.  These interactions vary between Pharmacodynamics interactions, cases where the intrinsic action of a dietary supplement boosts or hinders the activity of another drug, and Pharmacokinetic interactions which result from changes in metabolism or absorption of the active aspect of the dietary supplement or the drug which causes a higher or lower pharmacologic activity. Drug interactions may make one’s drug less effective, may ignite shocking or surprising side-effects, or may cause an escalation in the action of a particular drug, hence putting one in danger. For instance, people getting chemotherapy may be at higher risk for drug interactions if they take dietary supplements, and there would be a concern that antioxidants might interfere with cancer cell-killing treatments.
     Critics of this notion argue that dietary supplements should be approved by medical fields including hospitals and health insurance companies because they boost one’s nutrition. Dietary supplements have been a great success for those who lack certain vitamins, for they follow a certain diet such as being a vegan person. Not only do these supplements improve one’s diet but also safeguard one from certain medical conditions that he or she might face because of the lack of needed vitamins. However, those tend to forget that studies have proven that some supplements have weak effectiveness. Some people don’t react at all to certain supplements. An effective therapy that can be useful for one person isn’t necessarily effectual for another. It can, therefore, be very harmful for one’s health because it will cause more damage to one’s body, especially if he isn’t benefiting at all. This might affect the immune system and certain systems in the body which may stop responding over time. Hence, some dietary supplements should not be approved by any governing body and should not be deployed by any health facilities.
     As a conclusion, a treasure is always safeguarded by pirates, and one’s health is definitely more valuable than a treasure; one must at least stay away from all factors that may threaten his health on the long term. Man must keep a close eye on every step he takes in life because no one is ready to face his own doom in the form of hospital beds and serum, and the irony of all ironies would be if he does so while trying to save it using dietary supplements.

                                                                                     Done by: Aya Ammar

                                                                                     Edited by: Batoul Ali Saad

Sample 2:

Dietary Supplements: Hell in Disguise
       They say that there is no wealth like health. Unfortunately, some would remain blindfolded regarding the crucial and vital role of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits until the monstrosities of their crimes against their bodies and health unveil themselves in the most atrocious manner, shaking them out of their stupor or oblivion and their slippery slide into a life crippled by ailments and maladies. Some of these illnesses are due to not working arduously to consume the right types of food and not attaining the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are a must and a vital element in having a healthy body.  For this particular reason, people have started seeking dietary supplements to tackle the insufficiency of some of the essential nutrients and vitamins such as vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, and Iron. However, this topic has proved to be rather controversial igniting and kindling a plethora of arguments with and against. Although some claim that using dietary supplements is beneficial since they assist in attaining missing vitamins and nutrients, one can’t help but disagree since dietary supplements entail a slew of downsides like illness, and sometimes, death.
      One major reason why people should avoid consuming dietary supplements is to avert the lethal ailments and illnesses that they might entail. Despite the fact that dietary supplements are enlisted as safe in pharmacies, these products are still deadly since they might be contaminated with dangerous bacteria and are likely to differ from what their labels claim them to be. These could also contain ingredients which might instigate detrimental diseases and side effects such as cancer, organ damage, and cardiac arrest. Moreover, consuming dietary supplements such as vitamin A, vitamin D, or Iron excessively embodies a slew of downsides. For instance, taking too much vitamin A would lead to headaches and liver damage, reduce bone strength, and cause birth defects while having an excessive intake of Iron may cause nausea and vomiting and may damage the liver as well as other organs. In addition to that, the overuse of protein supplements at gyms and other sports facilities is doomed to leave an imprint on a person’s fertility.
      Two people are dying each day after long fights between young healthy bodies and bundles of dietary supplements which poses the second reason why people should evade the use of dietary supplements. First of all, people getting chemotherapy may be at higher risk of drugs interaction which would eventually lead to early death. Dietary supplements also engender deadly diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, liver injury, and kidney infection. Once one ends up with one of those, he is doomed to bid his last farewell. Furthermore, mild to severe toxicity has occurred on many occasions due to dietary supplements even when the active ingredients were essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, or amino acids. 
     Supporters of the notion of consuming dietary supplements argue that the use of dietary supplements ought to be encouraged since it aids in attaining missing vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. One of the major problems in most of the Middle East is the insufficiency in vitamin D, a calamity that can’t be remedied and averted without the help of vitamin D tablets since vitamin D can only be absorbed through sun rays, something perilous that could cause skin cancer due to long exposure. Iron deficiency loss is another problem mainly faced by women due to menstrual iron loss and is often fixed through dietary supplements. However, those tend to forget that in their attempt to set something straight, plenty are going astray, for the consumption of dietary supplements would often bring about hazardous maladies like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and many others. It could also lead to drug interactions, toxicity, and death, so is it worth it? Wouldn’t it be safer to go for the natural sources instead?
   In a nutshell, looking beyond the surface of things is one’s only keycard out of menace and jeopardy. As such, one ought not to be duped by the promises that some pharmaceutical facilities dole out. Dietary supplements are not the knight in shining armor that some try to advertise them as. Hence, people should think twice before going down that path. The best way to use supplements safely is to avoid supplements that are not essential and to use the ones which have reliable information and helpful ingredients. 

ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY: An Argumentative about Going to Gym

Not Much of a Tough Choice

   “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity”. This quote asserts and alludes that having a healthy body is the cornerstone in having a healthy, fruitful, blissful, and thriving life. However, this topic has proved to be a rather juicy and controversial one since various opinions have flourished concerning the importance of going to gym, for some believe that going to gym is very important for having a healthy lifestyle while others argue that it’s not critical. Although some claim that going to gym is not essential since it wastes time and money, one can’t help but disagree because going to gym has multitudinous positive effects on health like controlling weight and combating health conditions and diseases.

     As a start, controlling weight is one of the positive impacts that visiting a gym on a regular basis leads to. Going to gym is one of the essential habits in one’s daily life. It’s not only about having a top model body and being good looking but also about having a healthy lifestyle that would help curb weight gain. Exercises at gym can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When one engages in physical activity, he or she burns calories, and the more intense the activity, the more calories he or she burns.

    Furthermore, exercise combats health conditions and diseases. For example, regular exercise at gym helps prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, a number of types of cancer, arthritis and falls. Yet another payback in the health field is that it boosts energy. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to one’s tissues and helps his or her cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when one’s heart and lung health improves, one will have more energy to tackle daily chores.

    Critics of this notion argue that going to gym is not paramount, for it is a total waste of time and money. They think that in this time they can finish up their basic chores and duties and that they’d  save money for something more important such as paying the bills or going out with their friends. Moreover, they consider walking to work or to school a cheap and more effective form of exercising along with practicing some sports at home, so there's no need to go to gym. However, these tend to forget that going to gym is very central for having a healthy lifestyle. When one goes to the gym and pays money, he or she will be encouraged to practice sports and wouldn’t be likely to skip like what would happen when one wakes up feeling tired and prefers to take a cab instead of walking or sleep or watch TV instead of practicing at home. Exercising at the gym is essential, for it makes one more interested in his body and form, especially when he sees others who are physically fit at the gym. Moreover, it eliminates stress and depression through meeting new people and building friendships rather than isolating oneself while practicing at home.

     As a conclusion, some are with and some are against going to gym. However, one should bear in mind that going to the gym will benefit him or her in countless ways. Consequently, people should take advantage of going to the gym when they can in order to feel more relaxed and better about themselves. They’d be taking the initiative to do something for themselves, their body, and their health. Whether one’s goal is to relieve some stress and anxiety, to get in better shape, or to boost his or her overall health, the gym is the place to go. After all, the quote, “To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise,” is unquestionably true. 

                               Done by: Khadija al-kobra Jaber

                               Edited by: Miss Batoul Ali Saad


Obesity: An Atrocious Dilemma
     It is known for the cycle of shame that it throttles its victim with, the nonstop ignominy and embarrassment of not finding one’s size in a store and being dismissed since they “don’t sell that size”, the condemning looks in restaurants for enjoying a meal though one should evidently be boycotting all forms of food, the censure at home dished by a disappointed parent who is outraged since his or her child doesn’t have the appearance that could earn him or her the popularity that his or her next-door neighbor’s or friend’s kid has, and the disparaging and derogatory looks and remarks of school bullies. It is a teenager’s nightmare and an adult’s death sentence. It is obesity. Obesity is a dire phenomenon invading a lot of people’s lives these days and turning their world upside down with its monstrosity, breeding generations of depression, lack of self-confidence, and suicidal attempts. It leaves substantial impacts on one’s life, life-changing ones.  The social, psychological, and physical effects of obesity are too immense to go unnoticed. 
    Society often entails sets, standards, and norms that if one fails to match, the outcome would be a grim one, so it makes sense that obesity which defies all norms of a healthy being would leave ominous impacts on his social life, for they would have poor social skills and would be the victims of bullying. To begin with, obese children often exhibit poorer social skills than their normal weight peers. Being obese often entails dark thoughts and self-loathing thoughts towards one’s look and self, hence triggering a drastic drop in one’s self-confidence and self-esteem. This would ultimately lead to social isolation out of fear of the disparaging and condescending remarks of malicious and malevolent school bullies, disapproving parents, and scathing and derisive saleswomen and salesmen. This would lead to social isolation, and when a person constantly deems himself isolated, denigrated and helpless, his or her resulting actions in a social context would most probably be hindered and deterred due to the bashfulness and coyness that often accompany a person with low self-esteem. The cycle then continues, as poor social skills often lead to bullying. Obesity steps up the chances of being bullied by others since obese people are easy prey for predators who feed on others’ weaknesses, flaws, and vulnerabilities. As such, an obese would be at the receiving end of words like “fatty”, “blowzy”, “lump”, “porker”, “fatso”, and “tub”. Discrimination, ridicule, social bias, rejection, and humiliation would be their perpetual companion. They wouldn’t even be able to land a reputable job since all good vacancies demand a presentable candidate.
     Not only does obesity shake one’s social life but also disturbs his psychological well-being and welfare since these are often engulfed in depression and are prone to commit suicide. The incessant low self-confidence and sense of desperateness of an obese, accompanied by poor school performance and poor social life, often lead to depression. Such a depression often has social ramifications and corollaries. This is due to the fact that the obese might withdraw from activities they once enjoyed, would dodge all occasions that would require spending time with family or friends, and would act out in social contexts. Eventually, one’s depression and self-loathing would push one’s buttons enough to try to off themselves since they’d feel that everything is conspiring against them and that they can’t enjoy anything around them, for they can’t enjoy the latest fashion; they can’t enjoy a meal without feeling guilty about any additional weight they might gain or the condemning and reproachful looks of the onlookers at a restaurant; they can’t enjoy outdoor activities and sports since they are not physically fit to do so. They can’t even wear a swimsuit if they wanted to swim.  
    Yet another aspect that obesity impinges on is the physical well-being and health condition of its victim since these would suffer from a plethora of maladies and would ultimately be faced with death. To begin with, unlike those with a normal or healthy weight, people who are obese are at increased risk of developing a slew of serious diseases and health conditions, including endometrial, breast, colon, kidney, gallbladder, and liver cancer, Osteoarthritis which is a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint, gallbladder disease, sleep apnea, breathing problems, body pain and difficulty with physical functioning, high blood pressure, and high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides. In addition to that, obesity often forces one to cope with myriad cardiovascular problems; heart strokes and chronic diseases would become his everlasting threat and promise of imminent and looming doom.  As such, one would be highly susceptible to death. After all, studies have confirmed that obesity is a major public health issue which brings about decreased life expectancy, especially in younger age groups. 
    Having said all that, it’s way past time for communities to start addressing such a calamity, to start working arduously on finding means of preventing it from spreading even more, and to start raising people’s awareness regarding the best way to approach and treat obesity patients. Junk food, fast food, and all kinds of unhealthy meals should be boycotted and embargoed; unhealthy food should be addressed as the taboo that they ought to be treated as. Gyms should offer better prices for customers, social counselors should be more active in teenagers’ lives and draw their attention to the best ways to get rid of if not dodge and evade obesity, and parents should keep a close and watchful eye on their kids’ eating habits and lifestyle to ensure that they are embracing healthy eating habits. However, even if all these attempts fail, one should remember that his appearance doesn’t define him; what does is his character.
                                                                               Done by: Miss Batoul Ali Saad

Problem and Solution Essay: OBESITY

Obesity: A Fatal Problem 


    One of the biggest problems of humanity nowadays is obesity. For some years now humans have been suffering from eating disorder with more frequency. Obesity is when one has too much body fat and is unable either by genetic or environmental factors to control it. This problem has become more frequent as the society of today is all about  consumption of fast food calories and lack of exercises as a simple machine is able to do everything one is too lazy to do. Obesity is an enormous problem that adolescents often face. Obesity, as an atrocious health condition often encountered by human beings these days, entails a plethora of social, physical and emotional problems that require instantaneous measures and solutions to diminish and curb its dangers.

     Child and adolescent obesity are associated with increased risk of social problems that ought to be solved. Obesity increases the likelihood of being bullied by other children by as much as 63%. The prevalence of obesity has grown significantly, making obesity in youth seem more normal. The rate of bullying hasn't decreased and kids can be cruel. Also, obese children often display poorer social skills than their normal weight peers. The social stigmatization of obese children leads to self-esteem problems which often leads to more social stigmatization. However, this could be solved with the help of academics and professionals like nutritionists and psychologists who can explain the importance of good nutrition, health, and exercises and the deadly effect of bullying others about their weight and looks, especially if it's not within their control. Also, parents should help their teens limit and cap their eating disorder through ensuring that they're having healthy meals. They could also try to fortify their teens against the bullying they might be subjected to. 

    Moreover, a child or adolescent faced with a grave impediment like obesity would be forced to endure if not tackle the physical problems such a health problem often entails. Children being overweight contribute to an increased risk for a variety of cancers including breast, colon gall bladed, uterus and prostate. Also, atherosclerosis, the hardening of the arteries, occurs more often in obese children compared to those who are not obese. Coronary artery disease is also more prevalent because fatty deposits build-up in arteries that supply the heart. In order to eliminate and curtail these health risks, physical activity should be encouraged. Children must practise for 60 minutes per day, and parents should encourage them to eat only when they are hungry and to eat slowly.

   Not only does obesity bring about social and physical perils, but it also ignites emotional problems that pose a grave threat of impending doom if not curbed. Any person suffering from obesity is a person doomed to have low self-esteem. What is even worse is that when other children tease or bully an obese child, he or she may feel bad about the way he or she looks. Consequently, teens may feel depressed, gloomy, and hopeless. This would often end with social isolation and dark thoughts. Moreover, it would mean feeling more stressed and having more problems learning or paying attention. As such, parents and  teacher should see changes in a teen's behaviour and help him or her have self-confidence and not be caught in the depressing and intimidating web of derogatory remarks and bullying he or she might be exposed to. 

       In a nutshell, schools function as a primary setting for obesity prevention efforts along with the help of parents and family members, and knowing that obesity in adolescence tracks into adulthood, it is paramount to consider prevention efforts at this stage of the life course as well as during early childhood,  for the consequences of such a health problem are too menacing to contemplate.

Done by: Lara Saflo
Ghoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

Cause Effect Essay: Multi-Effects Essay about Anorexia

A Life Or Death Situation

“Feeling guilty for eating when you’re hungry, is like feeling for breathing when your lungs need oxygen.” This quote highlights the enormous threat and seriousness of what is called “anorexia”. Comparing the need for oxygen to the need for food, shows that eating disorders are a life threatening matter, a mental illness not lifestyle choices. Anorexia is not just getting little food; it’s guilt, fear and being consumed by a voice in your head telling you how you should be. And just like any other disorder, anorexia has significant impacts on its victims. Some of anorexia’s major life-threatening impacts include devastating physical and psychological effects.

To begin with, some of the physical effects of anorexia are cardiac problems and malnutrition. Anorexia can severely impact a person’s cardiovascular health since the body does not receive enough calories, which leads the body to break down its own muscles and tissues for fuel. This increases the risk of heart failure since the heart is not getting enough fuel to pump blood. Severe anorexia also results in the loss of the heart’s muscle mass, physically weakening the heart and slowing down breathing rates. Another physical effect of anorexia is malnutrition, which occurs when the body is deprived of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for growth and for the function of organs. Anorexic people usually suffer from malnutrition since they follow unhealthy and strict diets in order to lose weight; this weakens the immune system and leads to other complications such as anemia.

     Another category of effects of anorexia is psychological which includes depression,  anxiety, and drug abuse. According to researches, between 50% and 75% of those that struggle with anorexia will also experience symptoms of depression. Anorexic people tend to care a lot and overthink about their weight and body image, which leads to low self-esteem and self confidence and makes them obsessed with the idea of losing weight, causing them to struggle with many complications like: depression and anxiety. Also, drug abuse is another common effect of anorexia, for many victims of this disorder tend to abuse alcohol and drugs, such as cocaine and marijuana in order to cope with not eating properly and depression which can lead to severe addiction. In this case, a variety of serious and medical complications and death can occur from an overdose.

     In a nutshell, Anorexia is a serious, life-threatening mental illness, that destroys its victims and affects their lives in various fields such as physical and psychological ones, leaving them standing on a thread between life and death. So, people should take the issue of anorexia as a very serious matter, and try to raise awareness of how significant this matter is and how dangerous it would be in case people didn’t take it seriously. So, will the topic of eating disorders get the attention and the awareness it deserves in the future?

Sara Wehbe 

2SA 2022

animated-butterfly-image-0289Theme: Human Rights and Human Values                          


Essay 1: Argumentative about Death Penalty

A Life and Death Decision

       “May the death penalty, an unworthy punishment still used in some countries, be abolished throughout the world.” This prayer is definitely a desperate call out for a more humanistic manner of approaching beings around and seeking what some label “justice”. There exists irony in murdering people who kill people in order to attain impartiality and fairness. This topic, capital punishment, has caused a lot of debate concerning whether it is advantageous or disastrous towards the public. Although some argue that death penalty should be legalized since it deters would-be criminals to commit felonies, one can’t help but disagree, for it leads to the execution of innocent individuals and is an anti-poor, biased, and discriminatory platform. 
         One of the key reasons why capital punishment should be prohibited is that it leads to the death of innocent people. One of the arguments of opponents of death penalty is the inevitability of sending innocent people who are wrongly accused to death row and eventually execution. The sad thing about this is that the innocence of the supposedly guilty felon is proven after the execution has been carried out. One real life example is that of Claude Jones who was executed in 2000 for the murder of a liquor store owner in 1989. The only admissible evidence in Jones’ conviction came down to a strand of hair that was found at the scene of the crime. However, in 2007 a lawsuit was filed to obtain the strand of hair which was submitted for DNA testing and turned out to be the hair of the victim. Some might argue that with the advent of DNA evidence and improved forensics technology, these individuals less defendants are likely to be wrongly sentenced to death, but what guarantees that these are not tampered with intentionally in certain cases like that of Jones?
         Yet another reason why death penalty should not be legalized is that it is an anti-poor, biased, and discriminatory platform. Those who are death row inmates and sentenced to death are an unblemished demonstration of racial discrimination as evidenced by a high percentage of inmates being African-American and members of the minority. For instance, Duane Buck, an African American, was sentenced to death in Texas based on the testimony of an expert psychologist who maintained that blacks are prone to violence. Moreover, accused individuals who are poor are mostly the ones who get the death penalty since they lack the finances to appoint or hire great and powerful defense attorneys. They don’t have the money to pay for good defense. As such, they’d be the defenseless punching bag or scapegoat for someone with the right means in hand to get away with his criminal deeds and pin them on someone else.
        Critics of this notion argue that capital punishment should be implemented since it deters would-be criminals who are prone and disposed to commit felonies. Advocates of death penalty cite examples on how imposing the death sentence or abolishing it have affected crime rate. According to a study conducted in the late 1960’s, there was a 7% crime rate increase throughout the years during which this law was abolished. On the other hand, fewer crimes were committed with the increase in number of inmates in the death row who were executed each year. However, one can’t help but question such a decision since the execution of innocent people is a crime that no conscience should be forced to live with. A lot of innocent individuals have fallen as victims and blamed for someone else’s actions. Death penalty was used as a mechanism in order to deal with these people, and the problem here is that they are only proven innocent after the execution has occurred. Most of the time, death penalty is used as a weapon for revenge which would basically continue the endless chain of violence. So, why not think of a better penalty rather than procrastinate and face the inevitable, a flaw in pursuing and ordaining justice?
       In conclusion, it is a must to question who gave a human the right to kill another under the claim of accomplishing justice. If killing is wrong, then why is the judicial system allowed to kill? It is way past time for humans to highlight the effects of capital punishment and especially the impact it has on the public. Unless they start looking at it through an accusatory point of view, there will be no hope of a better future that involves everyone. 
                                                                                             Done by: Adam Ayoub
                                                                                             Edited by: Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 2: Argumentative about the Rights of Prisoners

Prisoners' Rights: Protected or Violated?

      "Respecting human rights principles is important for the well-being of individuals, but to take all rights away from prisoners is to deny them their humanity. Thus, even prisoners should have the rights protected because they are unable to defend their own rights as human beings." This statement highlights the significance of protecting and safeguarding prisoners' rights since any violation of said rights is a violation of human rights. However, this topic has proved to be rather controversial and juicy igniting two opposing arguments or points of view, with and against. Although some claim that prisoners' rights are expected to be violated as a means of penalizing them for their criminal deeds against their societies, one can't help but agree with the above statement which encourages protecting prisoners' rights since doing otherwise would violate human rights and encourage further crimes.
     One major reason why prisoners’ rights should be protected rather than abused or violated is that doing otherwise would be a violation of human rights. According to the UN Declaration of human rights, humans rights such as the right to live, the right to be free, the right to work, under like to have freedom of speech, should be preserved and safeguarded at all costs. However, some prisoners are being exposed to the capital punishment or death penalty which is a blatant violation of their right to live. Some are even deprived of the right to vote, yet another violation of the rights as human beings.
      Yet another reason why prisoners’ rights must be protected at all costs is that doing other than that would induce or engender further crimes. Depriving prisoners of their human rights would be degrading and demeaning enough to turn them into animalistic creatures. This shows low expectations, something to match their treatment. As such, these criminals would not fail to match the label they've been given as creatures not worthy of being treated as humans which would mean that when they are released, they will commit further crimes. In other words, instead of rehabilitating them to become better citizens, they'd be forged into the monsters they are being treated as.
     Critics of this notion argue that prisoners' rights are expected to be violated as a means of penalizing them for their criminal deeds against their societies. Being in prison is not meant to be a field trip or a visit to Disneyland. It's supposed to be a form of punishment for transgressions and misdemeanors or felonies committed against one's society or fellow citizens. When criminals know that nothing would change other than the place of living, they'd consider imprisonment an advantage, a place to secure for free. However, these tend to forget that prison is supposed to be a period of time spent away from the society while being prepared to reemerge as a better citizen, and while doing so, the prisoner should be treated as a normal human being who has the right to education, the right to freedom of speech, and the right to vote. Any attempts at gagging the prisoners' rights would ensure that they leave their prison bars with more hatred towards their society than ever before which definitely means an escalation in crime rate rather than a drop.
     In conclusion, the issue of protecting prisoners' rights has proved to be a debatable topic. Yet, one can't but agree that these rights ought to be maintained since they warrant and guarantee attaining better citizens and healthier society which is the ultimate goal of imprisonment.

Essay 3: Argumentative about Gender Equality

Pink Vs. Blue
     The game of power never fails to give a sneak peek at what humanity in its inhumanity breeds, an assortment of twisted thoughts, stereotypical images, and perverted beliefs that people are expected to embrace and live according to. Discrimination, racism, sexism, fanaticism, and many others are the outcome. It is no wonder then that people are burdened with labels that they need to match, sets of norms that they have to abide by, and beliefs that they should carry to heart. A woman would never dare to drive a cab or work in lathing since that is a taboo, and a man would drop dead before shedding a tear and risking being seen doing so since he’d be stripped of his manhood and deemed an anomaly, a female with the vessel of a male. Failing to conform to and adhere to the gender roles assigned long time ago has the potential of creating mayhem and wreaking havoc despite all talks of implementing and reinforcing gender equality. However, the topic itself, gender equality, has proved to be rather controversial and juicy enough to trigger and spark a slew of arguments whether with or against. Although some claim that gender equality is an impossible feat since men and women have diverse physical abilities that necessitate different stereotyped expectations, one can’t disagree more since demanding and implementing gender equality would bring on a plethora of social, economic, and mental benefits.
      One major reason why gender equality should be implemented is that it entails gargantuan and vast social benefits and paybacks. They say that the trip of a thousand mile starts with a single step. Yet, people call for equality among races, sects, and classes without even applying their so-called equality at home. How would such exploits be attained when the family itself is based upon inequality? Being raised in a house where everyone is treated equally, where women are not raised to belong to the domestic sphere while males to the public one, are not raised to ultimately be the perfect housewives and obedient slaves while the male is the master doling out orders for a glass of water or an ashtray, are not raised to be married off to the first suitable suitor who knocks the door in a betrothal that their parents reckon enough for them, and are not raised to only live up to what others expect of them and deem fit for them, would definitely build a whole new perspective of the world around, one that is expected to spread this equality to every aspect in life. These who are raised equally in a house would anticipate nothing less for the people around and are prone to grow up and be the first and gaudiest advocates of all other forms of equality. Attaining gender equality would also cause a substantial drop in the rate of illiteracy and child marriage, for the rate of women being married off at a young age rather than a reasonable one would soon dwindle, especially if a total makeover is installed in people’s mentalities and expectations of females and if new policies and legislations are set forth to protect these women from the horrid glitches of an early marriage, the physical abuse that often comes with it, the expected failure that would inevitably make its way through, and the divorce that signs off her ultimate flop, the end of her life as a human being, and her new status as a prisoner of a community that would soon condemn her as a divorced woman who doesn’t have a degree, doesn’t have and can’t attain a reputable vocation, and doesn’t have any means of survival.
     Yet another reason why gender equality is a must and should be upheld at all costs is that it is an essential factor in weaving not only a flourishing and thriving community but also a lucrative and booming economy. Women are a major part of the workforce. As such, closing gender gaps and promoting gender equality in the labor market would definitely pay off, for it would help raise a country’s GDP. It would also ensure that men and women are being paid equally and granted equal social services and grants which would give rise to better living standards and a better lifestyle for their families since families with working mothers who receive salaries and wages similar to that of their husbands would secure an additional income, something that would help such a family enjoy the luxuries of life, for with more income, women can enlarge the household spending on children’s health, education, and nutrition. Moreover, companies that encourage women’s employment would soon notice that it promotes their bottom line through refining their staff with a working force well known for its innovation and talent and having access to new markets. Ensuring that both sexes are equally involved and equally valued while approaching a task would aid in its definitive success, for it means that both would be wholeheartedly tackling the task at hand from totally different perspectives and mentalities, in other words, from all its sides, hence cornering success till it’s fully theirs to pluck.  
      Gender equality is a cause to be arduously and strenuously fought for tooth and nail because it also has the makings of a totally different mental health of a nation. People are in an around-the-clock fear of condemnation and condescension if they fail to match the labels they’ve been assigned. Even the simplest deed as wearing something pink would trigger a frenzy of anxieties in a man cause of all the derogatory and pejorative remarks he’d receive and the looks of ridicule and wrong assumptions and innuendos he’d be exposed to, and if he commits the unforgivable and sheds a tear by mistake, it would be his doomsday, the last nail in his coffin, for he would be officially deemed unmanly. Same applies to women who are stripped of their femininity and are looked at from a totally different standpoint if they, God forbid, ventured into the world of man and took on one of the jobs that are classified as “a male’s job” such as being a construction worker, a plumber, a bodyguard, or a cab driver. As long as men and women are crippled by their fears, their self-esteem would be at its lowest, and so would be their ability to fight for their hearts’ desires and their dreams. Such fears and reservations would keep on escalating one’s anxiety and low self-confidence and his dread of daring to defy the norms and stereotypical images that have been set forth to be followed. This would inevitably deprive one of his yearnings, hence bringing forth constant disappointment since nothing done would match what one truly yearns for, tension and stress cause of being forced to abide by something someone else has imposed a long time ago, and depression that would fester within and eat up every morsel of happiness and optimism, any hope of a better future or a happier one doing what one wants and not what he or she is forced to do. 
      Critics of this notion argue that genders are not meant to be equal and should not be treated equally since men and women have diverse physical abilities that necessitate different stereotyped expectations. These put great emphasis on the physical differences between men and women and how some tasks simply can’t be performed or carried out by women since they lack the physical strength and muscle of a man. They argue that some job descriptions simply require a man and not a woman cause, suffice it to say, the latter wouldn’t have the strength or the stamina to carry them out. However, these tend to forget that a woman could actually build the same muscles and physical strength of a man if she puts her mind to it. After all, who hasn’t heard of Chyna, a 45 year old American bodybuilder and wrestler who has excelled and outshone in a world previously dominated by men? Yet another essential question is, “Who can actually argue that a man with all his muscles and size could actually bear or tolerate half the pain a female goes through while giving birth?” It is true that both have different physical abilities, but that should by no means be a reason to argue against the cornerstone of a better society, economy, and mental health.
       In a nutshell, it is way past time for people to defy the norms, to dislodge the stereotypical images that have been implanted in their minds, to strip away the illusionary images of what is right and what is wrong that have been spoon-fed to their brains and mentalities, and to break the barriers of their labels. All human beings are born equal and should be treated as such. Labels are just what they are, amalgamations of torpefying thoughts that are entrenched in one’s mind and that aim at keeping him inside that imaginary box that he is not meant to think out of. It’s like an unspoken set of rules that both men and women have been forced to live according to ever since the beginning of time but that have transformed and taken varying forms across the years; however, one should never forget that rules are meant to be broken, especially if such rules are engrained in bigotry, bias, and prejudice and are meant to annihilate man rather than fortify him. Consequently, anyone who argues against gender equality is a person with a hidden agenda, one that includes the apocalypse of a hale and hearty world and should be fought against as such.    
                                                                                                                Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 4: Multi-effects Essay about Gender Equality

Gender Equality: A Necessity in Life 

     Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but also a necessary foundation for the creation of sustainable, peaceful societies. What are the positive byproducts of gender equality on the field of economy? What are its consequences on the social side? How is the mental aspect positively affected by gender equality? Gender equality has a slew of gargantuan and titanic economic, social, and mental ramifications that people should be aware of.

     Gender equality has countless positive and rather constructive economic effects. To begin with, when gender equality is present, it is estimated that 10.5 million additional jobs would be available which is going to give birth to a shrinkage in joblessness which would lead to reducing poverty. Also, when joblessness is alleviated the level of employment and productivity would increase and escalate which would lead to a better economic situation for the country. After all, gender equality would ensure that men and women receive equal pay and equal rights at work; hence, it would improve the financial situation in several households.

     Another implication of gender equality is witnessed in the amalgam of beneficial social outcomes. First, it reduces violence. To illustrate, when men and women are equally treated, they won't have a reason to fight. As a result, a peaceful society is present. When both genders are assigned equal tasks and treatment, the relation would be stronger because the woman would help the man in his tasks and job and vice versa. Another social effect is the increase of democracy since the man would be more flexible and more accepting of the idea  of his wife having her own job and independency.

     Another essential set of impacts of gender equality is the array of mental effects it encompasses.To begin with, gender equality would help a person boost his or her self-confidence. For instance, when a woman feels that she has equal rights with a man, she would feel more confident to have more dreams and hopes because she wouldn't feel that a lot of barriers and obstacles are facing her. Moreover, gender equality would lessen the anxiety and worrying in a person's life because he/she would feel more accepted and comfortable in his/her society.

     In conclusion, gender equality is a necessary quality and trait in every society; however, gender inequality and discrimination is present everywhere, so the person discriminated against should always remember that he or she is not alone. Gender equality has economic, social, and mental effects that would transform society from a living hell to a peaceful place. As such,it should be encouraged and safeguarded.

Done by: Fatima Fakih - Joanna Iraki - Ruba al Okla - Nourhanne karout - Nour Shawraba - Alaa kotb       Ghoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

Essay 5: Multi-effects Essay about Gender Inequality

Gender Inequality: A Monster Worth Fighting

      Gender Inequality refers  to unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender. It arises from differences, socially constructed gender roles, for from a young , people are told what they should be like, what should they act like, and what they should become based on their gender. This teaches young children that females are nurses and males are doctors and that moms are caretakers and dads are breadwinners. While these stereotypes and roles may seem innocent and harmless, they have a dramatic effect on the everyday lives of people. From personality development to careers and education, gender roles have set boundaries that cause a negative effect on both genders and have further enhanced and triggered gender inequality, a problem that entails a plethora of cataclysmic and calamitous effects. Men and women are forced to endure innumerable fatal effects of gender inequality in a slew of fields such as the social, economic, and emotional fields .
          Gender discrimination has proved to encompass and trigger a host of detrimental social effects such as limiting the development within the society and causing countless social problems. To begin with , failing to achieve and maintain gender equality would inevitably put a halt to the social progress since women would not receive the same chances that men do, including chances in education and work place. Knowing that women are the driving force in raising new generations, it goes without saying that having illiterate mothers would lead to illiterate generations with what that includes such as the ongoing increase and escalation in domestic violence, poverty for single-mom families, and remaining old fashioned and close-minded.
     Moreover, it goes without saying that gender discrimination would inevitably ignite a slew of horrendous and atrocious economic effects and repercussions such as increasing poverty among women and diminishing work productivity and efficiency. To begin with, gender inequality often unveils itself in the workplace where women often suffer from unequal pay and receiving less financial gains and compensations. Families in which the mother is the only breadwinner would tremendously suffer from such inequality, and most of these families would have to endure poverty since they are dependant on one income. Gender inequality at work also decreases and tiggers a drop in productivity and efficiency since women aren’t paid the same salaries and aren't given the same privileges; hence, they would limit their working hours and commitment to their workplace. They’d also be busy being stressed out and anxious because of some cases of sexual harassment at work and the disparaging attitude they receive from male colleagues and customers because they are females, which would make them spend time worried, frustrated, and depressed rather than deploying time to increase productivity.
         Gender discrimination is also a hazardous state that causes a lot of mental problems and consequences including depression and loss of self-esteem. First of all, gender inequality may lead to depression and severe cases of stress and anxiety since for those women who are being treated  in an unjust manner, being pulled out of their schools, being forced to marry someone they don’t love at  a young age, being bullied into limiting themselves to the status of a housewife, and being subjected to all forms of domestic violence sometimes, their wings have been successfully clipped. They would undoubtedly suffer from bouts of anxiety, strew, and severe depression since everyone is in control of their lives but themselves. This would also lead to loss of self-esteem and self-sufficiency. After all, those women would often be treated in a manner that eliminates their independency and ability to do things for themselves. Consequently, they would lose their self-confidence and their ability to stand on their own .
       In conclusion, gender inequality entails a plethora of deadly and perilous effects on the society, economy, and psychological and mental wellbeing of people, so this problem should come to an end ASAP. Women and men have been and will always be equal in God’s eyes, so why would they be seen differently through the eyes of His people?

Done by: Nour Hamed - Batoul Obeid - Lamees Menna - Fatima Zaiter - Fatima Rmaity     Ghoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

Essay 6: Biography

Martin Luther King 

      It is fascinating how a single person can influence the world with very simple actions through thinking outside the box to create ways to help the world and try to  spread peace and love among people. Martin Luther King is one of those persons who left an imprint and influenced the world by his attitude and being brave enough to demand and fight for the black people's rights. 
    Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister and social activist who became the most visible spokesman and leader from the mid 1950s until his assassination. King is known for advancing civil rights through non-violent and civil disobedience. King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. King's legal name was Michael King as his father's name.      
    Growing up in Atlanta, King attended Booker T. Washington High School. Martin was known for his public speaking ability. When he was 13 years old, in 1942, he became the youngest assistant manager of a newspaper delivery station. 
    Unfortunately, King suffered depression throughout his adolescent years. He felt resentment against whites due to “racial humiliation”. Shortly after the death of his maternal grandmother, King blamed himself and jumped off of a second window but survived. Continuing his education, King graduated from Morehouse at the age of 19 in 1948. 
    On June 18, 1953, King married Correta Scott, and they soon after became parents of four children. In 1954, at the age of 25, King was called as pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist church. 
    In March 1955, Claudette Colvin, a 15 year old black school girl refused to give hear seat to a white man in a bus. Nine months later, on December 1, 1955, a similar incident happened when Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give her seat on a bus. King was arrested too during his campaign which concluded with a United States district court that ended with racial segregation on all Montgome public buses. In the boycott, King's role transformed him into a national figure and best known spokesman of civil right movements. 
   King and many other civil right activists founded the Southern Christian Leadership conference (SCLC) in 1957. This group was created to harness the moral authority and organize the power of black churches to conduct non-violent protests. On October 14, 1964, King won the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolent resistance. 
    On March 29, 1968, King went to Memphis to support the black sanitary public work employees. On April 3, King's flight was delayed by a bomb that threatened his plane. King was fatally shot by James Earl Ray on April 4, 1968 as he stood on the motel's second floor balcony. The bullet entered his cheek smashing his jaw then went down to his spinal cord before lodging in his shoulder. 
    Martin Luther King left the world of the living, leaving behind him people and family members in need of him. Nowadays, many black people are receiving their rights thanks to him and his civil protests and non-violent movements. The world definitely need more Kings. 
Done by: Sara Nader
Ghoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

animated-butterfly-image-0289THEME: ADOLESCENCE


Essay 1: Argumentative about Prevention against Drug Abuse

Prevention Vs. Rehab
     The quote, “Raising Kids is part joy and part guerilla warfare.” is unquestionably true, for there is nothing as jovial as seeing one’s child turn into an adult and nothing more arduous than making sure that he/she is being raised well into the man or woman that he/she is yet to be. Parents are often left with critical decisions and alert states due to the ongoing problems and pressures that their teens might encounter such as peer pressure, drug abuse, and identity quest. One major issue is drug abuse which has become the center of attention of societies, parents, and governments and a juicy topic for debate concerning the best ways to overcome it, be it through prevention or rehab. Although some claim that prevention is disadvantageous since it is rather expensive, I disagree since it saves time and money and eliminates the death toll.
      One major reason why prevention should be encouraged and funded as a means of fighting and surmounting drug abuse and drug addiction is that it saves time and money. Prevention helps save time since by the time it takes months if not years to be cured from drug and alcohol addiction at a rehabilitation facility, prevention can take place while one is living his life normally studying, working, and doing his daily chores through raising awareness campaigns, phone messages sent by the MOT, billboards, and 1 to 2 hours’ worth lectures by social advisors and counselors. Least to say, prevention ensures that one would never have to seek rehab since once one reaches that point, there’s no going back, for at any moment of crisis, one is likely to go back to drugs and alcohol as a means of escapism from reality which means going back to rehab. Prevention also helps save money, for the amount of money spent on raising everyone’s awareness is by far less than the amount spent on rehab. 
         Not only does prevention save time and money but also eliminates death toll. The percentage of people passing away in car accidents while on drugs, suicidal attempts, and overdose is escalating tremendously each year. This could all be trounced through prevention and raising awareness campaigns which would ensure that one would never reach a point of drug abuse and addiction, hence diminishing the risks of dying because of overdose, suicide, and accidents.
         Critics of this notion argue that prevention is rather expensive and costs a lot of money from the government’s capital. Raising awareness campaigns, commercials and ads done by celebrities and professionals, phone messages, posters, and TV reports would cost a huge amount of money from the government’s assets. As such, some argue that prevention is costly and expensive. However, those tend to forget that the amount of money spent on other superficial things like wars and tourism is by far more than that spent on prevention, not to mention that the amount of money being spent on rehab exceeds the normal limits and is a waste of good money that could help the country’s economy. 
           In conclusion, life puts people and their governments in front of challenging and strenuous decisions, so people have to weigh things well especially when it comes to the future of a nation resembled in its future generation. As such, protecting and safeguarding teenagers from drug addiction and abuse should be taken seriously. Prevention and protection is better than rehab and compunction. 
                                                            Done by: Miss Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 2: Problem/Solution Essay about Adolescence

A Period in Hell
      It goes without saying that adolescence is the toughest period that a parent has to cope with. It is a strenuous and arduous period of time that parents have to deal with while safeguarding and raising their teens due to the slew of challenges and perils that surround teenagers; these include peer pressure, bullying, drug abuse and addiction, physical relationships, early pregnancy, violence, and drinking. Communities should beware the way in which their youth are being raised and the ways in which they handle the predicaments they encounter, especially since nowadays teenagers are being exposed to more damaging and fatal quandaries and dilemmas, especially with the far-reaching development of technological innovations and the drastic alternations in their societies and sets of values as an inevitable outcome of globalization. Adolescents often stumble upon social, emotional, and economic problems as an inevitable part of the transformational stage they’re going through, calling for severe precautions and austere measures.
       Teenagers are forced to tackle a plethora of social predicaments, and these include peer pressure and bullying. During adolescence, teens would demand more independence and responsibility through new experiences and would be desperate to fit in and be accepted by others. However, most of them would be deterred if not become corrupt since they are mostly influenced by their peers who may sometimes be corrupt which would  lead them to lethal habits such as drugs, sexual relations, and alcohol consumption.  Teenagers are also victims of bullying in all its forms, physical bullying and cyber bullying. With the progress of technological innovations and social media, teenagers have had a bigger access to the society around them and to anonymous cyber friends. This, however, has made them vulnerable, for now bullies can reach them wherever they are. For some reason parents fail to sound the alarms regarding such a catastrophe though their kids would be in grave danger. As such, parents, as well as teachers, should keep a close eye on teens and their whereabouts and make sure to be around for much needed assistance, advice, and affection. They should raise teens’ awareness concerning the dangers of talking to strangers and the best ways to deal with bullying and the importance of not being apprehensive and to seek the help of adults and authorities in dealing with such issues.
       Yet another set of glitches encountered by teenagers is the emotional one which includes lack of self-confidence, depression, and the need to search for one’s identity. There is no bigger problem than searching for identity, and unfortunately, this seems to be a teenager’s main goal throughout his adolescence period. Searching for one’s identity or finding one’s true identity might be considered an overrated problem for those who overlook its corollaries and upshots which include sexual relationships, theft, and murder. As such, this problem, if not well-handled, can bring about untold menacing effects such as lack of self-esteem which is another concern for teenagers. Lack of self-confidence or self-esteem might be the outcome of any incident encountered by the teenager and affecting his or her personality causing him or her insecurity in every move in life and leading to detrimental effects such as depression. Depression is the result of insecurities such as feeling lost and unsatisfied which causes a feeling of recession and slump due to one’s discontentedness. This might set in motion suicidal attempts, rebellious behavior, and addiction. Hence, parents and teachers ought to outdo themselves while addressing those issues. They should be attentive listeners, build trust with those teens, and make sure that a psychiatrist is there to aid them when needed.
        Besides the emotional problems, teens are doomed to grapple with their inner demons while dealing with their financial adversities such as their desperate need for independence and endless lust to follow the latest trends and match their peers’ financial lifestyle. During adolescence, a teenage would often feel that this gargantuan leap from a child to an adult is something that entails a much needed semblance of power; hence, they’d have an inherent desire to prove their newly found power through attaining independence. This however is farfetched as long as this teen’s only source of income is his parents on whom he counts for an allowance. This is why most teenagers seek their independence through acquiring jobs which sometimes endanger them and lead to academic relapse and deterioration if not failure. Moreover, adolescence is the most demanding stage, for superficiality is one of the prominent characteristics of a teen since phones, accessories, clothes, internet, concerts, and cars are all what a teenager fantasizes about. As such, some teenagers who don’t have the ability and aptitude to afford all their needs and cravings due to their harsh financial situation would suffer from the incapability to follow the latest fashion and trends which ignites feelings of jealousy and makes them pester their parents to provide them with all their demands. Some might even stoop low enough to commit theft, blackmail, and bullying. Therefore, parents, teachers, and governments should be alarmed and aid in surmounting such a cataclysmic and calamitous dilemma through funding programs that offer safe job opportunities and intervening when cases of bullying for money are witnessed at school. Giving lectures about the importance of being themselves and not counting on money and the latest fashion as a means of building an identity is also essential.
      In a nutshell, the future of this world lies in the hands of the upcoming generations. Therefore, parents, teachers, and governments should take their duty to heart while trying to protect them and look after their well-being through a set of protective measures and regulations, for the world is a ruthless beast. Unless parents and teachers shoulder their responsibilities and take all measures to maintain their safety and the safety of their upcoming generations from the dangers of the different phases of life and the cruelty of this world, the latter would throttle any hope of a better time to come. Teenagers are the hope of a better tomorrow, so this community’s approach towards raising the current generation of teenagers will either be loaded by future generations or vilified by them.

                                                                         Done by: Miss Batoul Ali Saad 

Essay 3: Advantages/Disadvantages Essay about Having Caring Parents During Adolescence 

Loving Parents:God's Gift
   "Family is where life begins and love never ends." This quote highlights the importance of having a caring and loving family in which one can overcome the obstacle he or she might face in life. The presence of love and care in a family leads to being supported in all fields of life. Having caring parents during adolescence entails a plethora of advantages which vary between social, emotional, and physical. 
     Having caring parents during adolescence encompasses a slew of social  advantages, such as assisting teenagers in tackling bullying and preventing them from falling as victims of peer pressure. During teenage, teens are most likely to be bullied if not turn into bullies themselves as a result of violence and lack of attention at home. A loving family would endeavor to assist its teens and support them while facing bullying through being there for them, listening to them, giving them advice, and encouraging them not to fear the bullies around. Peer pressure is yet another fatal social problem encountered by teens, for they are likely to abuse drugs and alcohol, get tattoos, and even commit criminal deeds just to fit in and be accepted by friends. If a family truly cares, it would play a central role in raising the teens' awareness, drawing their attention to the importance of avoiding bad influence of friends and teaching them how to become leaders rather than mere followers .
      Moreover, having caring parents would provide a host of emotional and psychological advantages such as boosting their teens' self-confidence and aiding them in fighting feelings of depression and anxiety. To begin with, loving parents would work on encouraging their teens while doing things they love and enjoy. They would also listen to their teens and praise them whenever they do a good deed which would boost their self-esteem, hence improving their performance, increasing their achievements, and adding up to their happiness. Having loving parents would also leave a positive impact through helping teens tackle their depression and anxiety through giving them an attentive ear, showing them love and care, being understanding rather than judgmental, and engaging them in recreational activities. All this would help eliminate their negative feelings and the acts of self-harm and suicide resulting from them.
      In addition to the aforementioned advantages, having loving parents has countless physical advantages like protecting teens' health and safeguarding their lives. Having caring parents would help teenagers overcome health problems after being obsessed with their weight, for example, and being determined to lose it by raising their awareness about the disadvantages of practicing daily for long hours and taking too much laxatives to keep their weights down. They would also safeguard them against all kinds of eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia. Indeed, having this kind of parents, the caring one, is a gift from God, for having them would mean that there is someone to listen and help in the fight against suicidal thoughts. They would be a solid rock to rely on, a shoulder to cry on, and a sharp mind that would give sound advice and help show that life is worth living and that nothing is insurmountable which will help eliminate the rate of suicidal attempts among teens.
      In a nutshell, parents can play a great role in developing their teenagers and saving their lives and health and making them avoid peer pressure and bullying while caring about them. As such, the role of parents in an adolescent’s life is not to be underestimated.
Group Work: Riham al Bazzal_Batoul Awad_Jana khayr ElDin_Nivin Swaidan_Rawan Hayzan_Fatima Fakhr ElDin
Ghoubeiry Second Public High School for Girls

Essay 4: Argumentative about Teens' Curfew

Teens’ Curfew
         It goes without saying that raising teenagers is like nailing Jell-O to a tree, for adolescence is the toughest period that a parent has to cope with. The quote, “Adolescence is a period of rapid changes. Between the ages of 12 and 17, for example, a parent ages as much as 20 years.” is there to display the strenuous period of time that parents have to deal with while safeguarding and raising their teens. This is due to the challenges and risks that surround teenagers including peer pressure, drug abuse and addiction, bullying, physical relationships, early pregnancy, and violence. As such, certain states in America have taken the stance and stepped in to assist parents through setting a teens’ curfew. However, this topic has caused a lot of debate concerning whether it is advantageous or disastrous. Although some claim that teens’ curfew should not be enforced since it triggers feelings of anger and revolutionary thoughts in teenagers, I disagree since it safeguards adolescents and teaches them values like discipline and responsibility.
         One of the key reasons why teens’ curfew should be enforced is that it safeguards teenagers. The streets are full of perils and menaces such as drugs, violence, crimes, and theft. The number of females who are being raped and killed at night is in an ongoing escalation. Same applies to teens who are being driven to prison or losing their lives due to gangs’ violence and drug abuse which they are being lured to thanks to the increasing number of drug dealers and peer pressure. Taking into consideration that crime, violence, and drug dealing mostly take place at night, governments would be ensuring their teens’ safety through implementing teens’ curfew, if not eliminating the dangers that they might encounter and the percentage of teens who participate or fall as victims of gangs’ violence and rape.
          Yet another reason why teens’ curfew should be instigated and carried out is that it teaches values like discipline and responsibility. Setting a time to be back home and ensuring that a teenager abides by it would eventually teach self-control and order since learning to abide by rules would, sooner or later, enlighten an adolescent and raise his awareness concerning the importance of being punctual and disciplined and following rules which will soon show in other places like college and work. Moreover, knowing that there would be grave consequences for not abiding by the curfew set and adhering to it to avoid being penalized, would certainly teach an adolescent the importance of being responsible and aware of the costs of one’s deeds and defying rules.
          Critics of this notion argue that teens’ curfew triggers feelings of anger and ignites revolutionary thoughts and actions. Setting strict rules for someone who is yearning and craving for independence and freedom is sure to set off the strongest feelings of anger and rejection of all kinds of chains being set forth. This in return would lead to revolutionary thoughts against this system that is setting him down and limiting his liberty and independence. However, those tend to forget that this age is characterized by swift changes in the mood and rebellious attitude towards all kinds of rules and regulations. As such, setting such rules won't make any difference, for the revolutionary thoughts are already there. On the other hand, imposing such rules would teach adolescents that rules are set to be followed in order to build a future generation characterized by discipline, self-control, and responsibility, not to mention that safeguarding them against crimes and rape, keeping them out of prison, and ensuring that they never have to seek rehab are by far more important than having to deal with a group of infuriated teenagers.
             As a conclusion, the future of this world lies in the hands of the upcoming generations. As such, it is the parents’ and governments’ duty to safeguard them and look after their well-being through a set of protective rules and regulations like teens’ curfew, for the world is a merciless beast. Unless one is ready to take all measures to maintain his safety and the safety of his upcoming generations from its dangers, it would gallop him along with any hope of a better time to come.
                                                                   Done by: Miss Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 5: Problem-solution Essay about Adolescence

Adolescence: Challenges and Solutions

      Adolescence is the transitional growth and development between childhood and adulthood. During adolescence, the desire for independence and autonomy increases, and parents usually find themselves much less thrilled with some of the side-effects of this increasing maturity. After all, adolescence is the dangerous period that teenagers go through and it is not as nice as it sounds, for throughout this period of time, teens go through tough situations. Adolescence is a hazardous and fatal period, and parents should keep a close eye over their teens during such a phase, for it encompasses countless dangerous challenges and problems such as social dilemmas, physical  problems and mental issues that people must find solutions for.

      Adolescence is indeed a deadly period  that should be feared by parents since it entails calamitous social dilemmas that should be closely attended to by parents, and these include being forced to cope with peer pressure and facing all forms of bullying that  require instantaneous solutions. Some teenagers give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked and to fit in or because they are apprehensive about how other teenagers might make fun of them if they don't go with the flow. Consequently, they start imitating other popular teens even if it meant abusing drugs and alcohol, smoking, or bullying others. Bullying is another serious problem that a lot of teenagers are going through, and it lets one be alone, helpless, stressed, guilty and anxious. To solve such problems, parents should boost their teens' self-confidence and teach them how to become leaders rather than followers. Schools should also make seminars in which the topic of peer pressure and the effects of bullying are fully discussed and covered so as to raise awareness and curb such issues.

      Yet another reason why one cannot deny that adolescence is a perilous period  is  that it embodies a plethora of physical problems such as teens having their health at risk due to negative body image and being in danger of death, and these need proper solutions. Teenagers are taking anabolic steroids to build muscles and improve their athletic performance, often taking doses much higher than that which would be prescribed for medical conditions, which leads at the end to death. Some female teenagers might even starve themselves and end up with eating disorders, becoming anorexic. Teenagers' negative self-image and dissatisfaction with their looks and figure would cause a mood disorder that leaves them feeling bad and insecure and makes them lack self-confidence. This may drive a teenager towards self-harm and suicidal thoughts that might eventually end with death. In order to curtail such problems, teachers and parents should explain the effect of using steroids and the lethal effects of starving themselves, presenting the risks such issues entail. They should also promote healthy behaviors and take steps to protect teens from health risks.

     Moreover, parents should beware adolescence and should acknowledge how  dangerous and calamitous it maybe, for it also includes mental problems such as being victims of anxiety and lacking self-confidence, something that requires urgent solutions. Depression and suicide are common among teens that have been victims of bullying in school or through social media, and the absence of a profound self-esteem makes a teen extremely vulnerable. After all, being subjected to derogatory remarks from peers, suffering from negative self-image, and being unable to fit in and to find a solution for their identity crisis would inevitably lead to severe depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. To end this, teens should be more responsible and they should not accept and  trust just anyone. Also, parents should take  care of their children and check their phones from time to time. Also, they should stand with their children and understand them to let them build their self-confidence.

    In a nutshell, adolescents experience monumental changes in every single aspect of their lives. As they make the transition, teens are very sensitive, and parents should realize their needs and get  closer to them so as to deal with them in the most effective way.

Done by:
Lara Saflo - Sara Nader - Layal Hazimeh
Ghoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

Essay 6: Problem-solution Essay about Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure

      Adolescence is the transitional phase and development between childhood and adulthood. During adolescence the desire for independence and autonomy is prevalent, and parents usually find themselves much less thrilled with development indicators in this increasing maturity. Adolescence is a tough and fatal period in which the teenager will face many problems. Within this transition, adolescents may be subjected to peer pressure, causing them social, psychological and physical problems, but there are some solutions that could help assuage the magnitude of troubles that might result from such issues.

   Adolescence is not an easy phase, for teens will have to tackle and combat peer pressure, which would cause innumerable social problems. Teens nowadays are continually expected to fit in with their peers; otherwise they are excluded and ostracized by others, which greatly affects their self esteem, leading to many problems in later life. While not following the crowd seems like a problem, following the crowd is an ample problem; adolescents these days do many unacceptable activities, some of which are even illegal. When forcing oneself to conform to others’ values and interests, not only does one lose his or her sense of self but can also drown even deeper in a lot of dilemmas. These days, teenagers are not encouraged to be unique and do what they think is right; instead, they are forced to believe that being accepted is more important than keeping one's identity. As such, they might become alcoholic, drug abusers, and even smokers just to be accepted within their circle of friends. Helping teenagers resist peer pressure should begin with parents having better communication with their children; teenagers need to be assured that there is no need to fit in with their friends and must be instilled with strong values. When teenagers know that they are fine the way they are, they will be more confident with themselves, and there is a better chance that they will resist peer pressure.

    Peer pressure can also cause psychological problems for teens since it ignites an amalgam of intense negative emotions that feed on one's insecurities, but there are solutions for this. Peer pressure will affect a teen's life psychologically, and this occurs when the teen is not accepted in somewhere, or bullied for his/her skin color, body shape or nationality. Whenever this happens, the teenager will start getting isolated; he/she will stop communicating with their parents and close friends. They will get depressed and will have dark and suicidal thoughts, believing that if they kill themselves, their problems will end. However, there are some solutions for this, for parents can take their teens to a psychologist and seek professional help. Parents can also help their teens by staying with them, talking to them and doing activities with them.

     Moreover, peer pressure can affect a teen physically, but there are some ways to help them. Within this phase, with a lot of dark thoughts and negative thinking, a teen may hurt their own body, such as cutting their wrists. They may even have eating disorders that can lead to diseases which can harm the body and health. To help those teens suffering from peer pressure, parents need to be better informed about the dynamics of adolescent peer groups and the demand and expectations teenagers face in peer relationships. Establish intervention programs for pre-adolescents with low social skills or aggressive tendencies. Addressing these problems before adolescence will decrease the chances of these youth joining anti-social peer groups that will reinforce their behavioral problems.

    In a nutshell, peer pressure can be deadly and fatal. It can affect a teen's life in many fields including the social, psychological and physical ones. In this case, parents should help their teens in every possible way so they can guarantee a happy and healthy life for them.

Done by: Sara Nader
Ghoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

animated-butterfly-image-0289THEME: Family (SE)

Essay 1: Multi-effects Essay about Having a Healthy Childhood

A Healthy Being
       "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." This quote by Frederick Douglas asserts and alludes that it is easier to sculpt fortified children ready to take on and tackle whatever life dishes them than to try to fix things when it is excessively late to do so, when they reach an age at which it is rather arduous to reshape and reform the damage done. At the tender years of childhood, a child is like a fresh pot of clay, molded by those who surround him or her and by the experiences he or she is subjected to. As such, the way a child is raised would highly influence the sort of human being this child grows to become; in other words, subjecting a child to abuse, violence, bullying, violation of their rights, divorce and family disintegration would inevitably leave its impact on him or her, damaging him/her beyond measure. Meanwhile, ensuring that they are cossetted and sheltered within the protective cocoon of a healthy and loving family would have a reverse effect, a constructive one. Living a safe and healthy childhood would undoubtedly leave a plethora of positive physical, mental, and psychological effects on children and their success in the future.
       Providing children with a safe and healthy childhood would encompass myriads of physical benefits. Ensuring that a child consumes nutritious food, has adequate shelter and sleep, has enough chance to exercise, and inhabits a healthy living environment would ensure that a child has good physical health. Parents can support children’s psychological and physical well-being by helping them make healthy choices about nutrition, hygiene and exercise and raising their awareness about such things. As such, the chances of coming across a child suffering from malnutrition, hunger, or physical injuries in a protective family are slight. Add to this the fact that any likelihood of nurturing fatal habits like smoking, abusing drugs, or becoming an alcoholic would be much less when parents are involved in their children’s life. In addition to that, loving, consistent, and positive family relationships help build healthy brains and protect a baby’s brain from the negative effects of stress. After all, safety, and what it entails, a life free from violence, abuse, neglect, harassment, stalking, exploitation and fear, would show on a child’s physical as well as mental and psychological well-being.
         Yet another set of positive effects of having a healthy and safe childhood is the mental one. Providing a child with unconditional love, with safe and secure surroundings, with opportunities to play and interact with other children, and with appropriate guidance and discipline would indubitably boost this child’s self-confidence and self-esteem. For instance, encouraging children’s first steps or their ability to learn new things helps them develop a desire to explore and learn about their surroundings. Encouraging children to strive to do their best, to enjoy whatever they do, and to participate in new activities with other playmates teaches children about teamwork, builds their self-esteem, and diminishes their nervousness, wariness around others, and timidity. Eventually, this self-confidence as they build their skills and learn to work independently would boost their sense of self-sufficiency. Hence, they grow up to become capable of supporting themselves, getting and remaining employed, managing their finances, contributing to their communities, and planning for the future. Moreover, monitoring what kids watch and being selective in choosing their television shows would help safeguard them from violent and notorious scenes that might increase their tendency to display violence and instead build their schemata through educational shows. 
       Enjoying a healthy and safe childhood would also encompass a slew of constructive psychological effects. A child’s emotional intelligence often develops from home. As such, building children’s ability to be aware of and name their own feelings, and understand that others may have different feelings would undeniably strengthen their emotional intelligence. Yet another payback of having a nurturing, protective, and supportive family is abolishing all kinds of childhood fears that would cause nervous mannerisms, shyness, withdrawal and aggressive behavior. Encouraging children to reflect on what they have done or to observe the detail in something and how they feel about it would improve their perception of things and teach them to learn from experiences. Most importantly, ensuring that a child is not subjected to physical abuse, demeaning comments and remarks, sexual assault, bullying, violent attacks from a drunk or stoned parent, and quarrels between parents would eliminate chances of having fears, traumas, and psychological problems. After all, research findings have proved that anxiety, traumatic thoughts, social isolation, post-traumatic stress disorder, and developmental regression are associated with trauma. For instance, a recent survey of child maltreatment such as physical abuse and neglect reported a trauma incidence rate of 9.1 per 1,000 children in the USA in 2013. Consequently, parents have to endeavor in an attempt to safeguard their kids from facing such ordeals and their psychological impact.
        In conclusion, Craig Hill’s saying, "Parents with their words, attitudes, and actions possess the ability to bless or curse the identities of their children," is unquestionably true. The well-being and welfare of the future generation lies in the hands of the parents who should keep a close eye on their kids, look after them, put their needs and demands ahead of their own, and work arduously on safeguarding them from the monstrosity of the world and the vicious claws of life, starting at home.

Essay 2: Problem/Solution Essay about Family Disintegration

Family Disintegration: A Catastrophic Dilemma

         “In every conceivable manner, the family is a link to our past, a bridge to our future.” This quote by Alex Haley asserts that one’s family is a link to the past through passing on sets of traditions, cultural beliefs, and values that were once held by their ancestors and the previous generations. It also refers to how it forms a bridge to the future since it prepares the family members for what they would come to be in the nearby future and the manner in which this new generation would raise the one that is yet to come. In other words, this quote highlights the crucial and vital role of the family in building a thriving and prosperous community. However, the family, the basic unit of the society, is in grave danger these days due to the ongoing upsurge in rates of divorce and children out of marital bonds and other ubiquitous symptoms of family disintegration. If people fail to act soon, this problem would escalate, triggering a plethora of fatal and calamitous problems. Some of these problems, which demand instantaneous measures, vary between social, emotional and economic calamities.
     Family disintegration embodies a slew of lethal social problems such as juvenile delinquency and loss of morals and values. To begin with, the family breakdown gives rise to juvenile delinquency that harms the society immensely. The more frequent the conflicts, the more the child is hurt emotionally due to continuous verbal and physical forms of domestic violence that prevail within the family. Surveys have shown that the breakdown of parents’ marriage during the first five years of a child's life places him or her at high risk of becoming a juvenile delinquent displaying acts of violence and committing felonies. This is closely connected to the loss of morals and values that often results from family disintegration, for the family is the first social unit to instill in its members sets of values, morals, ethics, and codes of proper conduct such as peace, tolerance, honesty, forgiveness, and love. As such, with the current escalation in cases of divorce, domestic violence, and eventually family breakdown, how would children imbibe such values? These social problems require immediate measures such as having raising-awareness campaigns to draw single-parents’ attention to the influence of their deeds on their kids and to give them guidelines regarding the best way to fix things if not avoid them. Social counselors should be ready to intervene in cases of children who come from a broken family. Finally, teachers should work on substituting the work of parents in teaching and implementing values and ethics. 
          Yet another category of problems ignited by family breakdown is the emotional one which includes severe traumas and emotional problems. The effect of family disintegration on children’s hearts and minds can be severe due to the shock and trauma it entails for some kids. No wonder then that family disintegration is so likely to elicit and increase behavioral, emotional and psychiatric risks, including suicide. The breakdown of a family would often leave the child traumatized, in a sense of loss and despondency, feeling envious of other kids who come from normal families and aggravated by what he deems “a selfish decision made by his parents.” This would make way to countless negative feelings such as denial, depression, anger, jealousy, loneliness, and melancholy. In return, this would kindle mutiny and misbehavior in an attempt to show his parents that things are not ok or to make a desperate call for attention and help. If parents, teachers, school principals, or social counselors fail to notice the emotional turmoil the child is going through, this would eventually lead to extreme juvenile delinquency or suicidal attempts. As such, parents should deem divorce “a last resort” solution. Family members and school counselors should be attentive to kids who are suffering from family breakdown, and teachers should assist in caring for these children and helping when possible. 
        Moreover, family disintegration would inevitably lead to a series of economic problems and hindrances. Family disintegration is often associated with poverty and financial glitches. The first to suffer from the vicious effects of poverty is often the single mom who has had a child out of wedlock, has been widowed, or has been divorced. Many single mothers do not have the income assistance to cover the colossal expenses that raising a child often burdens them with, for one of the most detrimental aspects of the absence of fathers from single parent families headed by women is the lack of a male income. As such, one-parent families with one breadwinner are relatively more disadvantaged than two-parent families with two breadwinners. However, the cycle of poverty does not end here but continues to result in school dropouts so that teens would assist their mothers or fathers financially which means having lower positions and lower chances of getting good job opportunities with high salaries on the long term. This problem could be best curbed and curtailed through providing these families with social services and financial aid. Governments should be ready to assist where needed and to provide mandatory and free education for children who come from such families. 
        In conclusion, family disintegration is a serious social problem that ought to raise everyone’s hackles and put them on high alert to intervene and cut losses short, for it has the potential to elicit fatal and cataclysmic social, emotional, and economic problems which would devastate any healthy community if not addressed and tackled ASAP. As such, it’s way past time to sound the alarms and call for instantaneous measures to try to cap this problem before it runs out of hands.
                                                                                                                    Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 3: Problem/Solution Essay about Street Children

Street Children: A Battle Worth Fighting

           As the mouthwatering aroma invaded his nostrils, he looked with longing as a passerby dug into his sandwich, drooling with the viciousness of a long-lasting hunger, days and days of feeding on leftovers, and not any leftovers, but those he was able to dig out of the trash bins located next to his bed, a side-walk in a crowded street of a slum area. His malnourished tummy made itself noticed, sounding its objection, a silent complaint against its ongoing suffering and grievance. Yet, he was used to pedestrians’ obliviousness, a blissful ignorance, of his presence and ongoing affliction, for he had the skill of fading into the background of existence with his mud-streaked sunken face, ravaged and boney body, and murky rags. He cannot recall the last time he’s had a decent meal, can’t even recall his name. To him, his name is Hunger, Homelessness, and Street Child. This is but one case in many of street children, a social phenomenon that entails myriads of heartbreaking and tear-jerking effects. Due to the heartrending problems the increasing rate of street children entails, it is way past time that people start sounding the alarms and seeking instantaneous measures and solutions for such a social calamity.
        The increase in the rate of street children entails a slew of social problems, such as loss of morals and increase in the rate of crimes and child abuse. To begin with, a child roaming the streets freely with no supervision and protection from a loving or at least a caring adult would undoubtedly end up losing his/her morals and values since within the harsh venues of the streets, survival is for the fittest.  This implies that the slogan, “all is fair in love and war” would be their motto in their attempt to ensure their survival, even if it means abandoning all morals and stooping low enough to steal, bribe or blackmail to endure the austerity of the streets they live on. However, if these children lack what it takes to live within such a harsh environment, they would become an easy prey for the predators feeding on the weak and vulnerable; hence, they would be subjected to various forms of abuse such as physical abuse and sexual assault, if not being subjected to human and organ trafficking. This dilemma threatens the community as a whole, so these children should be provided with social care services. They should be taken off the streets, provided with proper accommodations and regular counseling because psychological help is just as important as physical care. 
      Yet another category of problems ignited by being a street child is the emotional one. A family is the most important and normal place for a child to live and grow up and thrive in. However, due to the abusive manner of some families, some kids are choosing to elope what should have been a protective cocoon, a solid rock to rely on, and seek a new life within the harsh streets. This would unquestionably leave its toll on the emotional condition of these children who are deprived of a loving and caring heart to look after them. They would suffer from emotional problems since they are often confronted with stressful and traumatic events that lead to severe emotional distress. They experience stress through constant changes, which accumulate with time. These stressful changes result in a higher incidence of mental disorders, which become manifested in their behavior. For this particular reason, not only should these children be taken in by social services and organizations but should also receive all the love and care that they can get, for every soul needs to feel loved and wanted.
       Furthermore, being a street child encompasses myriads of physical problems. At large, street children unswervingly exhibit more health problems than housed poor children. Environmental factors contribute to their poor health; no wonder then that they are at high risk for infectious diseases, asthma, and lead poisoning, often with more severe symptoms than housed children. Poor nutrition also contributes to their poor health, causing increased rates of stunted growth and anemia, and with their lack of access to consistent health care, the severity of their illness would only increase. Shelters where these children can be fed, clothed, cared for, and where medical examinations are a constant should be provided by the state and local as well as international charity organizations. The International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and Save the Children International (SCI) should follow up such a cause and endeavor to apply all UN recommendations and resolutions and assist Third World countries in safeguarding their children, including the refugees who often end up as street children. 
         “Survivors aren't always the strongest; sometimes they're the smartest, but more often simply the luckiest.” To cut a long story short, it is everyone’s duty to ensure that each and every single child is lucky, lucky to have a loving and caring family, lucky to not feel the twitches of a starved and famished belly, lucky to feel cared for and looked after, lucky to receive all his rights as not only a child but also a human being who, at such a tender age, is much more vulnerable, susceptible, and fragile. Governments, families, local communities, and national as well as international organizations should roll up their sleeves and bear their arms for a battle worth fighting.
                                                                                                        Batoul Ali Saad 

Essay 4: Problem/Solution Essay about Street Children

Is There an Ending to this Madness?

      "Street Children are lovely blossoms just dropped from the tree after a heavy storm." This quote by Munia khan asserts that before they were homeless, they were the sun everyone admired, but when they faced problems that shaped their lives as street children, to others they became the rain, violent and unwanted. It also resembles their life after this transformation which is a storm, of never ending rain. Street children, those who were meant to be the future of the society, are in grave danger. If people fail to act soon, this problem, the increase in the rate of street children, would escalate, triggering a plethora of fatal and calamitous problems. Some of these problems which demand instantaneous measures vary between social, emotional, and physical.
      The increase in the rate of street children embodies a slew of lethal social problems such as the increase in crimes and isolation. To begin with, the finite circle is when these children grow to be adults.They will design the best forms of felonies. They will be the vessel of all which oppresses helpless and innocent children, who are forced to commit theft, burglary, and murder to find something to eat. Moreover, children may suffer from isolation. Because no one would mingle with them, they would think that they are out of their league. Moreover, no would be adding stars to their lives; instead they would be adding scars. The key for these conflicts is getting close to them by knowing the better, by treating them as their own kids. New love should blossom towards them. As a result, this ice of isolation would be broken, and they will be reborn; they will no longer join gangs.
      Yet another category ignited by being street children is emotional, such as depression and hatred. No one cares about those poor people which exposes them to hate because no one is willing to give them a helping hand. The second one is hatred. When people insult and mock them, these poor innocent souls are going to suck all of this hatred and transform it to pain and agony which twists a storm inside their mind. The appropriate solution is like a piece of cake. Society members and government officials should roll up their sleeves and fight for a battle that is worth fighting for by adding a sense of a mother’s love and their fathers’ touch.
     Furthermore,being street children encompasses myriads of physical problems such as verbal and sexual abuse. These horrific words that insult the poor ones, invade their young innocent ears and go straight to their heart, each word piercing their souls like a fast painful dart. In this case, sadness clouds their minds while anxiety fills their eyes. Moreover, they are exposed to sexual abuse by selling their own body for money. Sometimes, they are not being haunted and watched by the government, so at night gangs start to show up and wait for the right time to catch their preys and feed on them. The reasonable solution for this conflict is that the government should keep an eye on these children. Moreover, they should build houses for them to provide them with a sense of security.  
        In conclusion, street children are suffering from social, emotional, and physical harm. People are treating those needy children as an old book on a shelf that's gaining dust over time. These children are a gift instead of a curse; they are not monsters; they are humans.Their touch is not lethal; it's power.So, people, nations, and governments should cooperate and help out these poor children weaving together,  with a needle and threads of security and shelter, an ideal life for young souls. There's a story when the sun fell in love with the moon so much that he died at night just to let her breathe. In other words, these people should work together to get these children out of their slums. Once they do that, these children will become their own sun, their own moon, and their own galaxy.

By: Fatima Fadi Yassine
Ghoubeiry 2nd Public High School for Girls

animated-butterfly-image-0289THEME: Immigration (SE)

Essay 1: Multi-causes Essay about Illegal Immigration

Immigration: A World between Heaven and Hell

       Pain seared through his body. He felt that his impending doom is inevitable but then again he knew that he was putting his life at stake when he left his beloved war-torn country, Iraq. The horizon caught his eyes as he pursued a last glance back towards the shore, the safety of what should have been his refuge. Tarek Kilani eventually took his last breath and joined the victims of illegal immigration. For some reason, in spite of all the attempts made by the developed countries to limit such cases of illegal immigration and its victims, this dilemma is there to stay. It will still be there unless people become more aware of the causes of this debacle in order to find the best solutions. In other words, one should be aware of the social, economic, and political causes of illegal immigration in order to curb and curtail it.
    People, on a daily basis, are doomed to take the decision to embark upon the perilous journey that would whisk them away from their haven, their home, land, and families, into the unknown due to myriads of social causes, including eloping cases of discrimination, violence, and genocide within their countries. Despite all the mottos and slogans that claim that the days of slavery are over, the episodes of discrimination are ancient history, and the symptoms of fanaticism are part of the long-gone past, some news still pop up shocking humans worldwide with stories of extreme violence committed against a certain ethnic group. For instance, tens of thousands of Rohingya, one of Myanmar's many ethnic minorities, have fled to Bangladesh with horrid stories of rapes, killings, and house burnings. Odious displays of ethnic violence, apartheid, hate crimes, violation of human rights, systematic rape, torture, and extortion that do not agree with Buddha's teachings are committed in Myanmar by the Buddhist Rakhine people, who are the state's dominant ethnic group. Yet another case is that of the Yazidis in Iraq where almost 10,000 Yazidis were killed or kidnapped in ISIS genocide, and the true scale of horror may never be known. Yazidis were murdered or executed by gunshot, beheading, or being burned alive, while the rest died from starvation, dehydration or injuries during the ISIS siege on Mount Sinjar, while others eloped to Syria and Turkey.
      Yet another set of causes triggering cases of illegal immigration is the economic one that includes unemployment and the neoclassical theory. One of the major causes of illegal immigration is the hope of a better life elsewhere, a chance to work and earn a living. This basically happens if their homeland’s labor market is suffering from an economic recession, a period of negative economic growth – a decline in the size of the economy exacerbating problems of inequality and unemployment, or inflation, a period during which prices might rise faster than wages and nominal interest rates causing firms to cut back on investment and spending. For instance, an increase in the rate of illegal immigrants who have crossed illegally from Central America into the United States has been reported in year 2014 since more than two million farmers had been put out of work, according to NPR, as cheap, subsidized U.S. corn imports flooded the Mexican market. Moreover, the neoclassical theory plays a role in illegal immigration since it accounts for the likelihood of successful illegal emigration due to various factors, such as geographic proximity, border enforcement, chance and penalties of arrest, likelihood of future legalization, and ease of illegal employment. As such, illegal workers tend to add to and compete with the unskilled workers in the destination country, especially in developed countries where there is a structural demand for unskilled immigrant labor to take on undesirable jobs that, regardless of wages, native-born citizens do not take.
      Furthermore, people are often forced to flee their countries and head towards any other destination that would provide them with a semblance of safety due to political instability and being caught in the crossfire of a war-zone, especially a civil war or a revolution. Wars often entail harrowing images of bloodshed, loss of loved ones, death, poverty, famine, rape and armed attacks. If these are not enough as incentives to elope one’s country and any chance of being the victim of armed attacks, what is? History has witnessed countless cases of illegal immigration as an attempt to seek refuge and safety in other host countries due to civil wars and revolutions. The civil war that has erupted in 2011 in Syria is one of them, for around 4.9 million Syrians have been registered as refugees; the vast majority are in first-asylum countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq; however, plenty have sought refuge, illegally, in other foreign countries, putting their lives at risk in the process. A heartrending story that has gone viral is that of Aylan Kurdi, a 3-year-old boy whose body came to be washed up on a beach in Turkey when the Turkish smuggler in charge of helping his family reach Greece abandoned the passengers and left them struggling on the boat which capsized after one hour. The heartbreaking and tear-jerking story of Aylan was a cause of public outrage against the reasons that drive such families to seek illegal immigration putting the lives of innocent children at stake.
      In conclusion, the appalling increase in the rate of illegal immigrants is a social calamity that demands public attention and is worth sounding the alarms. There is an explosion of human anguish and displacement, and it cannot be managed only through aid relief. Such a social dilemma requires a close scrutiny of its root causes in order to curb and curtail it as well as the dreadful effects that it entails. After all, this issue raises many concerns regarding economic stability, job competition, as well as the strain of funding the public education of legal and illegal immigrant children.
                                                                 Batoul Ali Saad

animated-butterfly-image-0289THEME: Rich and Poor Countries (SE)

Essay 1: Case Study Essay about the Effects of Poverty

Poverty: Life’s Atrocity
      Mahatma Gandhi, a man of altruism and philanthropy through and through, once said, “There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.” The heart-wrenching and tear-jerking images that this quote entails are but a part of the atrocious effects of poverty on the people locked behind its bars. Poverty is a faceless monster feeding on the susceptibility and fragility of its prey, for when it invades one’s life, it wreaks havoc and annihilates all what matters the most. It is the worst calamity that a human being might ever encounter and have to surmount, for it might lure him into crime, murder, and other sinful deeds if not faced wisely. Some of its helpless prey might even reach a point where they cherish the loaf of bread or the one who makes it accessible to them due to the dire situation they’re in, their poverty, hunger, homelessness, and starvation. Only the heartless and sightless would be blind enough to miss the menacing impacts that poverty might leave on a society and its members. The inevitable effects of poverty on humanity can be easily allocated in every nook and cranny in people’s life, but some of the major ones can be classified as physical, social, and psychological. 
     Poverty and its ghastly physical effects are too distressing to be unrecognized or go unnoticed. Suhaila Neamat, a 15-year-old Syrian girl, a refugee to be more precise, is a real-life example of the ghastly atrocities of poverty and the brutal physical effects it leaves behind. It's easier to count a poor man’s bones, for his empty stomach would eventually feed on his flesh till he turns into a skinny, barely-there figure. The poor are more likely to be victims of vicious diseases and ailments, for their bodies are vulnerable, and their immunity system is too fragile to function properly. Suhaila’s ribcage is a testimony to that; she’s too skinny to the extent that one can easily count her bones. Her parents’ inability to provide her with one proper meal per day has left its toll on her health, body, and immune system. It’s not a secret that hunger, starvation, and malnutrition would inevitably cause insufficiency in the basic nutrients, vitamins, and proteins needed for a healthy body, one capable of defending itself against any maladies that might try to invade it; what makes things even worse is being forced to forage through garbage to find something edible to silence one’s grumbling stomach. As such, Suhaila was left to fight for her life against intestinal parasites and diarrhea due to the fancy meals she’s had to pick right from the trash bins near her refugee camp. Due to the absence of proper medical care and living in poor conditions in a tent where roaches and mice roam freely, she has developed severe asthma. Moreover, not having proper education and the proper means to maintain a good hygiene and nutrition has left her with dental decay or what is more known as dental caries, the gradual destruction of tooth enamel.
       Poverty also triggers a plethora of social effects. Suhaila is a real-life example of the painful social effects of poverty, for it has left a gargantuan impact on her social life and social well-being. Even though the international community has endeavored to assist Syrian refugees in Lebanon through trying to provide food, medical care, shelter, and education, these efforts have proved to be insufficient, for the number of refugees is in an ongoing escalation with some registered and others going unregistered by the UNHCR. Despite having received free access to education, Neamat’s timidity since she constantly feels like a charity case, her lack of self-confidence, and her frustration from her inability to succeed have made her drop out of school at the age of 12. This decision was also the fruit of her inability to afford going to and back from school and to replace the school stationery that she kept on losing since her classmates would take hers. Her decision has come in handy for her avaricious parents who have sent her to sell tissues and gum on the streets and sometimes beg for money. Unfortunately, her insecurities have made her isolate herself socially since she saw herself as someone below socializing with others, someone too weak to express an opinion, to speak for himself/herself, and to argue or sound an opinion. To top it all, Suhaila was one additional victim of child marriage, married off to a Lebanese for one thousand dollars since her parents were greedy enough to sell their daughter to anyone willing to pay without even considering whether he is abusive or not. Hence, the cycle of poverty is doomed to repeat itself with her children who will grow up to be illiterate, abused, and slowly consumed by poverty as their mother currently is.
       Psychological problems are additional pains of poverty. Suhaila has come to be closely acquainted with the abhorrent psychological effects of being poor. Unfortunately, stress and poverty go hand-in-hand. Unhealthy lifestyles, lack of access to good healthcare, and chronic stress make many susceptible to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, depression and diabetes. All those symptoms are things that Suhaila has come to live with, and some are things that she will inevitably end up with eventually, especially as a child wife. The impact of stress upon the brain is, for the hippocampus part of their brains is atrophied. Moreover, poor children experience high levels of stress since they live in violent neighborhoods, walk across many busy vehicular intersections, move residences twice as often and get evicted often, and are more likely to be bullied in school and in life in general. They learn to become isolated, depressed, and silent. They are too scared to complain about any forms of abuse they are subjected to out of fear of being the ones to pay for crimes committed against them. For this particular reason, Neamat found it easier to quit school, to work the streets of Beirut without objecting, and to marry the man she was sold to without protest. She felt voiceless, choked by her fears and vulnerability. Her only move to face her stress, fears, depression, and feelings of worthlessness is there for all to see in the scars on her wrists after having tried to take her own life, an attempt that has failed epically, but who can blame her for trying?
     In a nutshell, for those living in poverty, everyday life is a struggle, a life-or-death fight to buy food, go to school, get a job, and escape the claws of those feeding on their susceptibility and fragility. For many of them, what most people think of as unchallenging tasks are arduous. Finding a proper meal is a privilege, receiving education is a dream, living a normal life is a mirage, having proper medical care, nutrition, and hygiene is the Utopia that they would never have high hopes of attaining, and staying safe and escaping predators is an endeavor. To many, the idea of finding solutions to poverty is a gigantic and an impossible undertaking since 1.4 billion people in developing countries live on less than $1.25 a day, 842 million people, or one in eight people, do not have enough to eat, and almost 22,000 children die each day due to conditions of poverty. These kinds of statistics do seem discouraging, but if people fail to act, the results will be even more drastic. It’s way past time governments start working on gender equality, educating women, creating job opportunities, providing free access to healthcare, maintaining transparency in their spending to avoid corruption, and granting people free access to water and sanitation as well as proper nutrition. Otherwise, the outcome would be beyond poignant and shattering.

                                                                                                  Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 2: Case Study Essay about the Effects of Illiteracy

A Life's Worth of Humiliation

       "Illiterate people should only be charged for the photographs when buying a newspaper." This statement supports the definition of illiterate people, those who don't know how to read or write, showing that they can only see the pictures in a newspaper but can't read the content. According to the new data released by the UNESCO there are still 750 million illiterate adults, and two-thirds of them are women. Illiterate people may face many harsh consequences on both psychological, economic, and social fronts. 
         Illiteracy is an atrocious social dilemma that can leave an array of unspeakable  psychological effects. Chung-Ho Teehankee, a 64-year-old man who lives in Philippines, is a real life example of the psychological pains an illiterate man could suffer from. In 1967, Chung-Ho took over the family business and started working as a farmer taking over his father's work since he is the eldest son, but due to his illiteracy, Chung-Ho faced many psychological effects such as extreme shyness and timidity. Chung-Ho was embarrassed if asked to read and when talked to by a lofty language. He had low self-esteem due to what he was aware of as limited abilities that caused him deep aggravation. He felt like a loser, for he couldn't read medicines’ instructions after being injured or sick. Chung-Ho felt useless and couldn't do anything that would let him feel proud in front of his children if they asked him any simple question related to education. This has left him grappling with depression, a sense of worthlessness, and waves of helplessness. He often felt as though he were suffocating due to stress, tension, and depression since he couldn’t improve his life, couldn’t have better job opportunities, couldn’t save his work, and couldn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel, a shy spark of hope for something better in the future.
      Illiterate people often encounter and are forced to tackle various bad economic consequences due to illiteracy. To illustrate, Chung-Ho had a hard time where he lost his farm and was obliged to be an employee due to his inability to develop his business through improving and updating his farming strategies and techniques. He applied for many jobs and attended a slew of job interviews; many rejected his application; and others offered him to work as a janitor. The job he was asked to do required a lot of physical effort and time; it was like slavery in order to get few dollars at the end of the week. After this work he was subjected to unemployment. He couldn't find any job to feed his family, so he used his savings to retake the farm and do what he's best at even if the income was scarce.
        Illiteracy also causes an amalgam of social problems. Illiterate people suffer titanic obstacles in terms of social insertion be it on a personal level or within the family. On a personal level, Chung-Ho was one of the innumerable illiterate people who have had to take on precarious and life-threatening jobs, were susceptible to high rates of disease due to the poverty they lived in and were not able to escape thanks to their illiteracy, and the malnutrition and absence of proper medical health resulting from all this. Even his family has had its share of suffering due to his illiteracy and the poverty that it has brought upon them. After all, being illiterate means being poor and incapable of finding a job that could help the family’s breadwinner afford proper child nutrition, hygiene, health care and schooling. Hence, such a family would be prone to suffer from and repeat the same cycle of poverty and illiteracy, for the latter is like a tight rubber band that keeps on getting tighter till it suffocates all hope of a better life and better chances. 
      In conclusion, illiteracy leads to working in many inappropriate jobs and being totally humiliated in front of family, friends, and co-workers. Consequently, nations must take into consideration illiterate people who are suffering deeply each day due to illiteracy, which is causing the countries’ backwardness. Serious measures are long overdue.
                                    Done by: Zeinab Sheikh Ali
                                    Edited by: Miss Batoul Ali Saad

Essay 3: Case Study about Homelessness

Homelessness: A Tear-jerking Phenomenon
     Homelessness is a serious dilemma and social phenomenon, running rampant throughout societies, devastating a lot of people’s lives, and leaving an everlasting scar in some of those people’s lives, people who, thanks to their homelessness, become an easy prey to other predators in their communities. Being homeless is a trigger for vulnerability, and it goes without saying that every human being is susceptible to homelessness and its perilous effects. Homelessness entails a slew of cataclysmic aftermaths or effects which vary between physical, social, and psychological.
      Homelessness entails drastic and painful physical effects , such as suffering from health problems and having issues in hygiene and nutrition. Ritaj Lopez, a 16-year-old American girl, is a real life example of the intolerable physical effects of homelessness. Homeless people are often malnourished and have poor physical health, including higher rates of tuberculosis, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and HIV/AIDS. Those also suffer from sexually transmitted diseases. Ritaj was 14 when she found herself without a shelter after having eloped from the domestic violence at home and her father’s constant beatings, but what never occurred to her was that she’d be forced to rummage through trash bins to find something edible that can silence her hunger. Her constant fear, worry, and anxiety have left their toll on her physical well-being, leaving her with serious physical issues, such as diabetes, asthma, and hypertension. Moreover, being homeless makes one often end up with skin diseases, being smelly, and unable to find a proper healthy and uncontaminated meal. Those unfortunately don’t have access to clean water. To her dismay, Ritaj had to endure serious skin diseases such as leg ulcers after having become a diabetes patient who also has a severe case of hypertension and had to suffer from frostbites due the biting cold on the streets, for those who don’t have a home or a shelter often become intimately acquainted with cold.
      Homelessness also encompasses drastic social effects, which include witnessing an increase in crimes and increasing the rate of illiteracy and poverty. Ritaj was also on the receiving end of the contemptible social effects of homelessness. Those on the street are most susceptible as victims of trafficking, abuse and rape. Moreover, being homeless and hopeless would entice one to become a drug dealer or work in prostitution. Unfortunately, that girl who is no longer a kid but not yet a capable and fortified adult, had to turn into a more violent and aggressive being as a weapon against the dangers and perils lurking in the dark and creepy corners of the streets and the cases of sexual harassment she was often exposed to. Yet another social effect of homelessness is the escalation and upsurge in the rate of illiteracy and poverty, for those who are homeless often lack the finances required to continue their education since they can’t afford the expenses, such as the tuitions, books, transportation, costumes, and meals. Consequently, this would increase the percentage of illiteracy, making it difficult to receive good job opportunities and salaries which would cause a surge in poverty. In Ritaj’s case, her condition was drastic to the extent that she had to drop out of school. 
       In addition to the aforementioned effects, the psychological effects of homelessness are too many and include suffering from depression, anxiety, and insomnia and amplifying poor mental health. To begin with, the fear of being on the street without shelter would trigger one’s sense of vulnerability, susceptibility, and inability to protect oneself, which would ignite anxiety, helplessness, and depression. According to a survey done, 47% of homeless women meet the criteria for a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. It’s no wonder then that 16-year-old Ritaj has developed an extreme case of anxiety and sleep disorder, for her constant fears and worries about her safety in such a hazardous atmosphere have frayed her nerves. Also, the stress of facing and being forced to endure homelessness can exacerbate and intensify previous mental illness and encourage anxiety, depression, fear, sleeplessness, and substance abuse. According to studies, 20-25% of people experiencing homelessness are victims of concurrent disorders, be it in terms of severe mental illnesses or addiction to substance. As such, the knowledge that Ritaj has turned into someone who fears anyone around and is on the ready to use violence to defend herself any minute to the extent of losing sleep is no surprise.
       In a nutshell, homelessness is a drastic social phenomenon, a monster in the form of a social problem, and its hazards and calamitous effects are worth everyone’s notice, for it’s way past time that communities and governments sounded the alarms and taken serious measures to put a stop to such a problem. After all, its social, physical and psychological impacts are fatal ones that would put all humans at stake. 

Done by: Nour Hourani – Sara Hamandi – Fatima Assad
Ghoubeiry Second Public High School for Girls 

Essay 4: Persuasive Essay about Poverty
Should Be Fought

    "Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings," says Nelson Mandela, the South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa. The most unacceptable vision some have of life in poverty is considering it God's plan for poor people and that nothing can change it. The heart-wrenching conditions the poor are seen in should unintentionally trigger the sense of humanity and philanthropy towards those vulnerable preys of what's thought to be what God assigned as their destiny. Unfortunately, people aren't aware that poverty can be and should be fought, and that poverty in fact is man-made as Nelson Mandela mentioned, and only humans themselves can put an end to it, and to the precarious aftermaths it entails. Instantaneous measures should be taken in aim of fighting poverty due to its perilous effects that vary between physical, educational, and psychological ones.

     One prime reason why poverty should be combated is the physical effects it ignites, mainly presented by the expansion of ailments and by malnutrition. Part of the hectic life of  individuals living in poverty is the lack of hygiene due to the filthy surroundings that they live within. This lack of cleanliness and other factors induced by poverty like the inability of receiving medical aid or having access to clean water to freshen up has its effect on the bodies of such individuals as they become exposed to various types of ailments or illnesses. Asthma is one of the most common illnesses faced by these individuals as a result of the grubby atmosphere that surrounds them. Cardiac diseases also take place as the pressure endured by some people due to such a life style weakens them and results in them having sudden heart strokes. That, and much more illnesses take place among these fragile individuals, and some ailments are, for example, having lice, suffering allergies, and even kidney failures in some cases. Moreover, malnutrition is one of the most hazardous aftermaths that poverty preys suffer from,  as some have to rummage through trash bins in search of something edible that mutes their hunger; remedies aren't available when needed, for those individuals can't afford them or afford getting proper meals, and starvation extends to an unexpected extrimum as over 82.4% of individuals died from starvation in South Africa, and unfortunately 60% of them are youngsters that couldn't absorb all the hardships and live with their tummies eating up their other organs and with no ability of receiving the vitamins, minerals, glucose or other essential elements their bodies need to grow healthily.

     Another main reason why action should be taken to diminish poverty is its educational effects like the spread of illiteracy and absence of proper job opportunities. Being poor is accompanied with a package of impossibilities, as one of the impossible things for an individual suffering from poverty is receiving education. Such individuals that don't have the least ability to buy food or have a proper shelter or even have a standard lifestyle definitely have no chance of receiving education, which is a right that everyone has to receive, and by that poverty is a main reason behind the spread of illiteracy and the violation of these individuals' right of receiving the education that they need. With no education, job opportunities become far from reach, and those illiterate individuals usually see that coming.  Also,  those individuals reach a point where they consider jobs like shoe cleaning or working for mechanics as jackpot jobs, and some even resort to drug dealing as a way of raising money. 

     The psychological effects presented by the spread of mental downsides and increasing suicide rates are additional reasons why poverty should be fought ferociously. The harsh circumstances of individuals living in poverty are what trigger a sense of anxiety in them and usually causes them to end up having depression from all the hardships they face. Youngsters and teenagers are the ones affected the most, as these poor souls are deprived from the colorful childhood they should live, the precious memories they should create, and the chance of dreaming of a better future. Most psychological conditions get out of hand, and suicide becomes the only escape these preys have from the life of imprisonment that they're sentenced to by poverty. 

     In a nutshell, lives are at stake but no one ever notices. Buoyant spirits aren't found in the small hoods of poverty; instead , poor souls are found starved to death, ill, or attempting suicide. Such images taken by poverty's lense should, with no shadow of doubt, trigger the sense of altruism within everyone in order to sense how lethal poverty is, and finally comprehend that man-made disasters are man-solved, so in a way, humans are the only ones that can solve the problems they cause, and poverty is one of the most monstrous problems that man caused and blamed God's plan for. So, the question is, "When will humans finally blame themselves and feel guilty and take matters into their own hands?"

Done by: Nour Hourani   12 SE "D" 
Ghoubeiry Second Public High School for Girls


animated-butterfly-image-0289THEME: Historical Highlights (SE)

Essay 1: Cause-Effect Essay about the Effects of studying ancient civilizations.

A Historical Treasure
     George Santaya once said ," Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it ." This quote asserst and alludes that it's vital for people to learn about their past due to the history that gives us the tools to analyze and explain problems in the past, to learn from them and not repeat them, it provides a crucial prespective for understanding current and future problems and any conflict. Studying ancient civilizations seems to have loads of effects, such as social and scientific effects.

     To begin with, some of the countless effects of studying ancient civilizations are classified into social impacts, such as understanding the past and learning more about our cultural background. Learning about the old history allows us to understand where we have come from and why we are here and by doing so, shows us how the ancient attempts to shape their futures relate to our own actions in the present day. It gives us the opportunity to learn from the old mistakes so we don't repeat them. Moreover, one who doesn't learn about his/her culture won't have any feelings, morals, or patriotism towards his/her country. The culture means the identity and personality; it gives spiritual, intellectual and emotional distinction from others which would force people to respect and admire their country and were it came from.
     Not only does learning about ancient civilization have numerous social effects, but it also incorporates loads of scientific impacts such as contributing to the scientific progress of disease researches and new medicine treatments. In the first place, there are historical accounts of plagues that have allowed scientists to track the progression of the disease through the ages to the present day. For example, the work being done in cancer research in Egypt was thanks to the mummies that are providing new information for scientists as the progression of the disease over a wider temporal period than previously thought possible. Moreover, most of these researches helped the scientists to work on new treatments or cures, which are due to the actual evidence gathered from archaeological sites. If we understand the origins of the issues, we can better understand and face the problem, for study of the medical treatment starts with the origin of the disease.

     As a conclusion, the studying of ancient civilizations is the capacity of the human mind to generate an almost infinite variety of the beliefs and ideas. Digging into our past and analyzing it would help us maintain it and learn from it our history, origin,  culture, and roots. As such, it's essential to provide the new generation with information related to the human past, for ancient civilization is an interesting topic that every school should teach.
                 Done by:  Fatima Jawad - Ghobeiry 2nd Public High School - SE 2022

